Interfund Transfer 9/29 for 10/02/06

Thanks for the recommendations.I have just known about this website for 2 months I have learned a lot.I wish that I had known sooner.This website and all regular contributors daily to message board
are surely big help to all goverment employees for free education about investment.Please send my appreciation specially to tsptalk admisnistrator for daily allocation recommendation and tsptalk message board members who care enough to share experience and knowledge. Many thanks.
Diem Nolan (
Thanks for the feedback zimmy! The folks on this board are top notch people with a lot to offer all of us.

Welcome aboard!

Re: Interfund Transfers to I Fund!

I can not understand why this website continues to do any and everything to convince people to invest in the G Fund or the F Fund! Chart after chart is posted about these funds while the I Fund paying 25% a year, year after year get ignored? Look at the numbers....30 cents a share in about 2 days!!!!! Stay here and make 100 dollars or go there and make thousands......the choice is to look else where for investing information if you ask me, the charts at the TSP website speaks for itself when it comes to the returns of the funds. GO I FUND.
I don't understand why some people feel the need to speak at all. 06savefor2012 how much money have you made since May 9th? That was the date of your last post about how you were making soooo much money in the I fund. Well, on that day, the I fund closed at $20.95. Yesterday it closed $20.29. That's a return of -3.25%. Congratulations!!!

Just the facts.....................
Re: Interfund Transfers to I Fund!

I can not understand why this website continues to do any and everything to convince people to invest in the G Fund or the F Fund!
The fact that I have doubled the return of the G fund this year with virtually zero risk tells some of the story. The markets have climbed in the face of some concerns and being very conservative may not have paid off, but the big gains will come when the green lights flash on the instrument panel. I will get more aggressive when it does.

The I fund is a different monster. It may keep going and going but I'm not risking my entire retirement on it all the time.

As mlk_man said, your 100% I fund allocation is down over 3% since your last post while I am up 6% during that same period. And again, that with very little risk.

To each his own.
Listen and learn newbie, thats what I am doing. I am sitting 100% I Fund, but not for long! Most guys I talk to say the same thing (co-workers) I fund I fund I fund! It does grow but if you dont time it right and if you look at the past data its most suceptable to drops. Any ways happy investing, dont be offended constructive critism is wonderful.
Re: Interfund Transfers to I Fund!

I can not understand why this website continues to do any and everything to convince people to invest in the G Fund or the F Fund!
I'm sorry - but I seem to have missed seeing the posts where `this website' is doing anything to convice people to invest in G or F, much less doing everything to do so. :confused: In the couple of years I have been in this group, I would have to say the purpose of this board is to supply information & education to get tspers OUT of the G, and even the F - a lot of tspers have a derisive view of F. Now, if you are objecting to the obvious fact that some posters see signs & signals that being in stocks at any certain time is risky, and getting out to preserve what they have, then, that is not being nice.:notrust: The interboard banter that goes with this includes trying to get Birchy out of C and into S & I. He's happy, posts good information that we can use to make sure we are somewhere else!
You can always check the Tracker Returns, & see how many of those participants in the top 10 or so posted G &/or F as compared to those hanging out in I. I am sure, if I look, I will see that you have signed up to be followed by the Tracker, & the rest of the members, too.
By-the-way, for a complete picture of the variety of `outside' opinions on this tsptalk .com site, I recommend you read Desperado - his comments are around here somewhere - :D

Hi...this is my first post here on TSPtalk. I am waiting on the 3rd quarter statements to come out. How do I get on the leader board for total returns???? I am right now in the 10-15% range.

I missed both corrections because I ran for cover in the G FUND! I am at my highest dollor amount.....EVER!! Yes, I do use the G Funds......but like I said before...who cares about 3 or 4 percent when I can make 20 percent plus in the short and the long term.......look at the charts, like I said. This is about money buddy, not quotes and poetry. I am out to make money, not friends at this website. I appreciate the time people give, just like I am giving you some time. Look at the numbers again and then put it in the I-Fund but watch out if there is an "event" over there and be prepared to move to the G FUND for protection.
I missed both corrections because I ran for cover in the G FUND!

