ebbnflow's Account Talk

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If you're saying what I think you're saying, I think you said it backwards. I'm just say'in.

Welcome to the site!

Thanks for the welcome Tom. I better stay apolitical. "Fear the donkey"? Personally I don't think donkeys or elephants are smarter than the average bear. Make that a polar bear.

Been lurking for some time. Figured I should join to show support.

The threat of TSP trading fees has me more than a little irked - esp since it would impact this Ebb system just as it gets started. I'm wondering if someone at Barclays is feeding garbage to Mike Causey and the thrift board. Does anyone report what the trading costs are for 500,000 or whatever daily L transactions? This would seem to dwarf IFT's not to mention the regular payroll inputs.

Was a little bizarre today trying to do an IFT and getting error pages. Someone throw a throttle on?
Thanks for the welcome Tom. I better stay apolitical. "Fear the donkey"? Personally I don't think donkeys or elephants are smarter than the average bear. Make that a polar bear.
I thought the Dems were the donkeys and the Reps the elephants - ie... Except for the war issue, GW is a donkey in elephant's clothing. Maybe I have it backwards myself. I'm just a bulls and bears guy. :)
I thought the Dems were the donkeys and the Reps the elephants - ie... Except for the war issue, GW is a donkey in elephant's clothing. Maybe I have it backwards myself. I'm just a bulls and bears guy. :)

Yeah I know what you mean.

I got booted out of the "She who knows it all" group many months back for opening my mouth before I realized I had fallen into the she-wolf's den. I've been lying low ever since.

Sorry to hijack this thread here.

But the Ebbchart is looking very promising. Gonna watch it a little closer as it develops.

The fact that you have developed a successful tracker signifies that you are a very pragmatic individual. In the past, you have changed views when needed. I know that everyone here will appreciate your flexibility and your ability to accept new ideas that can improve your decision-making process. Good stuff!:)

You saw right, but I think the better choice would be the S-fund. Read the post above. Thanks.
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ebb, I wonder how you determine whether to go into the F fund or the G fund. If you don't mind answering that, please make it simple as I am pretty new at this game and need it simple to understand. It looks like we missed another good gain in the F fund, but at least we didn't lose. Thanks for your diligence in keeping us all informed. I would be in favor of doing whatever we need to do to keep the daily trades going. So if you need support in convincing the Wahington folks, count me in.

Great call again Ebb.

Yeah I know what you mean.

I got booted out of the "She who knows it all" group many months back for opening my mouth before I realized I had fallen into the she-wolf's den. I've been lying low ever since.

Sorry to hijack this thread here.

But the Ebbchart is looking very promising. Gonna watch it a little closer as it develops.

Don't want to hijack Ebb's thread and I don't know if I said hi. Welcome!
I second that Ebb- You kept me high and dry today. I know you are all into S-Fund for Monday but I put a wedge in the C also on a hunch.

Job well done my man! Thx!

Ebb terms to remember:

1. Ebbeyites (Pronouced Ebb-eee-Ites’)- Followers of the Ebb system. These are TSP legions of warriors who follow the master, carrying their ever-growing bags of gold.

Once true skeptics, the members of the Ebbeyite tribe now have become believers in the ebbyite system, and are prepared to defend their leader at all costs. Thought to be possibly related to one of the lost tribes of Israel, Ebbeyites are now in the Land of Milk and Honey.

2. Ebbeyisms – (Ebb-eee-ism’): A profound thought or action from our leader. One that reveals truth to the uninformed, such as when Ebb moves to stocks, when common sense would normally prevent an independently thinking person from taking such a drastic step. Includes such examples of courage as the habit of buying at a time when the market is down over 1 % in a single day.

Also describes the final word uttered by our leader at the end of each of his daily briefings, which is usually ended with these words:
Good luck all!”

3. Ebbeyitus (Ebb-eee-EYE’-tus): The incessant itching produced by the desire to jump in a direction other than that provided by the master. Ebbeyitus is when you KNOW he can’t be right, that no one in their right mind would be buying when Ebb says to buy, or selling when Ebb says to sell. Your finger itches on the mouse, with every bone in your body telling you to do the exact opposite of what Ebb has recommended. You suffer from Ebbeyitus, but know that in just one day, if you hang on and obey the master, that relief is close at hand.

4. Ebbeyish (Ebb-eee-ish’): An extremely pleasant comment from a bystander. The act of duplicating Ebb’s success. We all wish to become more Ebbeyish in our habits, in our manner, in our returns. It is the greatest complement to have someone mention to you that your portfolio is becoming Ebbeyish.

5. Ebbeycilin (Ebb-a-SIL’-an): The art of immunizing and protecting your portfolio against huge losses. The act of moving to the sidelines before being infected with a hazardous downturn.

6. Ebbeygestion (Ebb-eee-JEST’-Chun): the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, after the 12:00 deadline for making an IFT, and the next morning when you see the market do a 180 degree turn, and it turns in your favor. During that brief period (of ebbeygestion), the bottom falls out of your gut, and you feel the butterflies in your stomach as you know your account would be worth $10,000 less if you had to cash out that minute.

7. Ebbeyphoria (ebb-eee-FOR’-eee-a): the relief felt after an extended period of ebbeygestion, when you suddenly realize that the $10,000 down is evaporating before your very eyes, and turning into a $10,000 gain in a matter of hours, or minutes because you followed Ebb’s amazing crystal ball. The feeling of Ebbeyphoria ranks on the same level as the young man’s first kiss, the first solo drive of an automobile or airplane, or the closed door on your wedding night.

What other Ebbisms can you think of?
Ebbeyphobia: (n) the fear of all things Ebb. (e.g. the feeling of many of my co-workers who naturally distrust the master whilst I enjoy following his lead.)
Crhuss, the ebbtracker tracks the F-fund the same as the C, S, and I-fund. I got the green signal to go to the F-fund, but as I've said before if there is a possible G-penny paying I'd go for that first. If only folks here had a consensus of the G-penny paying on Monday then things would have been different -- I would have been on the F-fund today. :(

Ebb, I apologize for bringing that G-thing to your attention just in time for you to miss out on over half a percent! I'm sooo ashamed. Thank Goodness I was at least right about the penny or it'd a been a double shame.:embarrest: I do, rather sheepishly under the circumstances, thank you graciously for saving me a 1+% loss today, though.:D
Ebbeyosis and Ebbeywedgy are commonly used terms, but I'll let James explain the meanings. :laugh:

Ebbeywedgy- (Gosh....I cant get that picture out of my mind.....!!!)

Ebbywedgy- (ebb-eee-Wed'-gy) : When you sneak up behind a person, and quicklystuff a ton of newly minted one hundrd dollar bills down the back of his bluejeans.
Hello Ebb,James,Showme and Nutt,
After reading all the definitions of Ebb that James provided I fell off the chair!!!
it is so halarious.Thanks to all of you for the contribution to this board,it cheers me up on my down days because not listening to EBB,I learned costly lessons.Last week one day I saw pay pal button on home page,I clicked on,see registration page..then one of my patients called,I had to get off..for few minutes,then that pay pal button disapeared,anyone knew what was happenning??? maybe TOm knows.Thx.
I think the pay pal button should be on the home page if anyone wants to contribute to EBB and I think that many people do.
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