ebbnflow's Account Talk

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Hello Ebb,James,Showme and Nutt,
After reading all the definitions of Ebb that James provided I fell off the chair!!!
it is so halarious.Thanks to all of you for the contribution to this board,it cheers me up on my down days because not listening to EBB,I learned costly lessons.Last week one day I saw pay pal button on home page,I clicked on,see registration page..then one of my patients called,I had to get off..for few minutes,then that pay pal button disapeared,anyone knew what was happenning??? maybe TOm knows.Thx.
I think the pay pal button should be on the home page if anyone wants to contribute to EBB and I think that many people do.

We got great people on here!


I'm not sure, but I will PM Tom or better yet I can ask it on the Ask Tom Thread. I know he has rearrange the homepage to make it easier navigate. Ill copy it over there and provide a link here. :D http://www.tsptalk.com/mb/showthread.php?p=112018#post112018
Ebby-Wan Kenobi :suspicious::cheesy::D
More Ebb terms to remember:

Ebbeycrisis (Pronouced Ebb-eee-crisis)- A decisive time for swing traders; followers of the Ebb system. Symptoms appear as "-Your not connected to the internet -The website is encountering problems or -There might be a typing error in the address". Symptoms also appear as "TSP transfers are temporarily unavailable".
This illness manifests itself before 12:00 EST. Possible remedies include consumption of alcoholic beverages, the banging of head on wall, and/or cursing.

Caution: Symptoms are most likely to occur at work. So be careful out there!.......:D
Ebb terms to remember:

2. Ebbeyisms – (Ebb-eee-ism’): ...
Good luck all!”

Oh no ... In my parodying mind, I'm seeing ... "But I saw exclaim before he logged off that night .... Good luck to all, and to all a good trade!"

Or words to that effect. :)

The EbbChart System

Currently the EbbChart System is posting gains of 24.22%.

More Ebb terms to remember:

Ebbeyeggs (Pronouced "Ebb-eee-eggs") - profits scarfed up by the Ebb system.

When Ebb reaches the 30% level.

Ebbeyeggs become Ebbeyooses (Prounouced "Ebb-eee-ooses") - aka the goose that laid the golden egg(s).

Ebbolution: An evolution and a revolution in TSP trading taking traders to a new level of consciousness and wealth.

Ebbonics: slang from the new world order. ex: moving to safe haven became "Goin' SH" ; doing an I. Gimme an F!
Nikkei is reported down 2.16% on news that Japan's economy is contracting at at rate that was more than expected. Bloomberg reporting that US has infected the ASIAN and Europe global markets.

Anybody have any feel on what this will do to our markets on Monday?
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