Interfund Transfer 9/29 for 10/02/06

As I've mentioned before, I don't mind chatting in my interfund transfer threads since I start a new one with each transfer. This is as good a place as any for people to question and comment on my strategies.

I watch the the market at least several times a day, thanks to the 20 minute delay charts at the bottom of the TSP talk home page.
Yes, I do ebb & flow some (win some and loose some). I hope to more flow than ebb. Time will tell, I know I'm way out on a limb, but with today's technology I (we) can move to a safe place in one to two days max. Not like in years gone where it took a full quarter to move out of a bad situation. With that ability and safety nets put on the stock markets I can' t loose more than a few thousand in a day. The other side of that coin is that I can make" a few thousand a day also. Heck, I can even break even.
Currently, I banking on the market doing the traditional thing and going up (overall) between now and spring time. That's when I'll pull the plug and move all my current into the "G" but leave my last 9 months of contributions in high risk (kinda like play money).
Thanks for a very educational site.
P.S. I'm hoping Pedro has a off few weeks!
Hi Bart -
I'll give you a better analogy. The Mets won 97 games this year and lost 65. What if they had the opportunity to play against only the weak teams, and only when the pitcher on the weak team had an ERA over 5.00? Their winning percentage would obviously be much higher.
Good analogy, but a more accurate one would be that the Mets go to the field but don't know who they're playing against until the game begins. I believe that's what we're doing here. Each day we play against an unknown until the end of the ball game. Made a little more today. 50%S and 50%I (would have been a little better if I'd had some in the C also but that's life).
Hoping for another good tomorrow, but I'll take the bitter with the batter (batter more baseball terms).
I've been 70% C fund and 30% G fund during the summer. I don't think I've been doing too bad, but yesterday I moved to 100% G fund because I believe I've been pressing my luck. At work we've been noticing how G fund increases a penny every 4 or 5 days. What is driving G fund to do this? Does anybody know? :confused:
I've been 70% C fund and 30% G fund during the summer. I don't think I've been doing too bad, but yesterday I moved to 100% G fund because I believe I've been pressing my luck. At work we've been noticing how G fund increases a penny every 4 or 5 days. What is driving G fund to do this? Does anybody know? :confused:

Hi Pathfinder,

Here is a link to the G Fund Fact Sheet from the TSP site,

It's the most secure fund you can invest in but makes slow but steady gains. At the top of this website on the left is a link called TSP Forums. Click that and scroll down to the G Fund discussion. There you'll find a lot of discussion about the G Fund and the forecasts when the next Penny should be given.

Well, the Fed left interest rates alone, and the market TOOK OFF! At least that's the way I see it. JUST before the 2:15 announcement the market took a dump! Right after that it took off. Here's the closing #s. All positive.
C 4.84 .35%
S 3.10 .52%
I .49 .70%
F .24 .24%

Now my way of thinking, and reading Pathfinders report of $.01 growth every 4 to 5 days, that G fund ratio comes down to about 20 to 25 cents a day. That's sad. I hope that is an error statement.
In the morning, I'll check my totals again. Yesterday was a very minimal day and I made $154.00. If that G ratio is correct I just made 616 days equivilant in the G fund. Like I said that was one of the poorest days. I've had as high as $3K growth in one day. Do the math on that one. Yes, I've had off days also, but between Aug 14, 06 and today I've gained over $22K total.
I'm sorry but there's ALMOST no way I'm going into the G fund until the springtime. I hope!
MLK MAN asks how much am I making in the I FUND and the C and S I said look at the numbers. I am in the G FUND at the moment due to reading this website and learning about the past......instead of the future. I decided to go with the "Teacher" and see if I could do better. WOW, what a dumb mistake that was. Now I am wondering if I will ever be able to get back in and get back into the swing of making money again. Go I FUND!
I am in the G FUND at the moment due to reading this website and learning about the past......instead of the future. I decided to go with the "Teacher" and see if I could do better. WOW, what a dumb mistake that was.
And prey tell, what does the future hold for us? And what are you basing that on?

I'd suggest you go back and read the post you wrote on 5/9... the day before the I fund started a 15% correction.
06savefor2012 said:
The I fund is making me so much money, I can not beleive it. It is making me as much as my monthly salary for petes sake! I have made $40,000.00 in the last four months! I am not expecting any pull backs to speak of and plan on going back to 100% in the I fund and let it roll.

... Humility can go a long way, and not learning from the past, well that's your prerogative.
What Tom said......:)

BTW 06savefor2012, if you had held the I fund since your post on May 9th, you'd now be up .14%. Holding the G fund since May 9th, you'd be up 2.38%. What's the point? Hell if I know. I'm just trying to speak your language.............:nuts:
A lot of information here, some really good thinking going on by members, I like that, but why are we having quotes by....for example by Harvey MacKay, being rammed into our eye balls? Gee that really helps me so much with my TSP account. (Duh). If I want other than Financial/TSP information then I can go get that at another website. I don't get it, why the need to post it here like we never heard it before? Once or twice is ok but give me a day off once in awhile buddy! Stop wasting memory. Go I FUND.
Thank you for having this website. I like to read the comments on the main pages from time to time but I must say, I NEVER follow the website owner's advice. I am making money in Thrift Savings, and you (owner) are not.

