The 1st day of double pattern 8-8 had a win percentage 56% (14/25), so even though it was a long pattern, it was on the cusp of being cash with just one loss. And, it did lose today, so it's now a cash pattern at 53.8% (14/26). On the other hand, tomorrow's 2nd day of pattern 8-8 is our most bullish pattern at 71% (17/24). :toung:
Tuesday: Pattern 8/red-grn-red. Win Percentage (CSI 54.9%): C 55.6%, S 52.4% (DP WP: 56%), I 56.9%.
Result: long C-fund was wrong; long S-fund was wrong; long I-fund was wrong.
Unofficial (May 20, 2014): C -0.65%; S -1.16%; I -0.23%.
Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (51.9%); 8/red-grn-red (52.1%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (53.9%); 6/red-red-grn (53.4%); 7/red-grn-grn (53.1%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.3%); 3/grn-red-red (57.0%); 5/red-red-red (60.0%).
S&P 500: 55.0% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.0%; long > 55.0%.
Accuracy: 18/29 (62%). Long: 12/18 (67%). Short: 6/11 (55%). Cash: green (3 up, 2 down); red (2 up, 3 down).
Wednesday: Pattern 8/red-grn-red. Win Percentage (CSI 54.7%): C 55.4%, S 52.1% (DP WP: 71%), I 56.7%.
Forecast: long C-fund; long S-fund; long I-fund.
Wednesday is the 2nd day of double pattern 8-8. DP Win Percentage (S-fund): 71% (17/24). Strategy: Long > 55.0%.
Our most bullish pattern, 2nd day of double pattern 8-8 (WP: 72% 18/25), did not disappoint.

Wednesday: Pattern 8/red-grn-red. Win Percentage (CSI 54.7%): C 55.4%, S 52.1% (DP WP: 71%), I 56.7%.
Result: long C-fund was right; long S-fund was right; long I-fund was right.
Unofficial (May 21, 2014): C +0.81%; S +0.58%; I +0.09%.
Short Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (51.9%); 8/red-grn-red (52.3%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 4/grn-red-grn (53.9%); 6/red-red-grn (53.4%); 7/red-grn-grn (53.1%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.3%); 3/grn-red-red (57.0%); 5/red-red-red (60.0%).
S&P 500: 55.1% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.1%; long > 55.1%.
Accuracy: 19/30 (63%). Long: 13/19 (68%). Short: 6/11 (55%). Cash: green (3 up, 2 down); red (2 up, 3 down).
Thursday: Pattern 5/red-red-red. Win Percentage (CSI 59.6%): C 60.6%, S 60.0%, I 58.3%.
Forecast: long C-fund; long S-fund; long I-fund.
Thursday has bullish pattern 5/red-red-red. Win Percentage (S-fund): 60% (W 129, L 86). Strategy: Long > 55.1%.