crws's Account Talk

The 2 attorneys discussed the issue and at the end the Fox reporter condemned the action of the attacker.

So, to further my point- (you are correct, RMI)

As Kelly's & Fox's "tweet and teaser" asserts, you believe there was *some* justification of his actions?
Enough that it warranted a "discussion" by a prosecutor turned defense attorney and trial lawyer that "took Enron to task"?
- And no one from a Women's Advocacy Group on International Women's Day no less, to say- there is NO excuse for a man to hit a woman, and only skeptical justification under life threatening circumstances?
<em> Pervasive moral turpitude </em>

See if you find any contradictions wthin just this "story" here.
on a lighter note-
Shoulda Woulda Coulda

Oil down a buck and the market's not moving.
Thought hi oil was the reason for the seiz'n?

I think today was the day to catch some G time and I missed it......
fingers crossed
Why I don't watch, listen, or otherwise support Fox Broadcasting et al.
It makes me sick.

I know that Fox enjoys a wide viewing audience with the majority in the conservative camp.
My question to you is-
When are we, as men, EVER justified in hitting a woman notwithstanding being drawn down on?
As you can see, Fox presents an entertainment filled "judgement" with the possibility that a 100# woman, a nurse, no less, posed that threat over a parking spot.

I think it's fair enough to say that the majority of us here participate for education and a chance at bettering the outcome of our TSP financial future.

I would encourage those who are regular viewers of Murdoch's media to participate in changing the outcome of Fox's broadcasting by demanding consciousness of the pervasive moral turpitude they promote with segments like this.

Your daughter/sister/mother?

Hey crws did you happen to notice that BOTH SIDES of the situation were given, which leaves the viewer to make up his/her own mind on who is the blame. That is what is called Fair and Balanced!;)
I'd say the negro male has bad manners period - so used to entitlements all the time. Probably already has a criminal record. A real douche nozzle in my book.
Meh, I don't really see what's the big deal. Judge Kelly is just putting a new spin Jerry Springer's show but it's still just a rehashed 1990's day-time talk show. Not exactly reinventing the wheel here, just modernizing what's worked in the past and showing it to a larger viewership.

From a money stand-point it makes sense.

Larger viewership and revenue potential? check
Prettier face than Jerry Springer? check
Over-the-top topics that would put Judge Judy to shame? check
Real life consquences/jail time for participants? check

If you wanna make a "statement" then change the channel. But the simple fact that this is "news" means plenty of people do watch and there's money being made.
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Hey I was serious, Both sides were heard, listen I don't BS Explain to me how it was biased?:confused:
Hey I was serious, Both sides were heard, listen I don't BS Explain to me how it was biased?:confused:

Dude- It was ALL about him!
Watch it again.
Here's the quote from "the Judge"
"but a grown adult man, does not punch a 4'11" 100# woman in the face over a parking spot so hard that her feet lift out from under her, and she winds up in a coma, and then run away to avoid the consequences. He should be held accountable under the criminal law."

Ok- so if he had only hit her softly....that's ok.
If he hit her in the face so hard it lifted her off her feet and put her in a coma, but didn't run, not as bad.
But- if she started it, I mean, didn't give the man the parkin spot when he said so- then all bets are off and she deserved as much blame as him-

You see how cloudy right and wrong gets there?

NNuut, seems to me you'd be the guy yellin at the dude- "move on mofo, the lady was here first- what's your problem?!"

Where is that?
The whole clip was about him and what consequences he may face.
After all, HE will have to live with what he did to her!

To me F&B would be talking to the BF, doing investigative journalism with an ER doc for a status update on her condition.
Asking the PD if charges are contemplated... etc.
Noting that it was World Women's Day during her segment.
Expressing concern for her recovery????

It's that twisted sensationalism that leaves what could have been framed as a human interest story completely void of integrity and sincerity.

sorry man, imo, FoxFail... click the video to go to youTube and read some of the comments posted, how did this tragic story arrive at the callused place a human's (possible) life is only worth a parking space?
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Dude- It was ALL about him!....

You see how cloudy right and wrong gets there?

Noting that it was World Women's Day during her segment.
Expressing concern for her recovery????

It's that twisted sensationalism that leaves what could have been framed as a human interest story completely void of integrity and sincerity.

sorry man, imo, FoxFail... click the video to go to youTube and read some of the comments posted, how did this tragic story arrive at the callused place a human's (possible) life is only worth a parking space?

Thank you crws. There is a bias against the victim that does bring out my liberal bleeding heart (i.e., compassion and empathy) and you did more to explain how that process permeates some "news" stories than anyone else on this mb. Thank you again.

I understand that Fox caters to the frustrations of the white male (please look at who their commentators are before you flame me), but they loss everyone else when they show only righteous compassion for that one sub-group at the expense of everyone else.

I really think these posts and subjects should be on beltway only leaving this mb for less flammable subjects. Watching some posters denigrate hard working women (under the guise of political joking) just for the fun of it has really caused me issues with some posts on this mb. Lets take these discussions, flames, slams to the beltway and leave this mb for those who what to manage their retirement and learn from others about markets and tsp management.
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100% G COB
a good day for an updraft on a downoil.
I hope da boyz have some pocket change to spend before they think too much about Papa Gross' leaving the party early.

GL all
"We Own the Kill Chain"

As Tom Culligan, Raytheon Vice President for Business Development, put
it, "As a top tier defense electronics company, our forte is to be a
provider to major platform manufacturers, which means you see Raytheon's
brand name everywhere - from tanks and rifles to ships, aircraft and
UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles]."


Robert Fisk: First it was Saddam. Then Gaddafi. Now there's a vacancy for the West's favourite crackpot tyrant
That other logo on the front of that cruise missile identifies the organization I work for. ;)

"We Own the Kill Chain"

As Tom Culligan, Raytheon Vice President for Business Development, put
it, "As a top tier defense electronics company, our forte is to be a
provider to major platform manufacturers, which means you see Raytheon's
brand name everywhere - from tanks and rifles to ships, aircraft and
UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles]."


Robert Fisk: First it was Saddam. Then Gaddafi. Now there's a vacancy for the West's favourite crackpot tyrant
That other logo on the front of that cruise missile identifies the organization I work for. ;)

No offense, CH, I mean, when I saw the briefing by Vice Admiral Gortney,
up come the pictures with brand identification. @4:30

FWIW, I found this about Raytheon:

I know you're a history buff when it comes to 'nam, I really don't recall any made for media exposure armament endorsed with partner logos during that era....

I suppose you would be one to ask, then, are all productions decal-ed, or just demonstration versions?

-for the record, as an avid non-smoker, I worked for Kraft GF when they were owned by Philip Morris so I can understand the dichotomy of what one does to earn a living.
The pay and benefits were outstanding...
I believe you see them primarily during testing and demonstrations.

The warfighter often puts their own personal touches on them when they're deployed in action.

No offense, CH, I mean, when I saw the briefing by Vice Admiral Gortney,
up come the pictures with brand identification. @4:30

FWIW, I found this about Raytheon:

I know you're a history buff when it comes to 'nam, I really don't recall any made for media exposure armament endorsed with partner logos during that era....

I suppose you would be one to ask, then, are all productions decal-ed, or just demonstration versions?

-for the record, as an avid non-smoker, I worked for Kraft GF when they were owned by Philip Morris so I can understand the dichotomy of what one does to earn a living.
The pay and benefits were outstanding...