ebbnflow's Account Talk

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From my Account Thread:

09/22/06 - 100% F - IFT before noon Thursday

This was my original IFT to the F-fund.

Never mind. Going with Carnac's call for the G-penny being on the 25th. :D

I then decided to go to the G-fund instead for the 22nd, but changed my mind to wait on the 25th instead. I deleted the IFT to the G-fund and replaced it with "Never mind" and I think this is where the confusion came from. I wasn't referring to my original IFT move to the F-fund, it was for the just deleted IFT to the G-fund. My plan was to stick to the F-fund for Friday and switch to the G-fund for the 25th to get the G-penny. :blink:

09/25/06 Monday - 100% I - IFT before noon Friday
Sorry for the confusion EWGuy, but the planned move to the G-fund on Monday became moot when I found out the ebb tracker is moving to the I-fund for Monday. :D
I was watching Wendys about 10 years ago when it was trading at $4.00 - it's now at $64.00 and getting ready to do a 2/1 split. That is how you make money - DCA it all the way up.
I was watching Wendys about 10 years ago when it was trading at $4.00 - it's now at $64.00 and getting ready to do a 2/1 split. That is how you make money - DCA it all the way up.

I love Wendy's food, just wish I'd have bought some of their shares way back then, too! :D
I then decided to go to the G-fund instead for the 22nd, but changed my mind to wait on the 25th instead. I deleted the IFT to the G-fund and replaced it with "Never mind" and I think this is where the confusion came from. I wasn't referring to my original IFT move to the F-fund, it was for the just deleted IFT to the G-fund. My plan was to stick to the F-fund for Friday and switch to the G-fund for the 25th to get the G-penny. :blink:

I hope EWGuy would be able to sort through the confusion I caused before handing the Weekly Tracker to Tom. EWGuy, I shouldn't have left that "Never mind" comment, but FundSurfer and the others can vouch that I was in the F-fund for today. But if it's too late to do anything about it, that's fine too. :)
Well, when does the competition start? Chcken?:confused:

Be that as it may, Carnac has spoken, and he says it's on the 25th! It's official. :D

Techie, I hope you weren't referring to me, I remained on the F-fund.

You missed the penny. (Never listen to a guy who plays with crystal balls! ;)

G-fund Thread

Even FundSurfer thinks I missed an opportunity to get the G-penny for today because I stayed with the F-fund. But as it turned out, I gained +.02 cents from the F-fund. :)
Well, when does the competition start? Chcken?:confused:


Nnuut, we already had the full moon early September 7th. Two full moons in a month only happens every two-and-a-half to three years. That's where the saying, "once in a blue moon" came from. :D
I just checked the Weekly Tracker and it looks like I wasn't credited with the +.02 cents gain for the F-fund on Friday. As I've explained on my Account Thread, myself, Fedgolfer and Vectorman were discussing about when the G-penny would pay. I went with Carnac's prediction of a Monday (25th) payout for the G-fund. That's why I stuck with my original move to the F-fund for Friday and planned to take the penny on the G-fund later on the 25th. But as it turned out, the ebb tracker is moving to the I-fund for Monday and would have to pass up on the G-penny. I guess EWGuy interpreted it another way on my Account Thread with me moving to the G-fund on the 22nd (Friday). :o

Just for the record, I won't be trying to pick up the G-penny if I would be on the I-fund. On days when I'm going for safe haven and there's no G-penny to pick up (like last Friday), I'd be on the F-fund. I hope this explains my strategy better. :D

Sep. 20...But I will be sticking to the F-fund for safe haven when the G-penny does not present itself because I have picked up +.08 cents from the F-fund in the same time period (above dates excluded). I may have to check Carnac's Corner more often to find out when the G-penny is due. :D
09/21/06, 9:13 am - 100% F - IFT before noon Thursday

09/21/06, 10:50 am. Never mind. Going with Carnac's call for the G-penny being on the 25th. :D

Both above quotes were in your account thread on Sep 21st. I interpreted the second entry at 10:50 am of "Never Mind" as canceling the IFT to 100% F. The second sentence of this entry was interpreted as going to G fund, "Going with Carnac's call for the G-penny being on 25th".

The Weekly Tracker has you in G Fund 100% at COB on September 21st. Since you were in G fund you did not get the 0.02 gain of F fund on September 22nd. You should not make comments in your account thread that can be read different than your intentions. These comments should be in your account talk thread.

Your second entry is somewhat vague. But can you see how your second entry can be interpreted as going to G Fund? Also, you made recent comments in other threads that you might go to G fund rather than F fund if it were going to pay the penny.

I am willing to change your IFT move for Sep 21st to F fund, rather than G Fund. In the future only make entries for IFT moves in your account thread. If more than one IFT is posted in a day, clearly state the date for each IFT, the funds and percentage.

