burrocrat's Account Talk

burros-ark 160904

burros-ark update: well, more shenanigans and manufactured numbers to stay in the median and not tip the hand, yet. this is a huge giant setup, although i would rather bernie rant ‘youg’ than listen to gold boy donald and hillbot madame hoveround pretend pander to the middle class who will of course pay more to support the poor until 95% of the people are all destitute and the 5% in their gated enclaves toast themselves on their success. so this is a bad deal in front of us, which side to take? where is the future money to be made? is it the don to run us over, or the hill to choke us out? who knows, either way we get it. probably our own personal jabba the hut with huma on a leash, i bet she looks good in a slave girl bikini. but melania ain’t half bad neither. the seer stones are not working so good anymore, everything is blurry, everything looks all the same. good luck.

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burros-ark signal: hold (confirm a lot of previous sells, again). el vira and exposure are showing a little more movement, most folks can only sit silent on a rock for so long, then they must move. hold. physics and human nature hate stasis. finance hates a vacuum even more, because finance only profits when folks transact, in either direction the profit to execute the transaction is the same. but if you know enough early enough, you can put yourself of the right side of the dime and take some extra off the top. there is a sh*t storm coming, it has been building for a while now, and it could build bigger for much more. hold.

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burros-ark stuff: DAPL, dakota access pipeline, this is an interesting conundrum. it pits all the players against each other, but the players are all the same, more than they know. nobody green likes pipeline to transport oil, and they like trains to transport oil even less. the ideology and lefty friends who make boocoo bucks transporting oil by train fund in part the pipeline protests. everybody gets to the protest site by? you guessed it, pickup trucks and various internal combustion engines, even haul their horses in on trailers pulled by? yep, pickup trucks. even the media and cops observing, serving, monitoring the protest got transported there by? oil. many of them fly in on planes for much of their journey, powered by? well it ain’t unicorn soft serve and rainbow farts. so if everybody is brought together by and uses the same oil to do their thing, what is the problem with oil? or is the problem the people? who knows? i can tell you this though… both the private enterprise and the protesting people are well-funded and well incentivized and fired up. ululate. bang the drums. sic the dogs. protect yourself. protect the land. protect the law. protect commerce. what should we do? who should do it? watch the videos if you can find them. who is chanting, who is driving the warriors? grandmothers, that’s who. do not mess with a native grandmother, they have resources and history from other places they can bring to bear. some people are going to die there. the warriors and the soldiers will both write, and be written, in blood. if you drive a car or own anything made with plastic, you should be ashamed, on both sides. but the pipeline will still get built. and everybody will drive home, in their pickup trucks powered by… yep, oil. and then go to walmart to buy something new and shiny and disposable, yep, made of plastic. to horse!

burros-ark 160911

burros-ark update: what do you call a minus -2.5% haircut in a toppy market? a good start. and we’re beginning to see a few more nibbles, ark folks moving incrementally in, putting more chips on the pass line, so volatility is making an appearance which is good news for traders. it seems nobody trusts the fed not to move, nobody trusts the politicians either because they are always moving, and nobody trusts themselves enough to move much more than a few pennies as well. what an interesting point in time.

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burros-ark signal: hold (confirm a lot of previous sells, again). el vira and exposure are showing even more movement, some folks got tired of sitting silent on a rock for so long, now they are starting to move. hold. last week i said physics and human nature hate stasis, and sure enough we got some confirmation, the ether is practically humming with impatience, electric. i can’t tell you what is going to happen because i don’t know. and i can’t tell you what i would like to see happen because you would call me a doomsdayer and think i’m crazy, which i may be but not for this reason. hold.

