goforit's Account Talk

again missed the deadline. i will wait for monday. i still think there is a lower spot to jump in. i am glad i didnt get in today because it looks like right now its slowing down and flattening out. dont know. still scared of May so i think i have the not worried if i do go in more or not. hit and run baby hit and run if i can time it right great if not i will be out faster then if i never got in.
thought i was done for today with my post but ...


on the autotracker we have

Y T D means yearly
Q T D means quartly
W T D means weekly
then there is th Daily returns column....

there is a colume for M T D which i thought meant MONTHLY but..
it is showing me that i have a 3+% and if i am correct in my calculations i am negative (according to the WTD also) in my weekly and this is the first week of the month...

what then does the M stand for or is there a glich in the system??
you are correct that is for the yearly. but it also says the same for the MTD and i thought that the M stood for monthly
i see what you are looking at and that is under members analysis look under the MY IFT ALLOCATION and the MTD colume shows the yearly also. you will probabley have to look at your own to see it i dont know
I see what you are saying now. Mine is also showing the YTD instead of MTD. My guess is that it's just populating the wrong info or the formula for this field is set up incorrectly.

What do you think, TOM?
thanks jp i thought maybe i was looking at it wrong. so it does mean M for monthly. i will use the Members Return Analysis bar to see my monthly because that one is right.
went for it 50/20/30 CSI still worried about may and especially the I fund with the dollar being so low but what the heck. also i noticed i had been tracking 80/10/10 GCS and i seen that i had changed it to 60/20/20 GCS some time ago(20apr). so that means my tracker number is not the true reflection of what i did. i changed my contributions to the 80/10/10 like i thought i did for interfund so then i thought i didnt have any IFT lefts but i did have one i think. oh well. so lesson learned always pay attention to your money if you want to keep it.
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hopefully this is the first day of the next seven that the seasonality says is usually green if not i am back in the garage until another day. hit and run take what i can.
this may be the stretch of May we can take profits. just followng the seasonality and my gut. i am only here for a little while. i dont like the volume right now it makes me think that people are buying hard and fast then thats when it hits the big burn by May. i am very cautious.
Next week is options week and I probably won't stay past that. That is when I got burned bad last year and June buried me.:mad:
Next week is options week and I probably won't stay past that. That is when I got burned bad last year and June buried me.:mad:

So will you be IFT'ing out COB Friday you think? I'm really starting to get antsy to get out while I can. I still believe I have some losses for the month, but I've been contemplating on staying in to try regaining my losses or to get out so my losses don't go further. Lately things have been looking good so I'm trying to milk it for as much as I can without getting too greedy...but that's usually when things seem to bite you in the rear end... :worried:
So will you be IFT'ing out COB Friday you think? I'm really starting to get antsy to get out while I can. I still believe I have some losses for the month, but I've been contemplating on staying in to try regaining my losses or to get out so my losses don't go further. Lately things have been looking good so I'm trying to milk it for as much as I can without getting too greedy...but that's usually when things seem to bite you in the rear end... :worried:

Unless the bottom drops out of the market I am in this week. I plan to be in most of next week but I will keep my options open. I still have my 2 IFT's for the month.
for me i will be looking very hard at an IFT(second one) come Monday. thats when i may be implementing my hit and run. i may bury some in the G but keep a little in the C/S i dont trust the I fund, but right now i am in 30% just taking a chance. got to gamble once in awhile or this money stuff will control you and life is too short.

question: when a person puts his money in the C fund ie the S&P 500, does one persons money get invested into different stocks then anothers or does it go into the same stocks? so when we all invest into the C fund then we are all in the same stocks?
thanks i thought that i was just asked the question by a fellow worker who also ivests in TSP thanks Birchtree another novice taught by an expert.
On the TSP site didn't they use to show the top ten Stocks the fund was invested in?
I don't seem to be able to find that anymore.