I just checked the Weekly Tracker and it looks like I wasn't credited with the +.02 cents gain for the F-fund on Friday. As I've explained on my Account Thread, myself, Fedgolfer and Vectorman were discussing about when the G-penny would pay. I went with Carnac's prediction of a Monday (25th) payout for the G-fund. That's why I stuck with my original move to the F-fund for Friday and planned to take the penny on the G-fund later on the 25th. But as it turned out, the ebb tracker is moving to the I-fund for Monday and would have to pass up on the G-penny. I guess EWGuy interpreted it another way on my Account Thread with me moving to the G-fund on the 22nd (Friday). :o

Just for the record, I won't be trying to pick up the G-penny if I would be on the I-fund. On days when I'm going for safe haven and there's no G-penny to pick up (like last Friday), I'd be on the F-fund. I hope this explains my strategy better. :D
After reading the different post for Sep 21, I can see where there is some confusion. I too at first thought ebbnflow was going to try the G fund. But after reading the post about Carnac's call for Sep 25th, I figured his play was to stay with F for friday, then to G for monday. Ebbnflow does not have a track record of being misleading; his timely allocations, transactions and returns are proof that he has been and continues to be very helpful. He also doesn't might sharing his ebb tracker and even info on making cool avatars. Thanks Ebbnflow, it's much appreciated.:D
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...I am willing to change your IFT move for Sep 21st to F fund, rather than G Fund. In the future only make entries for IFT moves in your account thread. If more than one IFT is posted in a day, clearly state the date for each IFT, the funds and percentage.

Thanks EWGuy, that's very decent of you to be willing to change the tracker. In all honesty, the ones I was in discussion with on my Account Talk Thread, knew of my intention of staying with the F-fund on Friday. You are right on the confusion I've caused by posting on my Account Thread, specially when I edited my move to the G-fund and replaced it with "Never mind."

It all started after I already made an IFT to the F-fund when Mlk_man mentioned in his thread that the G-penny would pay on Friday (that's when I made a second entry to move to the G-fund), but then I found out that Carnac was pegging the G-penny on Monday the 25th. I went back on my Account Thread and edited the the IFT to the G-fund with "Never mind. Going with Carnac's call for the G-penny being on 25th." Being a tracker sure ain't easy. My apologies and many thanks again, EWGuy! :)
After reading the different post for Sep 21, I can see where there is some confusion. I too at first thought ebbnflow was going to try the G fund. But after reading the post about Carnac's call for Sep 25th, I figured his play was to stay with F for friday, then to G for monday. Ebbnflow does not have a track record of being misleading; his timely allocations, transactions and returns are proof that he has been and continues to be very helpful.

Thanks a heap, Vectorman! :)
Thanks EWGuy, that's very decent of you to be willing to change the tracker. In all honesty, the ones I was in discussion with on my Account Talk Thread, knew of my intention of staying with the F-fund on Friday. You are right on the confusion I've caused by posting on my Account Thread, specially when I edited my move to the G-fund and replaced it with "Never mind."

It all started after I already made an IFT to the F-fund when Mlk_man mentioned in his thread that the G-penny would pay on Friday (that's when I made a second entry to move to the G-fund), but then I found out that Carnac was pegging the G-penny on Monday the 25th. I went back on my Account Thread and edited the the IFT to the G-fund with "Never mind. Going with Carnac's call for the G-penny being on 25th." Being a tracker sure ain't easy. My apologies and many thanks again, EWGuy! :)

Your welcomed! I do not always get a chance to read all account talk comments, especially when many entrys are made in a short period of time. Its good that I get the feedback from all members when I make an error in entering IFT moves. It makes the job easier when the account thread clearly shows the IFT move. You have always done that and this was the first time your entry was somewhat vague.
Hello Ebb, just passing through. No big deal about the confusion. I just appreciate your comments and account postings. You, Milk, Gilligan and a few others seem to have a better understading of "I" and "F" fund trends etc.
Your comments, as well as the other members are greatly appeciated. Thanks again for your posts, comments, and strategies.

Hello Ebb, just passing through. No big deal about the confusion. I just appreciate your comments and account postings. You, Milk, Gilligan and a few others seem to have a better understading of "I" and "F" fund trends etc.
Your comments, as well as the other members are greatly appeciated. Thanks again for your posts, comments, and strategies.

On behalf of all the contributing members of this board, we thank you for your support. Now let's make some more money! :nuts:
Missed the +.15 cents gain on the I-fund for today. I didn't even realize the ebb tracker had a running six day streak (with a +1.95% gain) of picking it right between the I and the F-fund. Closing in on +3.00% for September which is par for the course and I guess the ebb tracker is calling it quits by parking on the F-fund for the rest of the week. Good luck to all! :)

Would it be appropriate to give your avatar a snot rag now that he's 100% G fund - there ain't no fire comin from those nostrils.

Would it be appropriate to give your avatar a snot rag now that he's 100% G fund - there ain't no fire comin from those nostrils.
Hi there, Birchy! Congrats on the C-fund's turnaround the past couple of months. My move to the G-fund for Monday is just a way to optimize the ebb tracker's profits. I do feel a little apprenhensive picking up the G-penny with the F-fund doing so well these days. :D
Hi there, Birchy! Congrats on the C-fund's turnaround the past couple of months. My move to the G-fund for Monday is just a way to optimize the ebb tracker's profits. I do feel a little apprenhensive picking up the G-penny with the F-fund doing so well these days. :D

I think you're on the right track, ebb...Can't pass up a one day move for gauranteed penny (choice between F and G). Not many, IF ANY, gaurantees in this biz! And F MAY get you .01 or .02 in th coming days but still good chance to lose .01., i.e yesterday :). Probably a little more Gold in those hills if you throw G and S into the mix, tho it does add a few more variables. The C fund is really the only fund that I see we could do with out...lol..sorry Birchy :)
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