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burros-ark stuff: i shop at jcpenney online, a lot. because you can get reasonable quality and large selection at great prices if you use the rewards program and free ship to store options. plus they give me a free coupon for my birthday, which is coming up. another year, that is winning, yay me. so this year with my coupons and rewards i got some new running shoes. i have only owned office shoes and outdoor boots and river sandals for years, and the technology of these running shoes blows my mind. they are so light and look so sharp and are light as a feather. they are nike and i have an indelible picture in my mind of the first pair of nice shoes i ever owned, i had to spend my own money saved from multiple jobs to get them because nikes where outside family budget. so for gym class i bought my own pair of nikes, and these are as wonderful and amazing now as they were back then, only the world has changed meanwhile. oh well, it does that sometimes. so put them on and went for a hike. to the quickmart for lotto and the liquor store for beer. i feel like i done good, but it sure has been a long road.
*** whoa whoa whoa ***

note to self: do not prewrite burros ark late on a saturday night without double checking before posting.

log out to play a relaxing game of internet poker before church and come back to find this? crap. the message is still good, just got the graphics wrong. pretend you never saw that.

burros-ark 160911

burros-ark update (v.02): what do you call a minus -2.5% haircut in a toppy market? a good start. and we’re beginning to see a few more nibbles, ark folks moving incrementally in, putting more chips on the pass line, so volatility is making an appearance which is good news for traders. it seems nobody trusts the fed not to move, nobody trusts the politicians either because they are always moving, and nobody trusts themselves enough to move much more than a few pennies as well. what an interesting point in time.

View attachment 39384

burros-ark signal: hold (confirm a lot of previous sells, again). el vira and exposure are showing even more movement, some folks got tired of sitting silent on a rock for so long, now they are starting to move. hold. last week i said physics and human nature hate stasis, and sure enough we got some confirmation, the ether is practically humming with impatience, electric. i can’t tell you what is going to happen because i don’t know. and i can’t tell you what i would like to see happen because you would call me a doomsdayer and think i’m crazy, which i may be but not for this reason. hold.

View attachment 39385

burros-ark stuff: i shop at jcpenney online, a lot. because you can get reasonable quality and large selection at great prices if you use the rewards program and free ship to store options. plus they give me a free coupon for my birthday, which is coming up. another year, that is winning, yay me. so this year with my coupons and rewards i got some new running shoes. i have only owned office shoes and outdoor boots and river sandals for years, and the technology of these running shoes blows my mind. they look so sharp and are light as a feather. they are nike and i have an indelible picture in my mind of the first pair of nice shoes i ever owned, i had to spend my own money saved from multiple jobs to get them because nikes were outside family budget. so for gym class i bought my own pair of nikes, and these are as wonderful and amazing now as they were back then, only the world has changed meanwhile. oh well, it does that sometimes. so i put them on and went for a hike. to the quickmart for lotto and the liquor store for beer. i feel like i done good, but it sure has been a long road.
burros-ark 160918

burros-ark update: treading water, waiting, waiting, waiting. nobody new took the plunge since last week, many variables and all are locked up tight for a couple months now. what will it take to shake the lethargy? probably either a giagantic boom or a huge crash. and all of us in hindsight will think to ourselves “i should’ve seen that coming, it is all so clear now”. forget about the financial pitfalls of 8 years of zero interest rates and free market herion, the political landscape is a minefield and when this market goes boom it will cut some off at the knees. but who will it take, the sitters who miss the big wave, or the surfers who get dumped on the rocks? we have a catatonic candidate on one hand and a loose cannon with no safety on the other. and the pump is primed on all fronts, what will the feds do, what will the electorate do, what will the stars say? if you are gambler, this is exactly the type of tinderbox setup to hunt for. now where is my gas can?

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burros-ark signal: hold (confirm a lot of previous sells). el vira and exposure are declining again, nobody is hungry for risk, it has become an extreme conservatism with regards to personal long term investments. that equals fear. hold. the ark watches a basket of folks who in aggregate tend to make good decisions, and they are not nor have not taken the bait, for a long time. that is good enough for me. hold.

