Dr Faustus's Account Talk

Too bad you guys don't have more data. A year is really statistically meaningless when it comes to multi-day trends. I've been tracking 1 to 5 day market trends using data from 1993-present and it becomes a little more reliable when your sample size is sufficient. I'd like to expand to 6 days but my computer resources aren't sufficient to crunch another exponent. :o
Good luck.
So ... where to go for Monday?

Looks like we're gonna get hit hard in the I fund today, which probably will mean a significant +FV for Friday ... which in turn means a significant -FV for Monday. This is making me lean toward the S fund as I'll be looking for one of my famous "dead cat" bounces.
What to do for Tuesday ....

Hmmm .... well, the EbbChart has us in pattern 8 for that day. There have been 16 hits on that pattern since the kick off of Ebb's system and the compounded return is +0.33, +0.01, +2.28, +1.72, +3.47 for the G, F, C, S and I funds respectively.

There have been 2 hits on pattern 5.8 with the following compounded returns +0.08, +0.09, +0.25, +0.15, +1.42, again for the G, F, C, S and I funds. Which again looks good for the I-Fund.

So I might be tempted to go for the I-Fund ... but I think I am going to against the system here and choose the S-Fund. The Fed is supposed to meet on Tuesday and I gotta believe that a rate cut is in the works. If so, the market is going to pop-off afterwards like a Roman candle.

So I'm going 100% S-fund for Tuesday.
Well, pattern 4.5 called it (see earlier post) - wish I had stuck with that. But with only two hits, it was difficult to go with the predictions of that pattern. Now it has 3 ...

For Wednesday, we have pattern 8.3. Now pattern 3 is overall a very down pattern: 21 hits, giving us a compounded return of +0.25, +1.14, -6.85, -6.64 and -9.14 for the G, F, C, S and I funds respectively. Pattern 8.3 isn't any better: 3 hits for a compounded return of +0.08, +0.61, -1.68, -1.69 and -1.93 for the G, F, C, S and I.

But ... the Fed is meeting today ... and I am betting they are going to cut rates (which is why I am in the S fund today) ... if that happens, I bet that the other markets will respond. With the laggard nature of the I-fund, that means that the I-fund will pop on Wednesday.

So ... once more, I am bucking the system and will go 100% to the I-fund on Wednesday.
Ahoy, me mateys!

Aye, we garnered a good bit o' loot from the Wilshire yesterday but it looks like we be draggin a huge -FV anchor as we sail the I-seas today. Arrrr ... that be as it be, we still be lookin for more plunder today.

But what course do we set from here? Cap'n Ebb has elected to stay in port tomorrow as his chart shows dangerous shoals ahead (pattern 6 is very bad: 21 hits for a compounded return of +0.51, +1.06, -3.88, -3.80 and -4.50 for the G, F, C, S and I funds respectively).

My compass be showin the same: 4 hits on pattern 3.6 for compounded return of +0.00, +0.35, -3.30, -3.25 and -2.27 for the G, F, C, S and I funds as well.

So I'll be puttin' in ta port as well ... 100% G for tamarrah (09/20/07).

( um ... for those of you who don't know ... its International Talk Like a Pirate Day )
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An alcoholic liquor, especially rum diluted with water.
[After Old Grog, nickname of Edward Vernon (1684–1757), British admiral who ordered that diluted rum be served to his sailors, from GROGRAM (from his habit of wearing a grogram cloak). http://www.answers.com/topic/grogram
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One day a Pirate and a bartender were talking to each other in a bar. The Bartender asked the pirate “Where did ya get that peg leg from?”
The Pirate responded “We were sailing the seas when a big ol shark came up to me while I was swimmin and bit off me leg.”
Later the Bartender asked “Where did you get that hook then?”
The pirate responded “Well, me crew and I were in a battle and it got cut through the bone.”
The bartender then asked “Then where did ya get the eye patch from?”
The pirate said “In a harbor I looked at a gull flying over head and it took a dump right in me eye.”
The bartender was puzzled and asked the pirate, “How would that make you get an eye patch?”
The pirate responded, “First day with the hook.”
LOL ... first day with the hook ::chuckle:: Well, now that that is all past us, I was in a meeting this morning and couldn't get to my computer but I think I would've stayed in G anyway. Gonna get my penny on Friday!
As the pirate ship approached his vessel, the Captain called for his cabin boy and ordered "Bring me my red shirt". A fierce battle ensued shortly thereafter which was untimately won by the Captain and his valiant crew. The cabin boy approached the Captain and asked "Sir, as the pirtaes approached you asked for your red shirt. Why?" The Captain replied, "Should I have been wounded in battle, I did not wish my crew to see me bleed"

At that moment the lookout called "Pirate ships returning; and there are more of them". The Captain thereupon instructed the cabin boy, "Bring me my brown pants".