Ebb's Account Talk


The bull as ringmaster, is running this show. :D

Thursday: Pattern 5/red-red-red. Win Percentage (CSI 59.6%): C 60.6%, S 60.0%, I 58.4%.
Result: long C-fund was right; long S-fund was right; long I-fund was right.
Unofficial (September 18, 2014): C +0.49%; S +0.30%; I +0.41%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.8%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.3%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.9%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.5%); 3/grn-red-red (56.6%); 5/red-red-red (60.2%).

S&P 500: 55.3% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.3%; long > 55.3%.
Accuracy: 50/90 (56%). Long: 31/50 (62%). Short: 19/40 (48%). Cash: green (13 up, 9 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Friday: Pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.9%): C 53.8%, S 56.5%, I 48.6%.
Forecast: cash C-fund; long S-fund; short I-fund.

Friday has pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. WP (S-fund): 56.5% (W 157, L 121). Strategy: Long > 55.3%.


The blood sucking Alibaba IPO has been a drain on the S-fund. :mad:

Friday: Pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.9%): C 53.8%, S 56.5%, I 48.6%.
Result: cash C-fund was safe; long S-fund was wrong; short I-fund was right.
Unofficial (September 19, 2014): C -0.05%; S -0.69%; I -0.12%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.8%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.3%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.9%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.3%); 3/grn-red-red (56.6%); 5/red-red-red (60.2%).

S&P 500: 55.3% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.3%; long > 55.3%.
Accuracy: 50/91 (55%). Long: 31/51 (61%). Short: 19/40 (48%). Cash: green (13 up, 9 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Monday: Pattern 5/red-red-red. Win Percentage (CSI 59.8%): C 60.7%, S 60.2%, I 58.6%.
Forecast: long C-fund; long S-fund; long I-fund.

Monday has pattern 5/red-red-red. WP (S-fund): 60.2% (W 133, L 88). Strategy: Long > 55.3%.

Dang, who woke up the bears? :confused:

Monday: Pattern 5/red-red-red. Win Percentage (CSI 59.8%): C 60.7%, S 60.2%, I 58.6%.
Result: long C-fund was wrong; long S-fund was wrong; long I-fund was wrong.
Unofficial (September 22, 2014): C -0.80%; S -1.55%; I -0.66%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.8%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.3%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.9%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.3%); 3/grn-red-red (56.6%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.3% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.3%; long > 55.3%.
Accuracy: 50/92 (54%). Long: 31/52 (60%). Short: 19/40 (48%). Cash: green (13 up, 9 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Monday: Pattern 3/grn-red-red. Win Percentage (CSI 56.2%): C 56.9%, S 56.6%, I 55.2%.
Forecast: long C-fund; long S-fund; short I-fund.

Monday has pattern 3/grn-red-red. WP (S-fund): 56.6% (W 120, L 92). Strategy: Long > 55.3%.

It's quicksand. The only question now is, how deep? :sick:

Tuesday: Pattern 3/grn-red-red. Win Percentage (CSI 56.2%): C 56.9%, S 56.6%, I 55.2%.
Result: long C-fund was wrong; long S-fund was wrong; cash I-fund was safe.
Unofficial (September 23, 2014): C -0.57%; S -0.79%; I -0.64%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.8%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.3%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.9%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.3%); 3/grn-red-red (56.3%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.3% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.3%; long > 55.3%.
Accuracy: 50/93 (54%). Long: 31/53 (58%). Short: 19/40 (48%). Cash: green (13 up, 9 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Wednesday: Pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.7%): C 53.6%, S 56.3%, I 48.4%.
Forecast: cash C-fund; long S-fund; short I-fund.

Wednesday has pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. WP (S-fund): 56.3% (W 157, L 122). Strategy: Long > 55.3%.

Relief rally? :suspicious:

Wednesday: Pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.7%): C 53.6%, S 56.3%, I 48.4%.
Result: cash C-fund was safe; long S-fund was right; short I-fund was wrong.
Unofficial (September 24, 2014): C +0.79%; S +0.73%; I +0.04%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.8%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.3%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.9%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.4%); 3/grn-red-red (56.3%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.3% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.3%; long > 55.3%.
Accuracy: 51/94 (54%). Long: 32/54 (59%). Short: 19/40 (48%). Cash: green (13 up, 9 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Thursday: Pattern 2/grn-grn-red. Win Percentage (CSI 54.1%): C 55.7%, S 52.8%, I 53.8%.
Forecast: long C-fund; short S-fund; cash I-fund.

