Ebb terms to remember:
1. Ebbeyites (Pronouced Ebb-eee-Ites’)- Followers of the Ebb system. These are TSP legions of warriors who follow the master, carrying their ever-growing bags of gold.
Once true skeptics, the members of the Ebbeyite tribe now have become believers in the ebbyite system, and are prepared to defend their leader at all costs. Thought to be possibly related to one of the lost tribes of Israel, Ebbeyites are now in the Land of Milk and Honey.
2. Ebbeyisms – (Ebb-eee-ism’): A profound thought or action from our leader. One that reveals truth to the uninformed, such as when Ebb moves to stocks, when common sense would normally prevent an independently thinking person from taking such a drastic step. Includes such examples of courage as the habit of buying at a time when the market is down over 1 % in a single day.
Also describes the final word uttered by our leader at the end of each of his daily briefings, which is usually ended with these words:
“ Good luck all!”
3. Ebbeyitus (Ebb-eee-EYE’-tus): The incessant itching produced by the desire to jump in a direction other than that provided by the master. Ebbeyitus is when you KNOW he can’t be right, that no one in their right mind would be buying when Ebb says to buy, or selling when Ebb says to sell. Your finger itches on the mouse, with every bone in your body telling you to do the exact opposite of what Ebb has recommended. You suffer from Ebbeyitus, but know that in just one day, if you hang on and obey the master, that relief is close at hand.
4. Ebbeyish (Ebb-eee-ish’): An extremely pleasant comment from a bystander. The act of duplicating Ebb’s success. We all wish to become more Ebbeyish in our habits, in our manner, in our returns. It is the greatest complement to have someone mention to you that your portfolio is becoming Ebbeyish.
5. Ebbeycilin (Ebb-a-SIL’-an): The art of immunizing and protecting your portfolio against huge losses. The act of moving to the sidelines before being infected with a hazardous downturn.
6. Ebbeygestion (Ebb-eee-JEST’-Chun): the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, after the 12:00 deadline for making an IFT, and the next morning when you see the market do a 180 degree turn, and it turns in your favor. During that brief period (of ebbeygestion), the bottom falls out of your gut, and you feel the butterflies in your stomach as you know your account would be worth $10,000 less if you had to cash out that minute.
7. Ebbeyphoria (ebb-eee-FOR’-eee-a): the relief felt after an extended period of ebbeygestion, when you suddenly realize that the $10,000 down is evaporating before your very eyes, and turning into a $10,000 gain in a matter of hours, or minutes because you followed Ebb’s amazing crystal ball. The feeling of Ebbeyphoria ranks on the same level as the young man’s first kiss, the first solo drive of an automobile or airplane, or the closed door on your wedding night.
What other Ebbisms can you think of?