coolhand's Account Talk

We need this pullback. After the run-up we've had, it will almost certainly be bought. Without volume to the downside this should still be considered a bull market so I'm looking higher. I'm hoping the SS doesn't give me any false signals, but it could happen if things get volatile.

I don't want to do any more interpretation of signals than I have to. :rolleyes:
Looks like some are buying this dip which is a good thing.
Trying to keep an eye on everything leads to interpritation overload.
Trade well CH.
I'm waiting for something bullish to read - don't hold anything back.


Right now I'm bullish. There's nothing bearish about the action right now. Once we broke out of that trading range to the upside it became quickly apparent that the long side was where you want to be positioned.

I thought you were going to sell if I bought this market? :D
With your permission, I'd like to ask your opinion (and anyone else's opinion as well) regarding which fund will most likely perform best in the current upleg. I have one IFT left, with an allocation of 20C/10S/70I?
With your permission, I'd like to ask your opinion (and anyone else's opinion as well) regarding which fund will most likely perform best in the current upleg. I have one IFT left, with an allocation of 20C/10S/70I?

I think you're positioned fine right now. I've over-weighted the I fund as the dollar looks like it may move lower. If that happens and stocks continue to move higher, the I fund should be the leader. If you really want to reallocate, I'd add to the S fund, it's been outperforming the C. That would give you a little bit more diversity than being all I, just in case the dollar doesn't make that move lower.

This strategy takes into consideration the SS buy signal and the TA I posted the other day that strongly suggested a move higher in crude, which should translate to a lower dollar.
10 yr t-bond yield is at 3.78% and is still going higher. profit taking probably will happen in order to let the yields drop
Even with a soft day the buy volume is ahead of the sell volume - similar to yesterday. There is some rotation happening and that's a plus because the money is staying in the market.
Why the bail to G?

You have another IFT to get back in? ST play?

We're due for more pullback than we've seen, but how much underlying strength is waiting to buy dips remains to be seen.

I still got one more ift.
There's greater possibility spx will go up higher, but jobless report and bond auction next week scares me..
I was gonna get out when spx closed above 1k..
kinda late..but.. I dunno :confused:
I'll just jump back in sometime next week
I have some trepidation too. But I am holding the same allocation as this morning. Decided to keep 20% in C because I am hoping that it will drop less than the other funds. If we should continue higher later on I would increase the S or I funds. With the existing restrictions, I want to avoid using my 2nd IFT and am watching the signals from the 7 sentinels. No doubt that today I am finding some comfort in the always positive posts by Birchtree. Thanks also.