ebbnflow's Account Talk

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Thanx :)
Hiya Fivetears! On pattern #1, 15/26 means that the C-fund made a profit 15 times out of the 26 times the pattern came up. Same thing goes with the S and I-fund (25 only because on one occasion for either funds there were no gains). The percentage in parenthesis are the total gains for the funds from January 16 through...

Just like the ebbchart the first row is for the C-fund, the second row is for the S-fund and the third is for the I-fund. :)
I am trying to come up with a compromise on how to display the spin chart on the ebbchart page. Some said they were confused by the references to C, S, and I funds, wondering if those were the funds they were supposed to move into.


I made a change to make it horizontal by day of the week and some didn't like the change as they were used to the old way and because it differs from the vertical display in the rectangle charts.

Here's the horizontal display (It looks better on the ebbchart page as I don't need to use the dots for space). By the way, the two charts are not showing the same data, they are just examples.

Day: ............C, S, I Ebbtracker.. System Allocation
= 100% I-Fund

= 100% F-Fund

= 100% G-Fund

Which do you prefer? Or does someone have any other suggestions? Thanks!
Tom, the second chart is clearly more definitive, imho.

Ebb, THANK YOU for your diligent work; it's been awesome gleaning from your posts, and the EbbChart just keeps getting better and better and better... :p
Day: ............C, S, I Ebbtracker.. System Allocation
= 100% I-Fund

= 100% F-Fund

= 100% G-Fund

Or does someone have any other suggestions? Thanks!

Can you make the stop signs spin in the same direction as the dollar signs? I'm getting dizzy. :sick:
I like the top one better, with the vertical format, same as the ebbtracker monthly chart and pattern formats. Easier to see the pattern at a glance.

I do like the labeling of the bottom better.

Could you stick with the vertical format and use the new labeling.

So the left side would read:

And on the bottom row would be the allocation.
Going to the G-fund for tomorrow. I just checked the ebbchart usage of the F-fund and from January 16 to now, it is up only two F-pennies. Is that a crapshoot or what? :D
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Does anybody know where I can get some information on the methodology of ebbnflow's chart? I would like to know what the swiching process is based on. Glad it had me in the G fund Friday!!!

Only ebbnflow knows for sure, but I think it involves incense, full moons, and dart boards. :D

Trader Fred adds in chicken feet and dice.

By the way, welcome to the board!
Ebbs trading formula derived from Lipton Recipe Secrets!.... tsptalk made us give up our Quija Boards!..something about broadband interferences!...:D
Ebb needs to keep his recipe a secret, kind of like the formula for Coca-Cola!....;)
We do have a strategy using monkeys!...You will have to PM Sugar&Spice or FundSurfer!
Other than that! We seem to be OK!

Does anybody know where I can get some information on the methodology of ebbnflow's chart? I would like to know what the swiching process is based on. Glad it had me in the G fund Friday!!!


Oldgold, the ebbtracker compares today's market patterns from past historical market patterns. I've also began checking the patterns (1-8) on the ebbchart generated by the ebbtracker (patterns within patterns).

Here are some numbers I came across:

-- I-fund total from January 16 thru June 22: Up days (68/109 or .62%), down days (41/109 or .38%).
-- On days with patterns 1, 2, 4 or 7 showing: Accuracy (41/61 or .67%), total gain (+12.51%).
-- On days with patterns 3, 5, 6 or 8 showing: Accuracy (21/48 or .44%), total loss saved (-1.61%).
-- The ebbchart increased our probability of catching both up days and down days by over +.05%.

You could improve the numbers a lot more by just following the successful patterns. Follow the link in my signature to learn more about it.

I tried some voodoo on the Barclays people, but they just kept dishing it back to us (ouch!). :D
Thanks for the information! Keep up the good work and thank you for shareing. I will look following you signals in the days to come and hop to learn and help when ever I can.

Thanks again,
30% would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ebb - does it worry you at all that Monday will be the first time all year (I think) that the tracker has gone to the I-fund 6 days in a row? :worried:
And here I was feeling pretty good about today (so far)......followed a hunch and now I'm wondering.....

Good luck to all anyhow - hope we have a record afternoon UP!! :cool:
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