Isn't is interesting how Monday morning quarterbacks always make the right decisions? 06savefor2012 we started a separate set of threads where members can post their moves and thus have proof that they are doing as well as they say they are. Without that anyone could pop onto this messageboard and say that they have been earning 30% a year for the last 10 years. I'll believe it when I see it. I have seen members do incredibly well and there are people who I now pay attention to because they have the data to back themselves up. If you are interested go to the Member accounts and transactions sections. I'll agree that the I-fund has had a great run but it also has a great amount of risk.
What's all this stuff doing in Tom's thread? Belong's in the bullpen.
you are correct - and I apologize to Tom for participating - which I am still doing, obviously.:blink:
The thing is, have you noticed that Newbies (of which I was one at some point in the past) seem to jump right in at the first postable (?) site on the list - I think this must be true of all webs?? And then it is a mixed bag because they seem to speak directly to tsptalk -Tom, and, interchangeably, to the tsptalk. com board.
Thank goodness that when the site got revamped all my history evaporated !!:)
Moderator, can you move the irrelevant to Bullpen as subtley suggested by Pilgrim??
I'm taking a chance on getting flamed here. Sorry, Mr. Admin but I can't hide in the G fund when all this is going on. A friend gave me a daily excel spread sheet that I can track my daily ups and downs on. Since August 14th, 06 my tsp has gone up $20K+. At one time I was up $25K. So I lost $5, I made $20. I moved into the G fund in the beginning of Sept and lost $$ (my fault) I was reading the tea leaves about historically poor proformance in Sept followed by good Oct, Nov. and Dec. Part way through Sept I went back to a 1/3 in each of the C S & I. That's were most of the $20 has come from. My option is that the G fund has NO standing in this horse race.
You're a Mets fan (good for you). Use this comparision. You're a met player and you go to the ball park, go into the dug out but don't go out on the field because you're worried that you might be put out. I don't mean to critice (heck I can't even spell it! LOL).
All I can say is that I have JUST under the 300K mark and 437 more calendar days to retirement. Just this week I move 50% in each S & I. My plans are to stay there until the spring and then move into the G fund for retirement.
With a little luck I'll get it to the $350 mark.
Just remember that "You can't get the fruit unless you go out on the limb."
You're a Mets fan (good for you). Use this comparision. You're a met player and you go to the ball park, go into the dug out but don't go out on the field because you're worried that you might be put out.
Hi Bart -
I'll give you a better analogy. The Mets won 97 games this year and lost 65. What if they had the opportunity to play against only the weak teams, and only when the pitcher on the weak team had an ERA over 5.00? Their winning percentage would obviously be much higher.

Sure they could have won some of those games they would have passed on, but like a gambler trying to bet on every game rather than only on the games that gave them a high probabity for a win, you can expect your bank roll to jump around a lot as you will lose a lot more than you could have.

I understand your concern as it is easy to critique what has happened rather than predict what will happen. The nice thing about TSP is that we can do whatever we want in our accounts. I am bullish for the next couple of years but don't be surprised if your 300K dips down a bit before taking off again. You're about to face Pedro Martinez a lot in the next few weeks. :)

Good luck!
Just be cautious this close to retirement. If you can not monitor the market intra day even I would be nervous for you. Good luck!
Hey! I'm close to retirement (-3 years) and I sure am not being that conservative, you can't make the big bucks if you have no b----. Bulls, bucks, What!? There can be no gain without risk, just realize that you control your own money, don't hang - In - There Toooo Long.:D
grandma; said:
Moderator, can you move the irrelevant to Bullpen as subtley suggested by Pilgrim??

It can be moved to a forum, but not within a forum without a lot of cutting and pasting.