goforit's Account Talk

looks like another "newsvesting" day. its like the market said "WHEW" now that europe won't let Greece faulter we can dig into our pockets and buy some stocks at a discount. so lets hope that this is not a one day event and we start to see growth in all sectors. be aware of the end of the month. realestate friend says to watch out for the housing market it could slide down worst then before. these of course are just words he really did not have any substantial facts to back him up except he has been doing realestate for thirty years. still in 70/30 C/S looking for long term gain and picking up more shares each pay day in the C fund 100% contribution. i am holding to the advice of others on these boards that you have to be strong in the scary times and hold with what you have it will come back and you will get more.
i am holding to the advice of others on these boards that you have to be strong in the scary times and hold with what you have it will come back and you will get more.Yea I think you know how to Go For It, goforit!
thanks FAB for the vote of confidence i will take that as true and not sarcastic(i hope). but now we are being held hostage by one man. one man should not have all this power to influence peoples money investing decisions. we have to wait for a couple of days for Bernanke(i think thats how it is spelled). he just should not have that kind of power. if he says the dreaded QE3 then watch the market go down because according to nightly business news last night investors will view that as the economy is not on track. if he says they will raise lending rates then people will look at that as a slow economy. so as i said one man should not have that much hostage control on people. just my opinion.
Power? I don't think so, the rabbit trick is getting old and the problem is you have to feed them. I'm more worried about other economic news...
i too look at other economic news such as unemployment, last i looked krept up to 9.1 and May housing foreclosure numbers were high( i forget the number that nightly business news reported yesterday so i wont put it down here for fear of reporting a number wrong)but it was high, the PIGS nations economy and how it influences ours, the dollar is not strong and oil is up and down(which by the way is better to me being under 100$ a barrel). so... i listen and watch but mainly try to learn from the season vets on these talking boards. my inputs here are like most that are mostly opinion with some factual which i try to point out when i put them in. just hoping to retire in 5-8yrs with money to support an easy retirement. dont want to retire and have to get a job.
the Fed(bernanke) said WHAT?? the market is doing WHAT?? again one person should not have that much influence with words. yesterday the market was holding its own until.... and then ..... now today .... hopefully this is just a blip like the seasonality charts say it should be but... i may jump to the sidelines but i also know that could be a bad move when this goes up and then i loose what i c ould have gained back plus by staying in. i am waffling??
Possibly, don't get out before your fund price gets back above where you were when you got in... but by then, everything should be trending up and you will want to stay in :D

currently still in 70/30 C/S RMI thanks for the adviced. followed it. stayed in where i was. quit looking at the stuff a few days. had a good weekend and now have a clearer mind(hahaha does any of us). thinking of swapping C/S to be 30/70 to see if i can get lucky with the holiday coming up and the begining of Jul seasonality looking good for a few days. i will make decision tomorrow by eithe COB or noon deadline.
nice couple of days. did not move stayed the same. there may be the seasonality chart that looks good for a few day but theree is also that QE2 thing out there. hmmmm i think that we will see a day or two maybe friday and tuesday of giving back but thats just my gut. i am staying because according to many here it looks good for the longer term.
well there was no give back and i did not move. moved up to the middle of the pack on autotracker. the seasonality shows monday as a down day. kind of falls in line with the whole Monday blues. we have had a great run here and the jobs report sounds like it is going to be good. i may pull before noon into safety of G to take the money and run type move and then when Monday hits i may jump back in because the following three days a real good and the rest of the month looks positive according to the seasonality. thinking of leaving soome in the C/S just to to keep some invested.

question: i have been thinking about taking half of what i have now in tsp and throwing into one of the Lfunds. i am hoping to retire in five years and would like to keep some stability tothis part of my retirement but also have fun with it and see how much i can make with the other half, is this a good strategy? i do understand that more money makes more money but i will still be dealing with 150K or so?
seems like a classic case of media set-up with the jobs report way off what was being reported in the news. how do you go from saying 100k-150k new jobs to 18k? who are the morons that get their info from bad sources? looks like we are going to get a day of "NEWSVESTING".
I actually plan to use the day as a potential to rescue a few wall flowers while they won't cost as much.
oops my bad 90k jobs guesstimated jobs growth. i too may take advantage and instead of my previuos run an hide to G, buyng into S more seems more attractive. still do not trust that I fund yet the euro nations just cant seem to hold steady enough for me. maybe C/S 25/75???? instead of a bad monday after a good friday maybe a good monday after a bad friday. gives the weekend for people to think alittle clearer and maybe the big boys will have anxious fingers and get in at a bargain?? who knows but like you say BT the long term bull........ fill in the blank.
checking the volume on the C fund chart and it is really light. to me this indicates people are completly stunned by the jobs report and the unemployment report. so... i am going to take my 70C and 30S and buy into S but i am going to try a little in I 5%. 20C 75S 5I. will be ready holding my finger on the trigger next week in case this thing continues just hate to bail completely out next week using my last IFT.but... like someone said here once "i make trades for me and yes i may get out to soon or to late but i try to take a profit each month" maybe good advice..
easy come easy go, long term run hold hold hold. cant tell if we are over bought or over sold but still think that the jobs report stunned alot of people and with the news getting heated up over the debt ceiling i believe we are going to see alot of "newsvesting" going on. hopefully some corporate profits reports will be up and people will relax and sit back and ride the wave back up.
looks like today is a take a breath, sit back and relax day. look like no one wants to commit to anything. a break even day would be good. so i looked at the charts at the bottom of the tsp talk page and saw the C fund chart was showing next to no volume but had "one" majar spike of high volume? is this a computor cliche or for real. at least this time the price did not get effected like it did earlier when the whole market had that enormous spike down( i forget what day). is this something to be concerned with? i do not know but at least the overall market is still alive.
good old benny makes a postive statement(if you believe more gov money is positive) and the market goes up wierd(newsvesting)! ! how does someone on the tracker that is 100% S show a plus for yesterday in daily gains when others show a negative??

is the lower resistance still there to make this market climb more? my gut tells me this is just the effects of the consolidation of an over bought market from the last three days. i like it because it seems when this consolidation does happen it comes back higher in the end. to bad i am not good at timing the IFT's.
! how does someone on the tracker that is 100% S show a plus for yesterday in daily gains when others show a negative??
They were in the G or F fund and made an IFT to S Fund effective cob yesterday.