goforit's Account Talk

thanks. i do however understand that you are the bull of the bulls but it seems to pay off for you. you are right about the big corp profits are strong but if they dont reinvest because the market is weak we will not see strong growth in the economy or maybe even the GDP. but with that said if BENNY is positive it should give comfort to some and we should see an up turn but will that be a fake out. i will wait for the speech at 10:00 new york time and see the reaction. i just don't want to miss out on the labor day rally the first full week of Sept. rather wast a IFT this month to get in and then save one for the end of Sept. thanks again.
well i decidied to quit being wishy washy and do a move. i went 75G15C5S5I. the market outlook for the short term isn' t looking good according to most people here but BT is right about getting more stocks at the lower price. i will commit to 25% stocks for now and wait to see what happens. i don't have any other investments besides TSP so if i want to retire in six got to protect but produce. birch thanks for convincing me to do something. besides the F fund just isn't going to do what i need and i still believe it is as good as it gets for that fund for ahwile.
with the new month of IFT's i used one to go 50G20C25S5I. it seemed to work for the short term and i was able to get some positive. i knowthat Sept is historically the worst(not the second or third which i originally thought,)but, after watching Nightly business news last night i got this gut feeling about sept. about half the people on the show were optimistic about sept bucking the historic trend and well,screw it. i have ignored my gut feeling recently and about 70% of the time it seemed to been right. so i am going with it with no factual reason and figured if sept does tank i will jump out with my last IFT. i can handle about 3%decrease in TSP right now so it should hurt if the market goes bad. even if Sept plays out the way the historical calendar shows it has, it really doesn't look that bad. besides the last three months of the year are usually always positive with Dec being the best month of the year. stock up on stocks make more money.
not a good start but doesn't matter at this point. this market has to crack sometime and i will be in a liitle for this month but when we go lower after it goes up for a few days AGAIN i will jump out and take what it gives for now and wait for the last three months which are usually the months we can make up losses a little faster.
been gone for awhile doing some state activation on fires here in MN. i see that the market is still bouncing around but with what appears to me less extremes. so i took 2-3% back the last week or so and decided that we are in the part of Sept (according to seasonality) that wiil take back aall or more of the bit i took so i jumped 100%to F and will sit the rest of the month there until OCT. the fourth quarte is always good so there is where we will make up losses.
most likely will move into G today by the deadline and wait for the new quarter to start and look for a place to jump in 100% in one of the three other funds. but... of course its all in the hands of the market and how it reacts to the news of the world(NEWSVESTING at is best). but.. again on a positive note there may be oppurtunities to buy into stocks lower in the begining only to see us gain in the long run because the seasonality charts (in my opinion) are the only thing that is consistant enough to at least give a shot at the next six months of positive growth if we can sit and not panic. slow growth is better then any kind of decline.
moved 100% G will sit now and wait for good time to jump in. looks like seasonality of Oct starts good but middle month is scary and with the gov new fiscal year looming gut tells me that gov spending is going to be a big issue and well OCT may not trun out to be as good as history shows. it is however a good month for buying in for the nov - feb months which by history are usually 70+% positive. wait and see.
i see that ALCOA reported their earnings less then expected according to the "Nightly business news" last night. is this the start of another decline? still waiting in G to jump in once this thing dips down again because there is about three weeks or so before france and germany unvail how they think they are going to bail out the eroupean financial crisis so people are not going to be so confident about our market which could spark a drop in share prices and i want to jump in at that time for when the emotional investing takes place after that. plus earning season seems to have started slow. we will wait it out and just continue to finish the year in damage control mode.
