Interfund Transfer 9/29 for 10/02/06


Have you considered reducing your Email list to just members? Would definitely be an incentative for people to join the site! Just a thought.

JMHO, your TSP fund is a part of your retirement plan and should not be constrained by any assumed obligations to the members of this site. If fact, I think it would be more interesting if you were not so conservative in your trading. :D
For many TSP participants, the Thrift savings Plan is an out of site - out of mind tool for retirement savings. I'm hoping TSP Talk makes people become more involved or aware of what is happening with their account. The email list helps both myself and our readers to keep in touch. I use it as both a reminder and in turn, keeps the site's traffic up. Since this is basically a free site, keeping traffic up and subsequently maintaining ad revenue, is what keeps the site running. Otherwise I would have to either charge a fee to make it worth my time, or significantly cut down on the time I do put into it.

So, the email alerts are sent as a way for me to keep members coming back, and a way for me to remind TSP participant to be wary of their retirement savings.

You can probably tell I don't abuse this promotional tool as I have not sent out an email alert (with an allocation change) in over two months. No wonder the ad revenue is down. :D

Maybe the new system that was developed and will be implemented in January, will generate more transfers. :)
Yes I am new to TSP. Nevertheless I have a question; When I go and transfer funds to the various accounts does TSP charge a fee for moving the funds around?
