lol ... thanks, Show-me!
The EbbChart has pattern 7 on tap for Thursday. Its compounded performance is quite poor ( 14 hits; +0.17, -0.71, -1.58, -1.78, -3.21 ) but ... and this is interesting ... this is mainly due to the contributions of two two-day patterns: 1.7 ( 5 hits; +0.08, -0.53, -3.97, -4.03, -4.65 ) and 6.7 ( 2 hits; +0.08, -0.53, -2.10, -2.45, -1.98 ).
The results for pattern 4.7 are somewhat different ( 3 hits; +0.00, 0.36, +1.79, +2.49, +0.87 ), this leads me to thinking that going into the S fund might be the way to go tomorrow (thursday, 9/27/07).
My bad vibes from yesterday don't seem to be panning out as the USMs are opening into positive territory. So ... I'm going into the S-fund for tomorrow.