burrocrat's Account Talk

Re: * Racism

yes. and then some. this is just the start. ride like hell is breathing down your neck and the claws of the beast tearing the skin off your back. run.

At the very least, couldn't the ark provide a little bit of Bactine for those claw wounds on my back...

Boy did I pick a cruddy entry point. I may be a kangaroo, but I sure do feel like the ass today.. Got a feelin' I'll be feelin' this way for while. Good thing I'm going in for a stress test this week.

To paraphrase Rick James, "Emotions, their a hell of a thing". Knew I felt it Friday before making the IFT. If I felt it, many others were feeling the same way except heading in the other direction. Lesson learned - until the next lesson..

Good luck fellow arkers!
At the very least, couldn't the ark provide a little bit of Bactine for those claw wounds on my back...

Boy did I pick a cruddy entry point. I may be a kangaroo, but I sure do feel like the ass today.. Got a feelin' I'll be feelin' this way for while. Good thing I'm going in for a stress test this week.

To paraphrase Rick James, "Emotions, their a hell of a thing". Knew I felt it Friday before making the IFT. If I felt it, many others were feeling the same way except heading in the other direction. Lesson learned - until the next lesson..

Good luck fellow arkers!

Welcome aboard. :D
At the very least, couldn't the ark provide a little bit of Bactine for those claw wounds on my back...

Boy did I pick a cruddy entry point. I may be a kangaroo, but I sure do feel like the ass today.. Got a feelin' I'll be feelin' this way for while. Good thing I'm going in for a stress test this week.

To paraphrase Rick James, "Emotions, their a hell of a thing". Knew I felt it Friday before making the IFT. If I felt it, many others were feeling the same way except heading in the other direction. Lesson learned - until the next lesson..

Good luck fellow arkers!

well you ain't lookin so much like an ass now, that was a nice hit and git, healed up right nice. how you rode it down and back out i don't know and don't care. yeah! big money big nuts.
well you ain't lookin so much like an ass now, that was a nice hit and git, healed up right nice. how you rode it down and back out i don't know and don't care. yeah! big money big nuts.
Thanks man, but hey, you made sure the ark has a heck of a great first aid kit. Just needed a good strong pair of huggies for the ride down.

Onward to July...
burros-ark 160703

burros-ark update: screech! wow, what a quick stop and turn around. whammo kablammo! like a frikkin roller coaster or something, oh man what a drop and pop! wheeeee! everything looking crap last week is looking cherries now. bam! that was fun to watch, but i am so glad i am not on the ride. maybe i am getting old but it is just not so much fun to play on the tracks any more, what if a train comes along? that is what trains do you know? they come along, sure bend down and pick up that shiny penny off the rail, it’s a shiny penny, wham! but i guess everything is well and right and even with the world now so no worries, shiny penny.

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burros-ark signal: hold (confirm previous previous previous previous previous sell). that is a lot of previous’s there. hold. i just don’t have the optimism i used to, the world has jaded me, the more you play with the world the more you become the world. so i am going to have to lower my expectations of the market, note that it has been in a zero trading band since march. but there is great money to be made if you can trade the swings, or swing the trades, not sure yet which one, but I’m working on it. hold.

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burros-ark stuff: housekeeping: some are off the ark and swimming on their own, and we took on some new boarders. el vira and ex posure remain of course as a summary, burrocrat (personal) and burros-ark (system) are still here too. just not as personal and dirty as it used to be, this was a hard choice for me because i like it personal and dirty. but things change, things always change. 13% ain’t nuthin to shake a stick at, let’s see where we go from here.
burros-ark 160710

burros-ark update: boy it sure would have been nice to catch that jump, but there is such unpredictability and volatility out there. brexit, not brexit, oil, not oil, jobs, but no good jobs. hmmmm. i think the danger to the downside is greater than the opportunity to the upside but what do i know. i don’t feel bad about missing this one. crazy stuff happening in the country and in the world, and i think it is just getting started. every arker and every fund except the i-fund is positive, i wonder why our market keeps floating? at some point the tide must run out, that’s what tides sometimes do.

