I fund down???

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I am with you Dennis. When bull, go long. And this market is strong like bull. Look at that Nikkei fly, one can only hope that Europe awakens to the same pace.
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The I should be up to 17.59 though it could be 17.60, not figuring TSP's "fair valuation" if they so chose to have one. I think this is undervalued due to the dollars position earlier today. This leads me to believe tomorrow could have some very good gains if the funds continue to rise to glory, which all my signs, indications, smoke signals, runes, stoplights, oija boards, and even the magic 8 ball says it will either be up or flat.
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Woop, we finished flat, good to know that oija board still works. I think today we will see some very nice gains if the dollar continues to drop against the yen and euro.
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Due to the decline of the dollar, the I fund will gain 4-5 cents/share today. Now, if the dollars drops or gains substantially more, TSP may adjust those gains or even make them losses. Cheers!
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Soldat wrote:
Yeah, after posting that, I am thinking it will be 6 cents
Longer it takes to post COB price, surer you can be that price fixing/manipulation at I fundwas bit morecomplicated today.
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Well, any manip. will most likely be in the favor of those in I fund. Dollar slid what, around .6%? Msci closed at .341%? I think the I fund will post at 6-8 cents, 6 being unadjusted value. Anyways, the dollar looks like its on another slip and slide. Maybe the I fund is the place to stay for a while. I will prob. be over to G fund before EOY anyways, out of the market for a few days while most take the years profits off the table

Japan's financial market will be closed on Dec. 23 for a national holiday.