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burros-ark stuff: i sometimes order stuff of the internet (no, not korean brides, regular stuff). as it turns out i have assembled quite a grab bag of extra stuff, two is one and one is none. so i usually order 3 of everything because if it is good enough for me to need it then my son should have it too and why not get a spare? Anyways, I have an extra bacon flavored hogwash soap, a waterproof matches case (which is also good for stashing your weed in if you are not using it to hold matches dry but then what would be the point of having dry weed if no matches better practice with the flint and steel after finishing these chips?), and a tactical bivy bag which is like a space foil blanket folded in half only with a zipper. as fate would have it, i have spent a night naked in a space blanket after hours in the water and luckily being blown by the wind to a coulee point, so we got on the lee side of that finger of dirt out of the wind and everything was soaked. except for the matches in a waterproof case and the space blankets. i slept naked in the dirt with that blanket after getting a fire going. at some point i woke up with a burning sensation on my leg. when you were a kid did you ever focus a magnifying glass on a bug? yep, like that. apparently as you toss and turn in the gauzy halfworld between what the body can give and what heaven can take, the foil can become like a reflector and you are the bug. hot hot hot. not a whole body warm bones hot, a holy crap there is a nukeler reaction the size of a dime digging a hole in my leg. but it was so good to hit my feet and be vertical, dancing around the fire trying to get the burning sensation to go away. life is a funny thing. so for xmas whatever unlucky soul gets me for a secret santa is gonna be gifted hogwash, a weed case temporarily holding dry matches, and a tactical bivy. don’t laugh, there are worse presents to receive. happy trails.
here is the deal, stuck in the middle with you, remember that, it will all make perfect sense.

so burros-ark was built to track a representative sample of tsptalk participants in conjunction with world, financial, and political events to see where things point. but when the "canaries in the coal mine" start following the ark instead of informing the ark, then we get a sort of negative feedback loop. which is why i stopped calling out individual moves weekly because that began to affect individual's moves, and also because i started to run out of dirty, sexually suggestive, improper things to say (i know, it surprised me too, that is my specialty), but it happened.

anyways, there are 12 flagship members on the ark, all still a good mix of indicator species, but i don't call it out anymore. and everybody is welcome, just can't be a bellweather if you are a premie because then the moves are not public and can't be factored in. pretty simple, right?

so this is where the ark has been stuck since the brexit drop and pop, in a mexican standoff (nothing against mexicans or standoffs). it was built to watch some folks' moves but when folks start following the signal instead of generating the signal then houston we have a problem. but that is ok too, because houston sometimes has problems, so we is what we all is.

it's kind of like 'reservoir dogs' except for not as pretty. some days it's good to be mr. pink.

(note: strong language and adult concepts, but if you are here you knew that already).

clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, stuck in the middle with you.

oh, and good luck with the trading, sometimes things don't work out.
I'll admit it's tough not to think about the ark's allocation when it's doing way better than me, but for the most part, I just feel like the market is stretched and I'm probably being too damned stubborn not wanting to go in at a higher point than when I got out. That cost me dearly from 2012-2014. Right now I've missed about a 3-4% run up since I got out.

At some point they'll raise rates, right? at some point the S&P will come back to a reasonable P/E, right? Right?? Yeah, I'm hearing crickets...

I'm just not feeling it right now. I'm sure that'll change with a correction or a breakout.

here is the deal, stuck in the middle with you, remember that, it will all make perfect sense.

so burros-ark was built to track a representative sample of tsptalk participants in conjunction with world, financial, and political events to see where things point. but when the "canaries in the coal mine" start following the ark instead of informing the ark, then we get a sort of negative feedback loop. which is why i stopped calling out individual moves weekly because that began to affect individual's moves, and also because i started to run out of dirty, sexually suggestive, improper things to say (i know, it surprised me too, that is my specialty), but it happened.

anyways, there are 12 flagship members on the ark, all still a good mix of indicator species, but i don't call it out anymore. and everybody is welcome, just can't be a bellweather if you are a premie because then the moves are not public and can't be factored in. pretty simple, right?

so this is where the ark has been stuck since the brexit drop and pop, in a mexican standoff (nothing against mexicans or standoffs). it was built to watch some folks' moves but when folks start following the signal instead of generating the signal then houston we have a problem. but that is ok too, because houston sometimes has problems, so we is what we all is.

it's kind of like 'reservoir dogs' except for not as pretty. some days it's good to be mr. pink.

