i know from what has been written in the tsp talk and the charts everyone puts out here that it appears we are on a leg up again, but, this market has shown(in my opinion) that it is all about the "news" and emotion. going back to earlier time around the tsunami (in my opinion) the market has been nothing but sitting and waiting for good,bad, ugly reports and then re-acts accordingly. old benny seems to talk and depends on his positive statements or negative statements the market re-acts. and then there is the european market.... anyway you get the idea. according to others that know how to read and interpret charts(i do not)its suppose to be a good gradual climb not just in the long term but also good buying and selling dips in the short term, also stocks are suppose to be cheaper then they have been in a long time, and most companies are showing gains over the last year or two(only because they have cut jobs and don't re-invest as much). to top this off you have to throw in all the reports of how the confidence level indicators are being used to sway people one way or the other depending on the level of confidence. so... this market here and now IS an emotional and "newsvesting" type market and if the gov can't agree to something it will shatter the confidence and people and companies will re-act accordingly.
but i will say WorkFE you have made me rethink about pulling because of what the market strength does say and the what people who read charts ssay. thanks for theinput