Flatliners? We don't need no stinkin' flatliners! It's been ages since we've had a one percent gainer.
Thursday: Pattern 6/red-red-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 53.4%): C 52.6%, S 53.8%, I 53.6%.
Result: short C-fund was wrong; cash S-fund was safe; cash I-fund was safe.
Unofficial (June 19, 2014): C +0.13%; S +0.11%; I +0.60%.
Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.3%); 8/red-grn-red (52.1%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.0%); 6/red-red-grn (54.0%); 7/red-grn-grn (53.1%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.2%); 3/grn-red-red (57.2%); 5/red-red-red (60.3%).
S&P 500: 55.3% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.3%; long > 55.3%.
Accuracy: 26/43 (60%). Long: 19/28 (68%). Short: 7/15 (47%). Cash: green (5 up, 4 down); red (5 up, 3 down).
Friday: Pattern 7/red-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.1%): C 54.5%, S 53.1%, I 48.8%.
Forecast: cash C-fund; cash S-fund; short I-fund.
Friday has pattern 7/red-grn-grn. WP (S-fund): 53.1% (W 112, L 99). Strategy: Cash > 53% and <= 55.3%.
The melt up continues, but it's another day without a one percent gain in the S&P 500 (C-fund). It was supposed to be a bad day for the I-fund with pattern 7/red-grn-grn on tap, and it was (loss -0.45%). Bearish green patterns 1 (I 48.7%) and 7 (I 48.8%) are battling it out for title of worse win percentage in any fund. Pattern 7 (I 48.6%) just took the crown back today (see chart below).

Friday: Pattern 7/red-grn-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 52.1%): C 54.5%, S 53.1%, I 48.8%.
Result: cash C-fund was safe; cash S-fund was safe; short I-fund was right.
Unofficial (June 20, 2014): C +0.17%; S +0.33%; I -0.45%.
Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (52.3%); 8/red-grn-red (52.1%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (54.0%); 6/red-red-grn (54.0%); 7/red-grn-grn (53.3%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.2%); 3/grn-red-red (57.2%); 5/red-red-red (60.3%).
S&P 500: 55.3% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.3%; long > 55.3%.
Accuracy: 26/43 (60%). Long: 19/28 (68%). Short: 7/15 (47%). Cash: green (6 up, 4 down); red (5 up, 3 down).
Monday: Pattern 4/grn-red-grn. Win Percentage (CSI 54.6%): C 55.8%, S 54.0%, I 54.0%.
Forecast: long C-fund; cash S-fund; cash I-fund.
Monday has pattern 4/grn-red-grn. WP (S-fund): 54.0% (W 127, L 108). Strategy: Cash > 53% and <= 55.3%.