Thursday has pattern 2/grn-grn-red. WP (S-fund): 52.8% (W 134, L 120). Strategy: Short <= 53%.

Rally took a pause? :sick:

Thursday: Pattern 2/grn-grn-red. Win Percentage (CSI 54.1%): C 55.7%, S 52.8%, I 53.8%.
Result: long C-fund was wrong; short S-fund was right; cash I-fund was safe.
Unofficial (September 25, 2014): C -1.61%; S -1.46%; I -0.57%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.5%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.3%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.9%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.4%); 3/grn-red-red (56.3%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.2% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.3%; long > 55.3%.
Accuracy: 52/95 (55%). Long: 32/54 (59%). Short: 20/41 (49%). Cash: green (13 up, 9 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Friday: Pattern 3/grn-red-red. Win Percentage (CSI 56.0%): C 56.7%, S 56.3%, I 54.9%.
Forecast: long C-fund; long S-fund; cash I-fund.

Friday has pattern 3/grn-red-red. WP (S-fund): 56.3% (W 120, L 93). Strategy: Long > 55.2%.

Rally resumes? :D

Friday: Pattern 3/grn-red-red. Win Percentage (CSI 56.0%): C 56.7%, S 56.3%, I 54.9%.
Result: long C-fund was right; long S-fund was right; cash I-fund was safe.
Unofficial (September 26, 2014): C +0.86%; S +0.79%; I +0.01%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.5%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.3%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.9%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.4%); 3/grn-red-red (56.5%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.3% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.3%; long > 55.3%.
Accuracy: 53/96 (55%). Long: 33/55 (60%). Short: 20/41 (49%). Cash: green (13 up, 9 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Monday: Pattern 4/grn-red-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 54.9%): C 56.6%, S 54.9%, I 53.2%.
Forecast: long C-fund; cash S-fund; cash I-fund.

Monday has pattern 4/grn-red-grn. WP (S-fund): 54.9% (W 135, L 111). Strategy: Cash > 53% and <= 55.3%.


Come on in, it won't bite. :D

Monday: Pattern 4/grn-red-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 54.9%): C 56.6%, S 54.9%, I 53.2%.
Result: long C-fund was wrong; cash S-fund was safe; cash I-fund was safe.
Unofficial (September296, 2014): C -0.25%; S -0.17%; I -0.42%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.5%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.3%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.7%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.4%); 3/grn-red-red (56.5%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.2% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.2%; long > 55.2%.
Accuracy: 53/96 (55%). Long: 33/55 (60%). Short: 20/41 (49%). Cash: green (13 up, 10 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Tuesday: Pattern 3/grn-red-red. Win Percentage (CSI 56.2%): C 56.9%, S 56.5%, I 55.1%.
Forecast: long C-fund; long S-fund; cash I-fund.

Tuesday has pattern 3/grn-red-red. WP (S-fund): 56.5% (W 121, L 93). Strategy: Long > 55.2%.

The S-fund (-1.05%) got shafted. :suspicious:

Tuesday: Pattern 3/grn-red-red. Win Percentage (CSI 56.2%): C 56.9%, S 56.5%, I 55.1%.
Result: long C-fund was wrong; long S-fund was wrong; cash I-fund was safe.
Unofficial (September 30, 2014): C -0.28%; S -1.05%; I -0.11%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.5%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.3%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.7%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.4%); 3/grn-red-red (56.3%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.2% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.2%; long > 55.2%.
Accuracy: 53/96 (55%). Long: 33/56 (59%). Short: 20/41 (49%). Cash: green (13 up, 10 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Wednesday: Pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.9%): C 53.7%, S 56.5% (1st DP WP: 68.4%), I 48.6%.
Forecast: long C-fund; long S-fund; long I-fund. All funds following the DP.

Wednesday has pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. 1st DP WP (S-fund): 68.4% (W 26, L 12). Strategy: Long > 55.2%.


Double-Patterns Chart:

Ouch. :sick:

Wednesday: Pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.9%): C 53.7%, S 56.5% (1st DP WP: 68.4%), I 48.6%.
Result: long C-fund was wrong; long S-fund was wrong; long I-fund was wrong.
Unofficial (October 01, 2014): C -1.32%; S -1.49%; I -0.84%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.5%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.3%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.7%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.2%); 3/grn-red-red (56.3%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.2% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.2%; long > 55.2%.
Accuracy: 53/98 (54%). Long: 33/57 (58%). Short: 20/41 (49%). Cash: green (13 up, 10 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Thursday: Pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.7%): C 53.7%, S 56.2% (1st DP WP: 60.5%), I 48.4%.
Forecast: long C-fund; long S-fund; long I-fund. All funds following the DP.

