Do not misunderstand me. I know that a move down of 777 points is a horror show for the Dow. I fully appreciate 9% in one day for the Nasdaq. And, the single greatest combined one-day plunge for all the major US markets is hard to find positive. Those facts, aside, ask these questions:
Where was the panic when the market ran to 14,000? Where was the outrage when the commodity "bulls" were running wild? Where was the SEC, Treasury Department, federal reserve, and, government while all this (as we now refer to it) "toxic" mortgage paper was being floated in the first place?
The answers are: Non-existant, nowhere to be found, and, asleep at the wheel. (And for all you partisans out there, get off it. Stop the blaming of Bush, Bernanke, and, Paulson. They were not in office when this stuff started.)
The recent emotional hystrionics that suggest we are about to head into the next "Great Depression," then, seem a bit out of line with the facts. I mean, how could we be heading for a "Great Depression" when it was...
That Larry Kudlow declared "Goldilocks" was back? Didn't Jim Cramer just tell us that he was "sticking his neck out" that the "lows of July" would not be hit EVER AGAIN? Didn't Erin Burnett tell us that the US economy was "Economic Nirvana" last year?
Didn't Hank Paulson tell us that there was "no problem" with the US economy earlier this year in his testimony before congress? Didn't he say that all those new and "sweeping" powers he requested would be unnecessary, unused, and, underwhelming in actual scope?
But, I told you this would happen. For PETE'S SAKE, I did a video called, "THE GREAT CRASH OF 2007" where I laid out this very scenario we find ourselves in. (Watch that video here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKBM8Q_w0wg )
That was back when I was a nut. You know, a "conspiracy theorist". Easy to laugh at, and, easier to dismiss.
So, now, Jim Cramer (et al) have co-opted my word, "Depression". That's what'll happen when all the bullish bullshit you spun proved to be, well, you know...
The bulls of yesterday are the bears of today. But, did their advice profit you much last time they forgot to take their Zoloft? No. So, why do you think they will be right this time?
There is downside ahead. Okay, no kidding. We've not seen "the bottom" yet. Got it. But, folks we are down 4,000 points in a year.
I'm telling you that this sudden panic and fear from the likes of Jim Cramer (et al) portends we are closer to "A" bottom than THE top.
Get read to buy some stocks. I'm doing my best in my Gold Service to lead the way.