(note: strong language and adult concepts, but if you are here you knew that already).

Okay, I will have to admit that I did not fully understand the concept of the ark and have been guilty of following the signal instead of being the signal. Since then however, I have gone back to my investment strategy and no longer follow the signal. At present, I am 50% invested, but that is only because my strategy tells me not to invest more than 50% during the summer months.

With that said, I'm hoping for a nice pop out of todays no rate hike announcement and then its to the sidelines I go!!!:D
burros-ark 160925

burros-ark update: yeah we got a few runners moving on the ark, some in and some out. that is good to see, a return to volatility. crazy stuff in the news, and just as informative - what is not in the news. the markets sure like the fed rate free money heroin, you can tell because every time someone sneezes that the rates are going up the traders get skeered, but nobody wants to admit it is the fed that is inflating the ‘recovery’. although if the recovery is real, and everybody is truly better off under current economic conditions, wouldn’t the smart fed raise rates? i think the political debates are going to only add to the uncertainty, one candidate is a darling of the market makers, they pay her $250,000 per hour for a speech, and the other candidate is a market maker. the world is a crazy place.

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burros-ark signal: hold (confirm a lot of previous sells). el vira and exposure are declining more, truly a negative appatite for risk and the allocations are near extreme conservativism with only about 30% of the ark money in equities, and 70% of the cumulative ark money holed up on the hook hoping this storm blows over. hold. except i think it is more likely at some point to boil over, not blow over. how are we ever to get a healthy correction when the powers that be always step in and bouy things up? they always limit the plunge, until they don’t. be ready to run. hold.

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burros-ark stuff: it is officially fall and winter is coming fast. this is going to be a bad one judging by how quick and wet things are transitioning. half the leaves have turned already and it is not yet october, i bet it is only a few weeks before we see snow. before you know it we will all be bundled up tight in our living rooms, slow-cookers doing their things with the chilis and stews and soups, watching what is likely to be an election that gives everybody the chills. good luck out there, stay safe and warm, as long as you can.
burros-ark 161002

burros-ark update: treading water some more. a big ole nothing burger. up, down, around, never getting anywhere. just going through the motions. fed this, no wait, no fed. douche bank that, no wait, no german problem, merkel gots it. oil, no not oil, lots of oil, no wait not enough oil. ha ha. the whole rigged money game is a powder keg, waiting to blow. what is it waiting for? hurry up already! make my heart or my bank account go boom boom! silly little market tease.

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burros-ark signal: hold. we just gonna sit here on the rock and wait for the whole damn dam to break, wait for it to let go, watch all the money water just run away down the canyon. it should be something to see. one for the ages. hold. what do you do in a desert wash when you see the dark clouds forming? long before the lightning flashes and you feel the thunder? get to high ground. wait and watch. the good thing about floods is they always need somebody to come in and clean up after. there will always be more sunshine, and more rain. these are danger days. the world is out of balance, something is going to go boom. hold.

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burros-ark stuff. random things… for about 5 years a long time ago i worked in alaska for a company based out of seattle. on the off season sometimes we would work repairing the boats at a shop and dock between fisherman’s terminal and the ballard locks. and we would eat lunch on break around this table in the shop. and there was a shop cat, she would wander around wherever she wanted you could never get close, avoiding the welding sparks and the sledge hammers and all that stuff. but at lunch she would jump up on the table and strut around, take her own sweet time about it too. and turn her butt in the air and lift her tail right in front of your face while eating. we called her ‘winky’ for obvious reasons. sometimes i wonder what ever happened to winky. it all makes perfect sense.
burros-ark 161009

burros-ark update: another week with not much action, the markets slid a little backwards but not enough to really worry about, things seems stuck in nuetral here. i wonder what it is going to take to jolt the market into a clear direction? probably nothing because as soon as the picture starts looking bad, central banks step in and blow more hot air into the bubble, how much hot air do they have? the problem seems to be that the balloon doesn’t climb any higher anymore, it just sinks slower is all, and at some point i have to believe that gravity is going to win, gravity always wins.