Thursday has pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. 1st DP WP (S-fund): 60.5% (W 23, L 15). Strategy: Long > 55.2%.


Double-Patterns Chart:

With pattern 1 on tap, the S-fund rebounded a bit, but the I-fund got whacked again. :blink:

Thursday: Pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.7%): C 53.7%, S 56.2% (1st DP WP: 60.5%), I 48.4%.
Result: long C-fund was right; long S-fund was right; long I-fund was wrong.
Unofficial (October 02, 2014): C +0.00%; S +0.50%; I -1.07%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.5%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.3%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.7%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.4%); 3/grn-red-red (56.3%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.2% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.2%; long > 55.2%.
Accuracy: 54/99 (55%). Long: 34/58 (59%). Short: 20/41 (49%). Cash: green (13 up, 10 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Friday: Pattern 2/grn-grn-red. Win Percentage (CSI 53.9%): C 55.5%, S 52.5%, I 53.5%.
Forecast: long C-fund; short S-fund; cash I-fund.

Friday has pattern 2/grn-grn-red. WP (S-fund): 52.5% (W 134, L 121). Strategy: Short < 53%.


Double-Patterns Chart:


The battle between the bulls and the bears rages on. I think it's going to be epic this time around, hence the iconic Apple backdrop. :D

Friday: Pattern 2/grn-grn-red. Win Percentage (CSI 53.9%): C 55.5%, S 52.5%, I 53.5%.
Result: long C-fund was right; short S-fund was wrong; cash I-fund was safe.
Unofficial (October 03, 2014): C +1.12%; S +0.92%; I -0.40%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.7%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.3%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.7%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.4%); 3/grn-red-red (56.3%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.2% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.2%; long > 55.2%.
Accuracy: 54/100 (54%). Long: 34/58 (59%). Short: 20/42 (48%). Cash: green (13 up, 10 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Monday: Pattern 8/red-grn-red. Win Percentage (CSI 54.7%): C 55.8%, S 52.3%, I 56.2%.
Forecast: long C-fund; short S-fund; long I-fund.

Friday has pattern 8/red-grn-red. WP (S-fund): 52.3% (W 127, L 116). Strategy: Short < 53%.


Double-Patterns Chart:

We have a double pattern 1-1 for Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm guessing up tomorrow. :D

Monday: Pattern 8/red-grn-red. Win Percentage (CSI 54.7%): C 55.8%, S 52.3%, I 56.2%.
Result: long C-fund was wrong; short S-fund was right; long I-fund was right.
Unofficial (October 04, 2014): C -0.16%; S -0.53%; I +0.87%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.7%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.0%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.7%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.4%); 3/grn-red-red (56.3%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.2% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.2%; long > 55.2%.
Accuracy: 55/101 (54%). Long: 34/58 (59%). Short: 21/43 (49%). Cash: green (13 up, 10 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Tuesday: Pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.8%): C 53.7%, S 56.4% (1st DP WP: 66.6%), I 48.2%.
Forecast: long C-fund; long S-fund; long I-fund. All funds follow the DP.

Tuesday has pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. 1st DP WP (S-fund): 66.6% (W 26, L 13). Strategy: Long > 55.2%.


Double-Patterns Chart:

Glad I pulled the TSP system out of the S-fund. Back in the F-fund since last Friday. :sick:

Tuesday: Pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.8%): C 53.7%, S 56.4% (1st DP WP: 66.6%), I 48.2%.
Result: long C-fund was wrong; long S-fund was long; long I-fund was long.
Unofficial (October 07, 2014): C -1.52%; S -1.60%; I -0.50% (-FV expected).

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.7%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.0%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.7%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.2%); 3/grn-red-red (56.3%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.2% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.2%; long > 55.2%.
Accuracy: 55/102 (54%). Long: 34/59 (58%). Short: 21/43 (49%). Cash: green (13 up, 10 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Wednesday: Pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.8%): C 53.5%, S 56.2% (2nd DP WP: 61.5%), I 48.1%.
Forecast: long C-fund; long S-fund; long I-fund. All funds follow the DP.