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burros-ark signal: hold (confirm previous previous previous previous previous previous sell). there are sectors of the market that will do well in our changing world, but we have no options among the tsp funds it gain exposure. so we have to play the swings on the general market and hope we can be quicker than the beast. hold. i have a general feeling of discomfort about how events are playing and going to be playing out, so i just cannot justify jumping on this train right now. there will be other rides with better entry points. hold.

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burros-ark stuff: summer is in full swing now, the reservoir is warm enough to swim in, races on the dirt track on the weekends, ice and cold beer, brats on the grill, life is good. lots of tank tops running and jiggling around, i am not complaining. people are beautiful, life is beautiful, i am grateful to be alive and to have a good job and to have more time. one day i will get this right, but until then i will just keep walking even when things get ugly. good luck out there, our world is changing, it does that sometimes.
I would have been very surprised if you had given a buy signal for this week as all indications are for a pullback, especially with the S&P's near record close on Friday. It just seems that in spite of our timid attitude the market continues to going up, that is until we jump in and down she goes...:(

On another note, I understand the new format, but miss your previous method of posting. It was always nice to see how I was doing compared to the other arkers as well as the other funds and to read your comments on those who got taken to the cleaners as well as those who made out like bandits. But as you say, times are a changing, so I'll adjust.

Thanks again for all you do and please don't get to distracted by all the jiggling tank tops!:nuts:

Raven out!
don't get to distracted by all the jiggling tank tops!

that is going to be impossible. i am an equal opportunity boob appreciator. i like them all. everybody has some good to give.

so back to the markets, yeah, it is a tough nut to crack this year. i still gonna crack it, just being patient. i am not very good at that part.
burros-ark 160717

burros-ark update: well now, isn’t that some kind of run? like a rocket, who woulda thunk it? on one hand it would’ve been nice to catch that jump, but the system is not built to catch every jump, rather avoid the drops by staying mostly out and then take the shots it sees. who saw that moon shot coming? i-fund is lagging bad and getting further behind. c- and s-funds are gaining ground but how long can it last? we have the biggest bank in the world and yes, we can tug the liquidity pool around however we want like a tide. but that is a big gorilla we are playing with, at some point it might beat us. and it won’t be kind. i don’t know what to do except hold on to my dollars, they are still worth a dollar, but over time those dollars buy less. very tricky game here.

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burros-ark signal: hold (confirm a lot of previous sells). yeah, don’t know what to say. the uncertainty and volatility are off the charts, but the balloon keeps rising. ain’t that the darndest thing? hold. the politics of the day are messing up standard logic and reason. there are awful things happening to innocent folks the world over on a daily basis it seems. nobody can call it. even if they see it they would hesitate to call it in case it offends somebody. the word is “detached”. the market is detached. it makes no sense. let it wring itself out. hold.

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burros-ark stuff: hmmmm. not sure what to say here either. how about we talk about love? have you ever fallen in love? have you ever fallen out of love? does it hurt? how often can one fall in and out of love? have you kept score? at some point does love just “be” without having to prove and fight for it every day? at some point does love become too much of a fight? or is love always a struggle? do folks ever get tired of struggling and fighting? does love ever just sit on the couch and say bring me another bon-bon so what if i’m fat i’m happy? or does it always have to try to fit in progessively smaller spandex booty shorts? is love like a long road with a new adventure possible every day, or is love a treadmill, same crap over and over with no end in sight, no finish line, no winning? when is enough, enough? these are very important questions. if love was the market, then i know folks can quit, they get burned too hard and just sit on the sidelines after that and are glad they don’t get burned any more. but love seems to be different, even after dashing on the rocks, hard, again, folks can’t seem to quit playing the hot hand. who knows? life is strange. good luck with the market, i might be able to help there, but you’re on your own when it comes to love.
burros-ark stuff: hmmmm. not sure what to say here either. how about we talk about love? have you ever fallen in love? have you ever fallen out of love? does it hurt? how often can one fall in and out of love? have you kept score? at some point does love just “be” without having to prove and fight for it every day? at some point does love become too much of a fight? or is love always a struggle? do folks ever get tired of struggling and fighting? does love ever just sit on the couch and say bring me another bon-bon so what if i’m fat i’m happy? or does it always have to try to fit in progessively smaller spandex booty shorts? is love like a long road with a new adventure possible every day, or is love a treadmill, same crap over and over with no end in sight, no finish line, no winning? when is enough, enough? these are very important questions. if love was the market, then i know folks can quit, they get burned too hard and just sit on the sidelines after that and are glad they don’t get burned any more. but love seems to be different, even after dashing on the rocks, hard, again, folks can’t seem to quit playing the hot hand. who knows? life is strange. good luck with the market, i might be able to help there, but you’re on your own when it comes to love.[/QUOTE]

