Re: Interfund Transfers to I Fund!
I can not understand why this website continues to do any and everything to convince people to invest in the G Fund or the F Fund!
I'm sorry - but I seem to have missed seeing the posts where `this website' is doing
anything to convice people to invest in G or F, much less doing
everything to do so.

In the couple of years I have been in this group, I would have to say the purpose of this board is to supply information & education to get tspers OUT of the G, and even the F - a lot of tspers have a derisive view of F. Now, if you are objecting to the obvious fact that some posters see signs & signals that being in stocks at any certain time is risky, and getting out to preserve what they have, then, that is not being nice.:notrust: The interboard banter that goes with this includes trying to get Birchy out of C and into S & I. He's happy, posts good information that we can use to make sure we are somewhere else!
You can always check the Tracker Returns, & see how many of those participants in the top 10 or so posted G &/or F as compared to those hanging out in I. I am sure, if I look, I will see that you have signed up to be followed by the Tracker, & the rest of the members, too.
By-the-way, for a complete picture of the variety of `outside' opinions on this tsptalk .com site, I recommend you read Desperado - his comments are around here somewhere -