Wednesday has pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. 2nd DP WP (S-fund): 61.5% (W 24, L 15). Strategy: Long > 55.2%.


Double-Patterns Chart:


You try to avoid the bull-caught-in-headlights syndrome only to run into another problem...whipsaw. :sick:

Wednesday: Pattern 1/grn-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.8%): C 53.5%, S 56.2% (2nd DP WP: 61.5%), I 48.1%. All funds follow the DP.
Result: long C-fund was right; long S-fund was right; long I-fund was right.
Unofficial (October 08, 2014): C +1.52%; S +1.60%; I +1.00% (+FV expected added).

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.7%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.0%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.7%); 6/red-red-grn (54.2%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.3%); 3/grn-red-red (56.3%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.2% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.2%; long > 55.2%.
Accuracy: 56/103 (54%). Long: 35/60 (58%). Short: 21/43 (49%). Cash: green (13 up, 10 down); red (7 up, 4 down).

Thursday: Pattern 6/red-red-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 53.6%): C 53.0%, S 54.2%, I 53.6%.
Forecast: short C-fund; cash S-fund; cash I-fund.

Thursday has pattern 6/red-red-grn. WP (S-fund): 54.2% (W 137, L 116). Strategy: Cash > 53% and <= 55.2%.


Double-Patterns Chart:

It's not my long TNA calls (-6.87%) that's making gains even with its 58% winning percentage (Mar. 26 - Oct. 09). Heck, buy and hold TNA (-27.69%) is hitting 59% but it's deep in the red. Surprisingly, it's the short TNA calls (+27.66%) that's been making all the gains while only having a 49% win percentage.

Thursday: Pattern 6/red-red-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 53.6%): C 53.0%, S 54.2%, I 53.6%.
Result: short C-fund was right; cash S-fund was safe; cash I-fund was safe.
Unofficial (October 09, 2014): C -2.07%; S -2.37%; I -1.26% (+FV expected added).

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.7%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.0%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.7%); 6/red-red-grn (53.9%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.3%); 3/grn-red-red (56.3%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.2% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.2%; long > 55.2%.
Accuracy: 56/103 (54%). Long: 35/60 (58%). Short: 21/43 (49%). Cash: green (13 up, 10 down); red (7 up, 5 down).

Friday: Pattern 2/grn-grn-red. Win Percentage (CSI 53.9%): C 55.7%, S 52.7%, I 53.3%.
Forecast: long C-fund; short S-fund; cash I-fund.

Friday has pattern 2/grn-grn-red. WP (S-fund): 52.7% (W 135, L 121). Strategy: Short <= 53%.


Double-Patterns Chart:

Mar. 26 - Oct. 10: TNA continues to receive an absolute drubbing. Slapped with another big loss of -3.69%, the loss for the buy and hold TNA is now at -30.35%. That's crazy considering its win percentage of 58%. Meanwhile, my long TNA calls are also struggling with a loss of -6.87% while also hitting 58% of its guesses. But here's the kicker, it's the short TNA calls that's getting all the gains even with its win percentage hitting only 50%. Gains from my short TNA calls went from +27.66% to a whopping +32.37% today. TNA is losing big time because unlike my TNA system, it doesn't know when to go cash or when to go short. It's just buy, buy, buy. :D

Friday: Pattern 2/grn-grn-red. Win Percentage (CSI 53.9%): C 55.7%, S 52.7%, I 53.3%.
Result: long C-fund was wrong; short S-fund was right; cash I-fund was safe.
Unofficial (October 10, 2014): C -1.15%; S -1.80%; I -1.06%.

The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).

Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.5%); 7/red-grn-grn (52.1%); 8/red-grn-red (52.0%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.7%); 6/red-red-grn (53.9%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.3%); 3/grn-red-red (56.3%); 5/red-red-red (59.9%).

S&P 500: 55.1% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.1%; long > 55.1%.
Accuracy: 57/104 (55%). Long: 35/60 (58%). Short: 22/44 (50%). Cash: green (13 up, 10 down); red (7 up, 5 down).

Monday: Pattern 7/red-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 51.3%): C 53.9%, S 52.1%, I 47.9%.
Forecast: cash C-fund; short S-fund; short I-fund.

Monday has pattern 7/red-grn-grn. WP (S-fund): 52.1% (W 114, L 105). Strategy: Short <= 53%.