G-Fund on October 27? You must be joking. We are in the huge fall upstroke that has been happening every year in recent history. Don't look for stocks to drop until after Christmas. If you don't like that advice, try this: when the market is going up, it will continue to go up - when the market is going down, it will continue to go down. I don't pull out until after the climax. This methods costs me a few bucks during the last few days, but then I know I didn't get out too soon. The trends can be found on by looking at fund graphs and moving average comparisons. Using this method I have significantly outperformed's commentary.

What an idiot!!!

Thank you for having this website. I like to read the comments on the main pages from time to time but I must say, I NEVER follow the website owner's advice. I am making money in Thrift Savings, and you (owner) are not.

G-Fund on October 27? You must be joking. We are in the huge fall upstroke that has been happening every year in recent history. Don't look for stocks to drop until after Christmas. If you don't like that advice, try this: when the market is going up, it will continue to go up - when the market is going down, it will continue to go down. I don't pull out until after the climax. This methods costs me a few bucks during the last few days, but then I know I didn't get out too soon. The trends can be found on by looking at fund graphs and moving average comparisons. Using this method I have significantly outperformed's commentary.

What an idiot!!!

Just WHO are YOU calling an IDIOT sir?
I'd edit that "idiot" comment but I have a feeling I will be using it soon. Due to the recent rash of "you're crazy being in the G fund" posts and emails, the email indicator is finally flashing a strong signal. I've had one or two small signals along the way but this recent push is the first strong signal since May.

I'm thinking I'll be using that post, and the few a little earlier, as examples of how the herd feels at market tops (short or long term). Experience investors and traders who know the market understand how humbling the market can be and do not make bold statements like that, particularly with their first post. They haven't had the humilty fever yet but my guess is they are about to get it.

If I'm wrong... well, I'll be humble enough to adimit it. This market does look good but it needs a break more than ever.

...I'm sorry but there's ALMOST no way I'm going into the G fund until the springtime. I hope!
Why the apology? Who do you accuse of trying to convince you to do other than whatever you choose to do?

Borderpilot said:
...Thank you for having this website. I like to read the comments on the main pages from time to time but I must say, I NEVER follow the website owner's advice. I am making money in Thrift Savings, and you (owner) are not. ...You must be joking. ...If you don't like that advice.. ...The trends can be found on by looking at fund graphs and moving average comparisons.. ...What an idiot!!!
How kind of you to thank the originator of this site for allowing you to freely participate on his website - the very one you then shamefully revile. I would suggest you start your own website so you can direct your readers in the Right direction, which appears to would be: OBEY or Get Off...

06savefor2012 said:
... why are we having quotes by.... Gee that really helps me so much with my TSP account. (Duh). ...I don't get it...
I think the last phrase explains it all. You also need to start your own site, so you can edit out anything you think is irrelevant - notwithstanding there are 2,000 plus here with less than noticible accuity for stocks on up to Your level - which obviously is beyond comprehension to the uninformed.

I would also direct anyone of you who wish to `take over' anyone else's account: sign & send forth a document stating that you can be & will be financially responsible for anyone's losses should that be incured by following your insistant tirades.
You three fellows might also want to review postings throughout and take note: you are off the chart for rudeness.

(Birch & Tech this is not addressed to you in any way or form or inference by virtue: everyone of history knows who you are & where you stand; and you would never under any circumstances direct any annoyance in Tom's direction;) )
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Sort of Ad Hominem posts!............................:embarrest: it appears....that may have been a goal.
Does it address the issues, or non-issues if you prefer, of the statements quoted??
It is tiring to read these `in-your-face' comments from people who have barely introduced themselves, much less earned any listening time. I responded to that.

If the embarrassment is widespread, please delete!!!


Remember General Joseph W. Stilwell's motto: 'nil carborundum illegitimi'. Latin for 'Don't let the bastards grind you down'.

Hopefully, after Halloween, the MB will get back to normal.:cheesy:
Last edited: it appears....that may have been a goal.
Does it address the issues, or non-issues if you prefer, of the statements quoted??
It is tiring to read these `in-your-face' comments from people who have barely introduced themselves, much less earned any listening time. I responded to that.

If the embarrassment is widespread, please delete!!!


It's better I don't meet them personally, I'd fatten their lip, but that's the kind of guy I am. Who is an Idoit? Bam!:D
It's classic verbiage during a bull market where anyone can be recognized as a genuise. After awhile the bulltinky gets on everybody elses shoes. Just wipe them off - bulltinky is sterile. Didn't you know?