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Yes, you are correct in your concern. First of all, as all members would agree is that none of us are professionals, so in the end our comments are only opinions and that we each need to make an educated guess on what we decide to do.
I rely heavily on Tom's (tspgo) opinions, he and others I believe will tell youto find a strategy and stick to it. Tom is stickingto his strategy and his market indicators. He has stated more than once that his indicators are some times delayed before they actually come to fruition. Tom and most members on this board are short-term investors, whereas, BT is more of a long-term investor. It does make a difference in your strategy.
If you are long term you are willing to ride through the highs and the lows, dollar-cost-averaging I think plays a bigger factor in the long-term strategy. If you are short-term maybe the market is too high to get into at this point and that is why many that had not gotten earlier are waiting it out in the G-fund. BT is looking for the market to shoot to the stars and so what he’s saying is that if you don’t buy in now you’ll be buying in later at even a higher market price.
I’m sticking it out 100%C through the rest of the year, which qualifies me as a long-term investor. I need to make money, so I’m taking a higher risk. I can’t make money in the G and F funds or at least not the kind of money that I want to make. When the market does retreat I'm considering distributing some of my funds into the S and I.
I’m sharing with you what I think I have learned from this board so far. I’m hoping that other members with more experience will jump in to confirm or dispute what I think that I’ve learned and that way we’ll both learn and that is what this site is really all about.:^