I seem to be in the minority that believe the next move for the fed will be up....but not for a while. So, I would not be suprised to see the language that was removed previously creep it's way back into the policy statement within the next couple of meetings. I think the market will react negatively to that news (as things currently stand, but if we get more significant inflation this quarter, a hike would be more tolerable). I don't think there is any real expectation that the Fed will reduce rates - so now sell-off if the fed doesn't. If we continue to rally into the meeting I expect a "buy the rumor, sell the news" effect. If we get a sell off the day before, then a no change would probably be viewed as a reason to buy the dip. I am expecting the former situation to be the more likely. Again, I think next weeks action is going to have a lot more to do with the S&P500 setting a new high then the FOMC, unless the Fed changes the policy statement. If they suggest a rate hike, and the market is riding new highs, it could trigger a significant sell off/profit taking.
I would expect to get whipped around next week. Right now I am thinking: This is just a model - not a prediction, think of this as the gambit of emotion/news I expect to see
Profit taking on Monday (out)
Dip Buying Tuesday (in)
Buy the rumor Wednesday (in) S&P NEW ALL TIME HIGH!!!
Sell the news/fumbling over "what next?" Thursday (out)
Inflation worries/mass profit taking Friday (out)