Woah Burro, touchy complicated subject there. All the questions about love. I'm sure many people's answer is yes!, broken hearts at one time or another. If you've ever been kicked to the curb you must suck it up and move on, realize (when you ask) "when enough is enough"!!!!!. Here is a music video that might answer some of your questions.

Warning: Parental discretion for language, somewhat offensive for some. It's satire to pick up one's spirits, Sort of.

burros-ark 160724

burros-ark update: this thing never stops, does it? just keeps going and going. i was reading a story about herion addiction and a girl named amanda, and it reminded me of the stock market investment games. we are just going to keep shooting it more juice until it fades out or goes into violent withdrawal and sickness. who knows, maybe the world is just fine and i’m just a big ole negative nellie pessimist? this is one train i am glad i am not on, plum happy to watch it go rocketing by on its rickety old track, steaming into the curve. i have never been good at capitulating or conceding so i think by executive order default the ark has to sit this one out until a big drop, and the longer it goes the bigger drop it is going to take to pique my interest. ark members seem to agree as most are out or at historical low exposure to equities, and as a whole the allocation is definitely in a conservative fear mix. so at some point this is going to get close and exciting, but not yet.

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burros-ark signal: hold (confirm a lot of previous sells). el vira and exposure are both in extremely pessimistic territory, hardly nobody wants a piece of this market. every day there seems to be some potential tragedy just around the corner, and bad things do happen, but the market just keeps running. where is it getting its juice? hold. while it would’ve been nice to catch that brexit launch, we didn’t, and it is hard to justify chasing it now. somebody gonna get a rose garden, and somebody gonna get nothing but thorns. i wish i knew which one it is, just gonna have to wait and see. hold.

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burros-ark stuff: i learned a new word this week: frong. i was up late doing some, uh, internet research, and i came across these frong thingys totally by accident. it is a swimsuit that is kind of like a thong, except in the front. fascinating. why didn’t they invent this before? it is one of those things when you see it you just know it’s a natural. well, not exactly natural, definitely requires some fastidious grooming to pull it off, but it just fits. when i was a kid the ladies one-piece swimsuits had little fake skirts on them to hide the hips and curves and bumps and bits. not any more. my, how the world has changed.
burros-ark 160731

burros-ark update: i apologize for the late post this morning, i was busy ordering soap off the internet and taking personality disorder tests. it happens sometimes (the ordering soap part that is, the personality disorder thing is pretty much constant). i still got a little regret about missing out on that brexit bounce, i thought long and hard about it at the time, but just could not justify pulling the trigger. so i have been reminding myself that the primary goal of the ark system is to avoid big losses, and second to capture hot quick gains when i see them. got the first, lost out on the second, that happens sometimes too. and now the ark is losing ground to the lucky ones, which makes me double think and itch to get it, but then i remind myself again, jumping the gun almost never works out well. wait until you see the whites of their eyes.

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burros-ark signal: hold (confirm a lot of previous sells, again). el vira and exposure are both in extremely pessimistic territory still, and there is not really any potential good news on the horizon that i can see. i fundamentally believe there is a big **** storm coming, soon, and i want no part of it. hold. on top of all that, there has been a series of “life coincidences” going on around me and that almost always means big stuff is afoot and i better start listening (see burros-ark stuff below for just one example of seemingly odd life coincidences that make perfect sense). hold.

