Hey I was serious, Both sides were heard, listen I don't BS Explain to me how it was biased?
Dude- It was ALL about him!
Watch it again.
Here's the quote from "the Judge"
"but a grown adult man, does not punch a 4'11" 100# woman in the face over a parking spot
so hard that her feet lift out from under her, and she winds up in a coma, and then run away to avoid the consequences. He should be held accountable under the criminal law."
Ok- so if he had only hit her softly....that's ok.
If he hit her in the face so hard it lifted her off her feet and put her in a coma, but didn't run away....eh, not as bad.
But- if she started it, I mean, didn't give the man the parkin spot when he said so- then all bets are off and she deserved as much blame as him-
You see how cloudy right and wrong gets there?
NNuut, seems to me you'd be the guy yellin at the dude- "move on mofo, the lady was here first- what's your problem?!"
Where is that?
The whole clip was about him and what consequences he may face.
After all,
HE will have to live with what he did to her!
To me F&B would be talking to the BF, doing investigative journalism with an ER doc for a status update on her condition.
Asking the PD if charges are contemplated... etc.
Noting that it was World Women's Day during her segment.
Expressing concern for her recovery????
It's that twisted sensationalism that leaves what could have been framed as a human interest story completely void of integrity and sincerity.
sorry man, imo, FoxFail... click the video to go to youTube and read some of the comments posted, how did this tragic story arrive at the callused place a human's (possible) life is only worth a parking space?