Dr Faustus's Account Talk

To all the Censors, (or, I mean, editors...sorry) You guys have to lighten up on this talk about the pay-for-view site info. Wildboar53 just made a comment about what happened in the past. That information is a moot point...yesterday's news. The trading is done...no one can act on that information anyway. It's history...It's like saying we can't talk about the 29.4% gain that the Ebbchart has accomplished...I don't think ebb would be in favor it that. If we keep the pay-for-views in the current discussion, and only talk about what happened with them in the past, then there is no harm done, and I suspect the pay-for-view owners would like people to know how they are doing. Check with the owners of the pay-for-view sites, but I bet they would agree.
(pasted from Tom's free comments, viewable now):)

I can not confirm this as no one seems to know for sure, but I believe that means if you want to make a transfer that will be effective on Tuesday of next week, it has to be done between 12 noon ET and possibly 4 PM ET (I'm not certain of the latter time). The market is open Monday, but the TSP does not process transactions because of the Federal holiday.

"If you made it this far I'll throw in that the Ebbchart System will be in the I-fund Monday, and the S-fund Tuesday. That was for those of you with ongoing login issues to the new services. I will be working on it all day today and hopefully we'll be back to normal by Tuesday morning when I'm back here. Out of respect for those paying for that service, that will be the last time I can do that."

My apologees if I overstepped the boundries of paid service disclosure.
I was following the conversation of the previous post that stated the same information that I had edited out of my post.
This same information as far as I can see was a moot point. If that impression on my part is wrong please explain why to me.
Thank you

Disclosure of any IFT's paid service past or present without the express permission of the owner is likely inappropriate.

We may see in the future that the creators of those systems may publish older records, but until they do, it is a presumption for a subscriber to decide when and if this information is released.

Moot or not, it is not up to individual discretion. :cool:

Thank for that info and therefore my lips are sealed concerning Ebb's system .:o:)
To all the Censors, (or, I mean, editors...sorry) You guys have to lighten up on this talk about the pay-for-view site info. Wildboar53 just made a comment about what happened in the past. That information is a moot point...yesterday's news. The trading is done...no one can act on that information anyway. It's history...It's like saying we can't talk about the 29.4% gain that the Ebbchart has accomplished...I don't think ebb would be in favor it that. If we keep the pay-for-views in the current discussion, and only talk about what happened with them in the past, then there is no harm done, and I suspect the pay-for-view owners would like people to know how they are doing. Check with the owners of the pay-for-view sites, but I bet they would agree.

Discussion of gains aren't the issue.

Discussion of how those gains were accomplished is.

Again, it's up to Ebb, Trader Fred, TSPkey, etc... to publish their histories. Until they give you permission, don't assume that you have it. The reason is this (and EW ret just discussed some of this in another thread regarding posting recent moves by paid subscribers) is that just because this information is no longer actionable, does not mean that it is stale or unrevealing.

That is why there is some discussion of if there should be a subscriber's only discussion thread. This is not a closed issue, and until there is final adjudication, it would only be respectful to allow those who developed these systems to be allowed control over their information until such time as they decide to disclose.

The fact that they are trusting at this point is a testament to their altruism. Let's not force them to copyright this info... :)
Went to G Fund by Friday, noon:

Mostly, my thinking was worry on reaction to those FOMC Minutes on Tues. Since then I also heard that Fed's Poole and another "Fed Open-Mouth-Commentor" will be speaking Tuesday - basically confirming "G" move, since you know as well, the usual effect of these mouths on the Market.

Basically, I'm with others that feel a pull-back here, short-term at least, maybe thru all next week (/longer?) - but looking at this as coming opportunities to DCA-in! (Right now the longer term market is looking OK, but at same time I'd suggest vigilence for a larger-than-expected drop). Another postee commented to what I'd said - that the "Big-Boys" may also press numbers to move Markets down (to get another rate cut).

Any thoughts/opinions on what's ahead for this week/next?
(pasted from Tom's free comments, viewable now):)

I can not confirm this as no one seems to know for sure, but I believe that means if you want to make a transfer that will be effective on Tuesday of next week, it has to be done between 12 noon ET and possibly 4 PM ET (I'm not certain of the latter time). The market is open Monday, but the TSP does not process transactions because of the Federal holiday.

"If you made it this far I'll throw in that the Ebbchart System will be in the I-fund Monday, and the S-fund Tuesday. That was for those of you with ongoing login issues to the new services. I will be working on it all day today and hopefully we'll be back to normal by Tuesday morning when I'm back here. Out of respect for those paying for that service, that will be the last time I can do that."

Thanks! Didn't realize that these posts were based on Tom's notice. Seems like much of the discussion is about if paid service information is proprietary...

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, My Bad :)
Thanks! Didn't realize that these posts were based on Tom's notice. Seems like much of the discussion is about if paid service information is proprietary...

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, My Bad :)
I didn't know that!!!! Sorry folks just trying to keep us straight, oh well!! My fault Skypilot and Wildboar3. Cut my legs off and call me stupid!!!:embarrest:
Hessian said:
"Mostly, my thinking was worry on reaction to those FOMC Minutes on Tues. Since then I also heard that Fed's Poole and another "Fed Open-Mouth-Commentor" will be speaking Tuesday - basically confirming "G" move, since you know as well, the usual effect of these mouths on the Market. "

Aaaaaa-MEN to that. Seemed like every time Greenspan opened his mouth and started squawking about inflation, the market would tank. I don't know about Bernacke yet but I have to believe that he is cut from the same cloth.
If only we could have had different IFT for Monday and a different one for Tuesday. I know this is hind site, but I would have gone G for Monday and got back all in for Tuesday. LOL

Thanks Doc :D
gains ... what gains? What the hell happened??? And of course, the market is coming back AFTER I get out ... sheesh.

I probably will continue to sit out and sulk in G for a while ... the S&P seasonality charts for the last of October isn't very hopeful - but then it should be smooth sailing after that.