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burros-ark signal: hold. i can’t find anything about the market to get excited about. it seems the big money is just waiting for something, maybe the political situation has something to do with it. the market is in a kind of prevent defense mode, allowing small plays but unwilling to bet the farm. hold. i don’t know if we will catch a break or see any movement until after the elections or else at least until the fix is in. some times look back and think geez it’s been a while maybe i should run? other times i just sit here on my rock and watch the clouds go by, such pretty clouds. for now, i think will just sit here and keep practicing my “don’t disturb me i’m thinking hard and about to come up with some words of wisdom” look until i come up with some words of wisdom, which will probably be after the fact. hold.

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burros-ark stuff. i apologize for the late update, maybe i’ll just blame it on the holiday weekend knowing that there was whole ‘nother day before any tsp move would become effective. but the real reason is because i forgot to go shopping saturday night, so when i woke up sunday morning i was out of beer and couldn’t get the creative juices flowing. then after the beer store opened i started watching the philly/detriot game (which i think is by far the least penalties the lions have ever received in the entire history of the rigged nfl), and after that debacle the creative juices were flowing a little too much to say anything but four letter words. so i took a nap. then later i watched martha raddatz and anderson cooper debate donald trump. basically, i decided the whole day was a wash and i may as well just watch a movie with boobs on netflix and call it a night. first i picked some documentary on the history of breasts thinking there would be lots of boobs in it, but no. it was all about how humans are getting fat and boobs start at 12 years old now and cup sizes are like up in the g’s or something, for a show about boobs it was pretty disappointing. so i switched it to some euro flick which looked hot, but it was really slow and about some lesbians riding bikes. nothing against european lesbians, or any lesbians for that matter, or even bicycles, don’t get me wrong, but the passive-aggressive dominatrix thing just wasn’t doing it for me and of course it was way too long between boob scenes. so then i took another nap and all of the sudden it is a brand new day. happy trading.
burros-ark 161016

burros-ark update: well we got some arkers moving in looking to get an early bite on the market bait, pretty good logic there as there has not been a substantial or sustained drop for a long, long time, so this could be what it takes to eke out gains, little 1-2% here and there as opportunity presents itself. i am not so sure though, everything seems to be deteriorating. where did civility in political discourse go? where did personal responsibility go? for that matter, whatever happened to ethics and morality and common sense and a gut feel for the truth? the whole game seems rigged, rigged with 8 years of free money and no interest rates and all of it floated on service sector jobs, which is a good thing if your goal is to be a servant. some other folks may have other dreams though, i know something is going to break, probably in a big way, but i don’t know which way, or when.

burros-ark signal: hold. or as paul simon best said it, slip sliding away. the ark system has been out of the market and in a holding pattern since early summer,some gains were missed but no losses taken, and given the underlying climate of uncertainty and fear, that may not be such a bad thing. hold. if the market stabilizes and the media and politicians are able to convince enough folks that things are still fair and balanced, then this worry that keeps me out of the market may turn out to be unfounded. if it breaks bad, i am going to thank my lucky stars I had the courage to stick to my guns. but either way, i’m sticking to my guns. soon we shall see. hold.

burros-ark stuff. the colors are mostly done turning and many trees have lost all their leaves, just bare grey sticks poking out lonely in the night. there is a big long cold sh*t storm coming, and it is coming soon. i have a bad feeling that this winter is going to be one of those that try men’s souls, and there are some pretty hardy souls out here, used to being tried. i can smell it in the air, it smells like snow, i can tell because the sounds travel different in thin cold crisp air. during the summer, you can hardly hear the engines of the race cars up at the local track a few miles away in the soft thick air, but yesterday, yesterday they roared! it reminded me of another town i used to live in, near the railroad tracks, usually the roll of the heavy weight of coal or oil or grain trains rumbled through town soft and low. but at a certain temperature and below, those steel wheels on the icy rails squealed and screamed, like fingernails on a chalkboard, it pierced your bones, made you shudder and draw your breath in short and think “f*ck, this is bad, this is f*cking cold, this is really really f*cking bad”. buckleup buttercups, this sh*t’s about to get heavy.

