so i kinda lied there, well, not really lied to you ravensfan, i just failed to mention relevant facts. the real reason i don't try to meet red car girl is i can already tell she would not pass the pee test. yep, i give all my prospective serious dates a pee test.
so i live in a rural area and one of the best ways to really get to know a person is to go for a drive out in the country. just bounce down dirt roads and drink beer and find a hill with a view or a stream or lake to jump in or whatever and talk. but after a few beers, one will need to pee, it is invevitable. so i drive and talk and wait, until she has to pee.
the gal that can just say 'hey, i need to pee, pull over' usually gets a second date. the gal that crosses her arms and legs and refuses to talk and pouts and pinches for 20 miles until we get back to town usually doesn't get a call back. why not stop at somebodies farmstead and ask to pee there? because they would just look at you like you are crazy "what? pee in my house? you have the whole prairie out there?".
so here is a funny but true story about country girls and peeing. i worked with a girl who was 7 or so months pregnant at the time and we had to go out and do some field work, driving around checking weed control on some conservation acres and measuring bins full of grain. after bouncing around dirt roads and two-track prairie trails most of the morning she finally says "stop, i have to pee". so i stopped in the middle of the field miles from a paved road and we both got out and i went around front and went and she went around back and propped herself against the bumper so as not to squat in her condition i could see her head poking up above the edge of the tailgate out of the corner of my eye.
after i get back in the truck and wait for her to finish, she says "hey, can you find some napkins or something, i forgot to bring paper". so i get some out of the glove box and walk down the side of the truck just far enough until i can reach over the edge of the tailgate and she sticks her hand up over her shoulder and grabs the paper. after she is done she stands up and adjust everything and digs a hole with her boot heel and buries the paper, like a cat i guess. then she just climbs back in and says "thanks" and we go on about our way checking weeds and measuring grain. no big deal.
everybody pees you know? too bad she was already married, that one was a keeper, and her husband a lucky man.
so no thanks, no red car girl for me, can't pass the pee test.