Well, we've had two hits on pattern 4.5 since Jan 17, 07. The stats for that are: +0.08, +0.18, -0.91, -1.18, -0.71 for the G,F,C,S and I respectively.
We've had 16 hits on pattern 5 since Jan 16, 07 and the stats for that pattern are +0.25, -0.45, +0.81, +1.55, +0.20 for the G,F,C,S and I respectively.
So I'm not sure where I stand for Monday. Pattern 5 is not a strong pattern for S ( only +1.55% over 16 hits ), whereas 4.5 shows a possibility for significant downside. At this point, I am going to wait until Friday to see what other news is in the wind before making a call.
There are 4 instances since 16 JAN 07 that pattern 5 turned up on
Monday with the following
average results (% gains summed and divided by 4):
-0.09% C, -0.16% S, +0.17% I
Here, the I funds stands out as being the only equity with a positive average, and it was positive 3/4 instances. This is consistent with the overall observation that the I fund tends to do well on Monday. Incidently, this average gain for the I fund is almost exactly the same as the overall pattern 5 average gain for the I fund (since 16 JAN 07) of +0.18%. (C & S cannot say the same.)
Before you get too excited, however, there was one instance in which combo pattern 4.5 occured on a Monday, and it went horribly bad, actually contributing primarily to the overall bad showing of the 4.5 combo pattern noted by Dr. Faustus above.
So where does that leave us for tomorrow's move for Monday? Well, if you take a straight up arithmatic mean of the per-day gains and percent of positive occurances for 1) All occurances of pattern 5, 2) All pattern 5's on Monday, and 3) All combo patterns 4.5 (effectively weighting this average toward that one really ugly day (What else was going on April 30th?) here's what you get:
C fund positive <25% of the time with average gain of -0.11%
S fund positive ~50% of the time with average gain of -0.16%
I fund
positive ~64% of the time with an average gain that is
basically flat
Given this, I'm not sure that Ebb's move to the S fund for Monday is the wisest. I may put a little in the I hoping for the Monday effect. Bottom line is, just as this 3 red pattern was designed to avoid dips, this pattern has seen some big dips occassionally, but on average shows gains. Ask yourself,
"Are you feeling lucky"