burros-ark 161023

burros-ark update: well the market skipped off its recent bottom and is showing a bit of false hope, out here we call that “draggin ass”, which is way different than dragon ass, you want to avoid those if at all possible, trust me on this one. rickety-rackety, clickety-clackety, steamin down the tracks, pourin the coals to it, lookin for a dramatic place to derail, maybe on a dangerous curve or something. i have a bad feeling about this. the markets, the politics, the news cycle, fed backed itself into a corner, dark pools of money, everything. it all smells like a load of crap.

burros-ark signal: hold. yep, for almost half the year now, sit tight, something is going to go boom, wait for it. plus i’m a stubborn son-of-a-bitch, and i’m not going to chase here. hold. my personal trading has only had two round turn in-and-out trades this year, and i’m ok with that because this is a risky time and i want none of it until i see a hole shot to steal a hot run, otherwise I’m good here on the bench not going backwards. the ark system ain’t doin none too bad neither, almost double the performance of the highest index marker, and no compelling motion to influence a move for the brass ring, yet. hold.

burros-ark stuff. are you ready for some football? oh hell yeah! this week is the eagles at the vikings, a matchup between the veteran quarterback traded off to give rookie carson the keys to the wentz bus. in big fine hometown fashion, this game has got the locals all torn, a conundrum. cheer for the nearest large market favorite heros? or root for the young buck from just down the road? i think today in this game we will see some folks push themselves right up to the edge, to the limits of performance, and maybe over it. i think if you look at the colors in the stands you will see just as much green and gold as there is purple. yee haw! take the binders off, let him throw, let him run, call it hot, hammer it and don’t stop until they’re breathless. light it up, roll thunder! boom!

burros-ark 161030

burros-ark update: pretty dang quiet on the investing front, not a single arker moved, what is everybody waiting for, the end of the world? well that ain’t gonna happen anytime soon, and when it does there won’t be a damn thing you can do about it anyways, and none of these silly money things will matter then, so what, why worry? turns out it is big business to market worry, sell the gloom and doom, and sure enough we get some predictably unpredictable black swans flying out of the woodwork, the talking heads on the tv hawking salvation and damnation out both sides of their mouths, sometimes at the same time, ca-ching. stay tuned, the show is just getting good.

(dang, having trouble with the 'insert image here' part lately, imagine a graph with a bunch of colored squiggly lines, most of them heading down, except for a few flatliners: g-fund almost keeping up with inflation, burrocrat awol but twice as good as g-find, and burros-ark setting the bar high at twice the equity indexes but also awol for a long time.)

burros-ark signal: hold. still locked up tight here on the “sell” signal from way back last summer and holding the patient line, you better be damn sure about your vision and skills if you gonna swim in this pond right now, and i ain’t no mike phelps. but to my credit, i haven’t drowned either, yet, who knows what tomorrow brings? hold. as far as the ark system goes, el vira is at a measly 7%, virtually no appetite for risk. and exposure is at a very low 40%,everbody got their most of their money stuffed under the matress and ain’t about to put it to work. all the markers are converging in the direction of zero: c-, f-, and s-funds all bunched up at around 6%, arker-average and burrocrat necked down near 3%, and g- and i-funds bout to bump their ass on the bottom closer to 1%. so this might be a good time to be considering a contrarian move, but not just yet i don’t think, i am good at that – the not thinking part, had lots of practice. hold.