this is most likely not the place to put this and because i just have to comment>>> i just read the commentary from xarmy87 on the tsp talk market commentary and really thought i needed to say to whoever wants to read this. i joined this message board because of the like minded people who ALSO manage their own TSP accounts and other investments. i am what xarmy87 refered to as "new Blood" i joined this year in Jan, but i have been investing into tsp for 23 years about and have had a good pair of "plain ole balls". i did ok but i wanted to just learn more from people who have been successful and not so successful. I HAVE!! i still and always will make my decisions of moving money based on info from here and other sources not just two peoples opinion and i respect both of the mentioned parties experience but THEY have NEVER told anyone that a person HAS to invest the way THEY do and they ALSO have ADMITTED when they didn't see a bad move coming. so i say to xarmy87 do not read their commentaries and charts if you think they are stirring people wrong. we are all big boys and girls here and can make our own decisions so quit looking at their info and provide your own maybe you will help someone out. i again appologize for putting this here but i do not know how to put it as a commentary on the blog. "coolhand" and "tom" you guys keep on getting on and rock on rock hard and rock long thanks for your info i appreciate it.
still looking for a time to jump in but if i wait to long i will miss out on this last quarter run up. i thought that the market was looking over bought so i did not do a thing. i should have looked at share prices and bought in when they wher down to 17$ or so in the Sfund but you know $#!t happens. wont wait to long but am very leary of the over bought thing. oh yeah the only reason i am on today is because well its GAURD DRILL. everyone enjoy the weekend and here is to lets see the market get strong. protesters of wall street thank a military person for you to have the freedom to voice your self and lets hope your heard.
is this the time to jump in. not yet for me because first i missed the cut off and second i jumped out when the shares were just a little more cheaper yet. hate to jump in and pay more then when i jumped out(DUH!!!) anyway according to several charts and the people that post them here and "Nightly business news" we are in overbought territory and judging by todays pullback, the marginal volume and seasonality this is not a good time for me to jump in. i will wait (maybe friday, but reserve the right to jump in anytime) to see if the seasonality and the overbought coincide with each other and go into a five or six business day drop and jump in and stay all in for the year>
went 100S. gut thing and well i am tired of sitting in G nothing accumulates fast enough and i dont want to be safe anymore. consildattion and earnings report really didnt do alot to take back all the early months gains so i am looking at friday being down (just a feeling but we should not use those words) and when the germans and french agree on sunday for the european finacial action it will be a good monday (just a feel AGAIN bad words) i alos dont want to sit on the sidelines with nov/dec sant claus stuff soming out most likely will sit here for the year
went 100S. gut thing and well i am tired of sitting in G nothing accumulates fast enough and i dont want to be safe anymore. consildattion and earnings report really didnt do alot to take back all the early months gains so i am looking at friday being down (just a feeling but we should not use those words) and when the germans and french agree on sunday for the european finacial action it will be a good monday (just a feel AGAIN bad words) i alos dont want to sit on the sidelines with nov/dec sant claus stuff soming out most likely will sit here for the year

There won't be an agreement Sunday, there's another meeting already scheduled for Wednesday: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/stocks-rebound-after-report-on-eu-summit-plans-2011-10-20
oh well didnt get my move in before the deadline thurs so i missed fridays gains. looks like today is starting out ok. i also forgot to change the allocations thurs day for the tracker so i just did it today shouldnt make to much of a difference aon my pathetic standings. first month in a while that my PIP is negative so the rest of the year is spent on getting back to even for the year and maybe squeek out some positive returns. damage control.
looks like this europe thing is really making alot of newsvesting movement on the market. still 100% S the rest of the year is still out there and well i just want to do it regardless of the market because down markets tend to turn up for longer period of time then the down market time even if it is for a short time or for long term (years)
no not that i know of. anyway not to many do i just put my two cents out and well if it makes sense OR NOT thats ok too. so any way i just moved out(hit and run)to 95G 5S just trying to get to even and i figured that i will take plus's as they come and move in out. i originally thought that i would stay till years end but the overbought and consolidation thing has started to come up again and the feds plan on meeting next week twice which usually doesnt bode well for me and the market. take what i can. i have no real reason just taking plus days instead of losing them over night.
way to big of a climb for one day although it gradually climbed after the initial burst. i got out before the deadline today does this mean i will get todays results? YEAH! these kind of 4-5% jumps scare me because all year it seems they did this one day and the next couple or even just one it gave it back. Maybe thats how the leaders on the tracker did it.... just good timing this year.