burrocrat's Account Talk

burros-ark 160424

burros-ark update: the ark got out lucky last monday for an ok gain on the trade, although that is longer than i’d typically like to see it in the market and we had to weather a bit of a down slide the first week there. still, approaching 10% on the year ain’t nuthin to shake a stick at. cougar is doing well and blowing away the pack of individual arkers by nearly double, that gal gots balls (or moxie i suppose is a better term if talking about balls makes you uncomfortable, in which case you might as well stop reading this week’s update right now, don’t say i didn’t warn you). After a rough start to the year all the way down to -15% which must’ve felt like a kick in the nuts to those who rode it all the way down, things have healed up nicely and all tsp funds and the arker average are out of the hole. a few arkers are still trailing the pack, but it’s a pretty tight spread and definitely doable. who knew investing was a full contact sport? you got to protect yourself out there and safeguard the family jewels, you might need them later. in the words of principal mcgee, “if you can’t be an athlete, be an athetlic supporter.”

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burros-ark signal: hold. (confirm previous sell). there is an overall weak demand for holding equities among the ark members that is unusually persistent. that might be a contrarian indicator in normal times, but these ain’t normal times. oil weakness is smothering any big breakouts, there are murmurs of a giant chinese debt overhang, and it is an election year (or as they say in china, erection year). so if you are going to trade this market, you better be brassy and bold. hold. the chart is interesting in that all tsp funds and the arker average and burrocrat are all balled up and necked down in a tight 2-1/2% range, that is a damn narrow gap. something has to pop soon, but when and which way? who knows? let ‘er buck. hold.

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burros-ark stuff: not much random stuff to talk about except for golf again. i am really enjoying it and we are just taking our sweet time and casually hitting balls at the range and trying to teach ourselves by trial and error and get comfortable with the new clubs and see what works. it is a little early in the year out here yet for what you would normally imagine as ‘golf weather’. i’ve been watching a lot of youtube instructional videos which is a bit abnormal, well not abnormal to watch the youtubes, just this particular subject matter. i think I might even buy myself a pair of shorts and a polo shirt, if nothing else i could blind my fellow golfers with my slim jims and be a lock to win. if you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? sometimes when you hit the ball just right you can feel it and i let out an involuntary ‘oohhh, yeessss!’. my kid gets embarassed and says dad please don’t do that but i don’t care. if it feels good, do it i say.
Yowser, I'm in the land of Amoebas. Very dangerous territory...

Kinda hard to do worse than all of the TSP funds when you can only invest in the TSP funds.
But, Iv'e done it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My laugh for the day is Burro's quote " in the words of principal mcgee, “if you can’t be an athlete, be an athetlic supporter.”"

early ark update on the way...

i've been invited to a cultural gathering this weekend, a family affair, a rite of spring, the branding. many of the baby calves are on the ground in the area but this family calves early, time to work the herd, mark them good breeders and turn them out on grass so they can get fat and be ready for the bulls who are just jumping around, pushing against their fences, soon it will be time for them to come and do their job. the little ones will eat grass while momma gets the works and then they will be sold off to eat corn and become hamburger or steaks this fall. it is a cycle. and then i am going golfing tomorrow as the weather is good for the next few days and today it is time for a work and feed party, country folk know how to labor, and how to party. wheee!
burros-ark 160501

burros-ark update: folks are still doing pretty good considering, but overall went backwards this week. this is a crazy game you know? bet all your hard-earned marbles on the unpredictable future where you know you are going to need some marbles, silly stuff. but it does sometimes show windows of opportunity, and you got to be willing to jump through them without knowing what is on the other side, nuts. i am very excited about what the future holds, but that is mostly a matter of perspective, hell it couldn’t be any worse than the past. so things are looking good from where i stand, at least i am standing, right? you got to be willing to sink in order to swim, this is fundamental concept. saddle up, be ready to ride, if it shows it will be sudden, gonna have to turn on a dime, before the coin flips, if you want to come out a head. take it on the run, baby.

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burros-ark signal: hold. (confirm previous previous sell). that chart is just damn ugly. check out the symmetry of the equity funds this week, all the same direction, all the same distance, all at the same time. that is a bad omen. maybe it looks good from a different angle, you know, like when your sweetie whispers in your ear early sunday morning before the kids are up? “honey, roll over.” somebody is going to get it. bad. hold. there is just no good news out there and nothing to believe in anymore. we are probably approaching the point where somebody quick and lucky could grab a fast score, but i don’t think it’s just yet, roll over, cry in your pillow if you have to, hold.

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burros-ark stuff: risk is off, it is obvious, look at the equity funds and how they have fared on the volatility scale. dangerous waters here, and have been all year. i much prefer the slow deliberate “ladder up” strategery the burros-ark and to some extent burrocrat trading has pulled off, so far. but I am itching to get in, something has to break, there is gold in them there hills, but when is the right time to dig it out? soon, maybe. on the bright side, the pagan phallic holiday mayday is here, time to start a new cycle, time to dance the maidens around the maypole. somebody is going to get screwed. please gaia, not me, wash it all away.
I have a chance to catch up now that he is gone. Although being full of hot air isn't exactly something to strive for. :laugh: