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Regarding dow theory and the 5 year bull, the DIA is only about midway point between its upper and lower trendlines on the 5-year. You'd think this wouldn't be as significant as the S&P 500, since the dow is only 30 stocks. I doubt the big money is waiting for a bounce off the bottom of that trendline? But, if they are we've got a bit to go. Most of us have been eyeballing the S&P as the leading indicator. Of course if we did hit that bottom trendline in the DIA, the SPY would have already broken that line of support. Thoughts?
If I'm "out to lunch" at least I'm not alone.
This is really a no brainer - the Fed is still talking slowdown, the hedge funds can cry all they want about their subprime losses, but the big picture is not recessionary (yet). I expect the 5 year to hold - but the way we are easing down to it, makes me suspect that we won't see an explosive recovery - it could be a long climb out.
I am going to try and incorporate the new IFT restrictions into my strategy since the radical "by mail" punishment TSP is enacting - is absolutely devestating. Do not misktake my planning for these restrictions as capitulation. I view them as temporary problem and I will remain fully engaged in that conflict.
Why? Until we get the nasty letter, keep trading! TSP won't restrict until a warning. Meanwhile, we all need to be writing our Congressmen.