burrocrat's Account Talk

i have decided to let wilson go and be his own ball, wherever that takes him. we had a good wind yesterday and i think he moved a little, but it could be just the way i was holding the phone, i can't tell.

anyways, a few leaves have started to turn all ready. i hope he decides to come down soon. it could get pretty cold up there. i worry about him being lonely without his foot, base, tennis, and golf ball friends to keep him company in the closet. i'm curious if when the air temp drops and he loses volume will it be easier to unwedge from the branches or will the increased rolling resistance will solidify the spot.

life is full of wonder.

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Poor Burro .... That is just so sad. Just to think your ball will be up there hanging in the wind... Alone and icy cold this winter. Surely something more can be done!!!:(
Poor Burro .... That is just so sad. Just to think your ball will be up there hanging in the wind... Alone and icy cold this winter. Surely something more can be done!!!:(

don't cry for me, argentina. although if you're brazilian i suppose a little bawling is to be expected. they have some crazy waxes down there.
Burro I hope you are able to get your balls out of the tree.

it's no big deal, they've been stuck far worse places for far longer before.

i'm just gonna let this one play itself out. i'll keep you posted on any progress.
we had a hard rain and a blow last night and it was too much for wilson. i went out to the pickup this morning to see if there were any beers left behind the seat for breakfast and there's wilson just laying there. gravity is my friend. sorry about the shaky pic, i hadn't had my coffee yet.

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I'll put this one on a tee for you ol'sport...have you been blocked from the lame name game, too...I have been following the rules...actually haven't posted there in days...do you think someone has it out for my sweet, adorable daughter...the one in my avatar...or am i just shuttering alone on my island...no one had the heart to tell me...
I just realized something...this might be due to the new Entertainment thing Tom is doing...boy is my face red...I won't delete this because it seems deceptive and I am trying my hand at Liar Liar for awhile...I can't unpush the buttons
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...have you been blocked from the lame name game, too...I have been following the rules...actually haven't posted there in days...or am i just shuttering alone on my island...no one had the heart to tell me...
I just realized something...this might be due to the new Entertainment thing Tom is doing...boy is my face red

Come on back to the "Name Game" rcknfrewld! You no longer have to shutter alone on your island. Tom has finished his reboot and everything is now working for me. I can finally get back in.
this is what i'm going to listen to when i'm busy making sock monkeys next week in my spare time when i get furloughed. over and over on a loop. pump up the volume.

except for if taylor swift comes on, then i'm all about taylor swift. but after she's done screeching then i'm back to marrs, pump up the volume, some more.
oh yeah, and cheryl crow. anytime.

today is a bit bittersweet for me. on one hand i've given 10 good years of full commitment, integrity, and honest effort to fulfil my gov mission, and i've never in my life been let go from any of the various positions i've labored at. but today i got laid off. with only a .pdf packet and some chain emails as a consolation prize. they said they appreciate me though, sure have a funny way of showing it.

i did win a personal bet for a sock monkey, but i hedged and lost an equal bet on the side, so eventually i'll net a loss on the shipping.

the bad news is i have to do a week waiting period before unemployment eligibilty kicks in and another week before i can apply for payment which will take another week to arrive so a quick look in the cupboard reveals october's menu. the good news is if they don't call me back by monday i will soon be privately employed.

see ya, wouldn't want to be ya. fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. i value myself more than that.
Congratulations on your win...you won fair and square. Let me know what you want monkeys to look like. Also, sorry to hear about lay off. Hope all works out..