coolhand's Account Talk

I've been retired 3 years now (ok, I retired young) and taking distributions. I can't afford not to be in this rally.

I'm 60 and near retirement, but I agree with you. I watch other professionals who are all largely in agreement with me about this rally. We probably have some time to go yet. How many more opportunities can we expect that are better than this one? I cannot compare this market with those of the past. The dynamics are much different.
Heading into Wednesday, the options are neutral. TRIN closed at a very high level, which is bearish for Wednesday, but breadth and price are hitting fresh highs. Weakness is certainly not a lock, but we are due for at least some token downside pressure. Still, I'd not be surprised if we melt up either.
Yesterday, I said I thought we might get some weakness, but that I would not be surprised if we melted up instead. We got both; an early rally and selling later in the session. But it didn't amount to a whole lot (not surprising).

S&P 500.png

The options are looking neutral tonight. Breadth dipped, but that's meaningless given its bullish trajectory. However, Wednesday's token downside action could bleed over into Thursday, but as has been the case for some time now, it's a buy if we get any.

I hope you aren't getting bored with my overall daily bullish tone. :D

Just don't tell me I sound like Birchtree. :laugh:

No, I haven't heard from him. I suspect when he took some time away from the board way back when he felt less and less compelled to engage it again.
whatever happened to JTH is my question..they guy was posting every day before.
I've been wondering that since I started coming here again recently. I've been so busy I haven't had time to really manage my money. I left it in the S fund all last year and thankfully it worked out.

I appreciate people explaining their view on the market such as coolhand does.

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Futures up again. Still riding the wave. We have to be getting close to a correction. Killer Jan and Feb pullback? Any thoughts?
Futures up again. Still riding the wave. We have to be getting close to a correction. Killer Jan and Feb pullback? Any thoughts?

I agree in principle and in a historical context. However, we are in uncharted waters on more than one level. I have plenty of skin in this game, so believe me I'm watching. Took another position in TNA and SPXL today. I am heavily leveraged on the bullish side.
The market showed its resilience again on Thursday. I have the feeling it may be getting ready for another launch, but there is an outside chance we get some hard selling before that begins (emphasis on "outside chance"). The options are neutral. NAAIM got a bit more bullish and there remains ZERO short bears. That's another indication that if we were to get any selling, it won't go all that deep and could be over fairly quick. But this market may just decide it doesn't need much of a reset, so don't bet on the downside.

Breadth ticked lower, but remains bullish. I'm long TNA and SPXL as well as 100% stocks in TSP.
My Thursday comments were pretty much on target. I said that while we could see some selling before another launch, it was hardly a lock. We got little in the way of selling and the market may have begun another up leg.

S&P 500.png

The options are bullish heading into Monday. NAAIM is bullish. Breadth turned back up. Money is finding its way into our market from across the globe as well as through the gradual increase of retirement savings, thanks to the tax cuts.

I am not one to be bullish for the sake of bullishness, but it is hard to ignore market behavior and the underlying fundamental shifts now occurring.

As more and more traders and investors start to understand what is happening, even more money will likely get pushed into the market. I continue to think we have months of upward bias to go (that's about as far out as I can see right now). Pullbacks will still happen along the way, but the how deep they go and how long they last is questionable.