GGal's Account Talk

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

This is the only way I feel any comfort:

g 20
f 20
c 20
s 20
i 20

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

I s**k at the timing game. I only did well last year because of the bull market.

Not to put myself down too bad though, since I've bought some outside winners on my own.

I can only hope to try to hang onto my TSP winnings this year.

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

I s**k at the timing game. I only did well last year because of the bull market.

Not to put myself down too bad though, since I've bought some outside winners on my own.

I can only hope to try to hang onto my TSP winnings this year.


Even a market moving sideways can be timed. If it is trending sideways.
Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

Even a market moving sideways can be timed. If it is trending sideways.

Exactly, the bull market is the hardest to time since any move out of the market will generally (on average) be a bad one during a bull run. In a bear market, timing is the easiest, since any move out of the market will generally (on average) be a good one. The sideways market could be one of the most profitable since it is the most likely to run in cycles of up and down.
Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

Don't know how it will turn out on the tracker, but I put the pencil to it, tsp balance this morning, minus all contributions since 1/1/07, minus balance at 1/1/07 = return year to date in $. Then return year to date in $ divided by beginning balance at 1/1/07 = about 1.10% which of course does not include compounding.

Anyway, the point is, there is still a return, obviously greater than if I'd been sitting in G.

So I will not cry like a baby 'bout yesterday.

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Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

Save those gator tears for later today. This will be a healthy bottoming process and will possibly allow Uncle Tom to get off the train platform - let's hope so. There will be a lot of money to be made this year. Snort.
Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

Congrats on your 1.1%, you're beating 4 of the five funds. Most active traders would take that I think.

Your method is how I track my returns, "very simple, very easy". No spreadsheet required.

One thing though: it does include compounding. Look at it this way. If you put all your contributions in Jan 1st, then minus them out Dec 31st, you see that you are capturing compounded profits on that money. -cheers
Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

Well, now that 1.1 is down to .99

I haven't known what to do this year.

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

Nothing useful or sage to say. I think my allocations typically just reflect my confidence level per fund pro rata. So today I am feeling better about the I fund.

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

Your doing great! I am feeling the same way about the I fund. I got stung by a little +fv today but on the whole I'm feeling better about it. Ewww, that must mean something is going to go wrong. LOL
Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

2 % YTD as of COB 1/31/07.....will take that and be happy in my little fuzzy world.

Imagine, if I understood all the charts and indicators as well as some here (well, let's be honest, I don't understand them at all - most of the time I don't know what ya'll are talking about), wow, I'd be dangerous. Ya'll would be eating my dust! (tee hee)

Now let me knock on some wood and pray I'm not eating humble pie anytime soon. And let me add, the only reason I'm doing as well as I am (so far, you know the wolf is right outside the door) is because of this site. Ya'll have really opened my eyes. Everyone of you regulars.

I wonder what tomorrow holds.

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

Tomorrow, tomorrow will be better than today. When the public starts buying, it will be in a stock market with a smaller supply of stocks, causing an equity supply shock. That will be good for the long term buy and holder. The ability to step back and use the market to achieve one's goals, rather than trying to follow and beat the market's every move, is key to long term success in investing. That's why I say be right and sit tight.
Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

And let me add, the only reason I'm doing as well as I am (so far, you know the wolf is right outside the door) is because of this site.


He just wants to play.............................:blink:

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

MM is that you dressed in wolf's clothing? I thought so, you like to scare little red riding hood don't you!

Back to business. Now here is the hard part for me......when to jump back in. And I think I jumped out too early too.

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

Jumped in without my floaties today (30 c, 40 s, 30 i).....techy may have to throw me a life preserver and pull me back to safety of lilly pad..... it's scary out here by myself (well PM and a few others are swimming in the distance).

I guess we got penny for G today.

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

Jumped in without my floaties today (30 c, 40 s, 30 i).....techy may have to throw me a life preserver and pull me back to safety of lilly pad..... it's scary out here by myself (well PM and a few others are swimming in the distance).

I guess we got penny for G today.

Hey GG....I'm in the Monkey Bar having a coconut and tequila.....think I have time to swig it down first....u brave....

Ah some music is playing over the system something like "Put the lime in the coconut and you'll feel better"

Gotta go!!!