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burros-ark stuff: so i see this picture razorcat posted of soap shaped like a pig and as luck would have it, that is a coincidence on several levels, too many levels, too accurate to ignore. the soap itself means little, other than it is a marker that demonstrates alignment, and when things align like that, usually something big is about to happen. so i am out of the market and the system is too, just waiting for the thunder. if you see the lightning flash and hear the thunder at the same time you are in big trouble. please just be a vague far off flash in the sky and then the thunder, a few seconds later, please. make no mistake, it is close.

now about the soap and coincideces. i ordered $78 of it from “bathhouse soapery and caldarium”, because when i got to the total of what i wanted it was $68 plus shipping so might as well just add couple more bars and get free shipping for the same cost.

coincidence 01: the soap that originally caught my eye was the red razorback pig one and i thought “maybe it smells like cherries i would like to smell like cherries i hope it is not cinammon because cinammon makes my peepee hurt in the bath don’t ask how i know that”. as it turns out, it smells like bacon! the only thing i would like to smell like more than cherries is bacon! what a coincidence! i have to get some of that! so i ordered two bars because i am going to shower with one, and every xmas my work has a gag gift exchange where you anonymously give a gift nobody would ever expect or accept, but they have to act all polite when they unwrap it, ahhh good times.

coincidence 02: a long time ago i did a couple months long job at a sawmill in fulton alabama at scotch lumber. i am not going to speak to the quality of the accomadations because they were the best fulton alabama had just up the road, but they were some of the worst i have ever stayed in and i have stayed in many questionable places. we would get only sundays off on a 12 hour rotation the other six days, but on saturday night we would go find a roadhouse dance hall somewhere out in the sticks and live it up. southern girl rock my world. anyways… one sunday we go for a drive, all the way across mississippi, and end up in natchitoches louisiana (pronounced “nak a tish” at least that is the way i remember it, keep in mind it is sunday morning after a saturday night roadhouse adventure). and we end up at a restaurant named “the landing” for sunday brunch. it is all white linen and black wrought iron along a canal. and they had the best eggs benedict in the world. i have never had better eggs benedict, i will never forget them, like a religious experience. it is my second favorite breakfast dish ever behind biscuits and gravy. so it turns out this bathhouse soapery that sells the hogwash is just a few doors down from the landing brunch restaurant in natchitoches. very strange, ears perk and hair stands up on my arms, you have been here before donkey, better listen! it is one of the cues life gives me sometimes when it is time to run.

coincidence 03: i am teaching my son how to shave. i have been for a couple years using razors and handles from “harry’s” and they are high quality and inexpensive, but the shave cream or butter is not cost effective compared to equate orange can aloe vera from walmart which works too. but this bathhouse soapery has a shave mug and boar’s hair brush and shave soap combo. i grew up watching my dad shave with a mug and brush and single blade razor, until my mom kicked him out for cheating, again and again. anyways. so it just seemed fitting i need to get a shave mug and brush and high quality shave soap.

so i orded the bacon flavor bath bars, some other soap bars like rain and hope, and some replacement shave bars that fit the mug. i got “hope” (because the proceeds go directly to charitable organizations in the community they are sold and because in the morning when i wash and scrub in the shower i hope i do some good today and i also hope my fellow human beings also wash and scrub because that would be good), “rain” is supposed to be a clean manly scent and i always wanted to be a clean manly man so maybe this soap will help plus it used to be called mud and minerals and i am very familiar with mud), and i got “tweed” (i’m not so sure about the tweed except it is supposed to be another manly scent, but maybe too fancy for me), and i got “gunpowder and lead” (no explanation needed). so karma and existential warnings caused me to buy $78 dollars worth of spa soap. at minimum i will be smellin good while the world goes to hell. life is strange. there is no doubt in my mind the cosmos is telling me to pay attention or at least buy some soap. roger roger.