It appeared on Friday that the bulls were on their way to retracing even more of recent market losses, but they were not able to hold on to early gains as the afternoon session wore on. Friday ended up in the red as did the week as the bears tempered bullish expectations.
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The 2 charts remain bullish longer term, but the shorter term is seeing momentum ebbing lower.
My intermediate term system is now teetering on flipping negative. Cumulative breadth does remain positive, but is tracking sideways.
The OEX is leaning modestly bearish for Monday, while the CBOE is neutral. NAAIM is bullish overall, but the latest reading suggests more back and forth action, which we are getting. TSP Talk saw a big decline in bulls, which may be bullish in the short term.
I see the latest bout of weakness as part of normal market action. The longer term trend remains bullish and I continue to expect more upside once the weakness abates. The new week looks neutral going into Monday. We'll see how the first 2 days go. Maybe the bulls can turn it around by mid-week.