(insert boring spreadsheet clip that basically says the same as the colored squiggly ling graph here.)

burros-ark stuff: it is difficult to turn on the tv or browse the internet without getting assualted by the issues of the day: politics. and it deserves some mention as it affects our world and our day to day well-being, but this is not a political thread so let’s see if i can keep this general enough and about the political climate without favoring or dengrating any particular side (for my next trick i’ll talk about religion). i notice the high drama and unpredictability (staged?) as of late, but that is to be expected as we are only a week away from our scheduled four-year national ritual where we pledge fealty to our political lords. it is kind of depressing when you think of it that way, but hey, it is what it is. i think the market has a different idea about all this, the market hates uncertainty, and if you believe what you see and hear then this thing is not very certain, for sure less certain than it was a week ago, hence all the negativity and chicken little stuff. but here is the market’s secret: somebody will always make money, somebody will always lose money, and the market don’t really care which, as long as money is made. people will always trade, some will fare better in certain environments and others will fare better if an opposite environment exists, but either way trade will happen, it's what people do. there are two ways to be succesful at this game: 1) correctly predict the future and be on the right side of the dime to score more often than not, or 2) be the market, take your cut of every transaction, regardless if it wins or loses, and buy yourself a big meat cooler in which to stack all those pounds of flesh you take for being a trade facilitator. now which of these do you think is most profitable in the long run? yep, smart guess, the end is not nigh, but that don’t mean the present is going to be pleasant. rake the spurs to the hips, let ‘er buck, hiyaa!
For what it's worth, I've got the "somebody will always lose money" base covered. Eventually it will turn around and I will be happy with "break even"...damn it, the odds are always in favor of the house...but hey we're still at the table with a few chips left...:D
For what it's worth, I've got the "somebody will always lose money" base covered. Eventually it will turn around and I will be happy with "break even"...damn it, the odds are always in favor of the house...but hey we're still at the table with a few chips left...:D

Which brings up the question....why don't you play poker with us?:smile:
burros-ark 161106

burros-ark update:
well well well, look what the market dragged in. not a single arker moving, nobody taking the bait. do you know what the market hates? uncertainty. do you know why the market is down? uncertainty. do you know what is in store for the market? yep, uncertainty. wheee! this is where traders make their dime, it is also where the market can cut your balls off. wheee! wheeeeee!

burros-ark signal: hold/buy/sell (crap, i don’t know yet, let me think this through out loud). here is the trick, the market will always make money, some interests will do well in certain climates, and other interests will do well in other climates, the market doesn’t lose, but people do. so who stands to lose the most? there are the youg financials who buy speeches at ¼ million a pop, they thought they had a lock on the playing field and who will set the rules, maybe not so much anymore. the warmongers always profit, but they probably would profit more if the status quo continues. the folks that build stuff, even if it is out of chinese steel, could profit if folks get to doing some real work, but what are the chances of that? well, better than they were a week ago. buy/sell/hold (crap, i still don’t know, keep thinking, thinking). oh man, something gots to give, and no matter which way it goes the market will breath a youg sigh of relief and get to work making money, it’s what the market does. so i expect an immediate bounce, but the headwinds are troubling, the fed is gonna raise rates, the debt overhang is enough to choke a horse, so it’s high noon right here right now on wall street, if you’re not quick you’re dead. i just don’t think the weekly trade model of burros-ark can manage this tight window. yes, there is boocoo opportunity in the short run, but you still got to get out alive to enjoy the win. i just can’t put the ark headlong into this boiling sea, reckless. hold.

burros-ark stuff: that being said, my guns are hot, thumbstrap off, hand twitching at the trigger, electric. come on! move! i expect a monday drop, a tuesday flat until late when the insiders know what tomorrow brings, and wednesday we ride! better dismount by friday though or over the cliff you go. there is a monster out there, a shitstorm coming, but that’s what shitstorms are for, riding. show me that setup and i’m gonna take it down. knock ‘em dead kid.

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Looks like I will be singing soprano for awhile as the market definitely cut them off this week. Sure hope my choir understands. Of course if things pan out I could get a new set this week...and be back to singing bass...:smashfreakB: