burros-ark 160417
burros-ark update: whew, the ark got the losses back and eeked out a small gain this week, but this thing is looking damn rickety, not much confidence at all. roo headed for safety after finally peeling off those sticky pants, great fortitude there let me tell you what, that must have been a not very pleasant long ride. and hawk taking a jump in, ballsy. cougar hangin in tough after a quick out-and-in a few weeks back, now top predator and struttin through the investing jungle bush with chin up and perks out, that’s something to be proud of. donkey finally was able to grab some noticable gains and separate from the g-fund trend line, you can barely see me the light purple above g- and below c-, it feels good to book a positive trade, only the second round trip turn of the year and the first one went essentially even. it is getting to be pretty crowded out here on the plateau with the herd and indices all bunched up together in the tight zone between +/-2. i wonder if it is a launch pad or a cliff in our future, not sure but something is about to break for it i think.
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burros-ark signal: sell. by the numbers it is a sell, el vira (risk appetite) is low and exposure (allocation) is weak, but not enough to trigger a contrarian read. the numbers say get out. by the sentiment it is also a sell, there is no stability in the news cycle and too many unpredictable land mines out there in the world today. not only that but i think god is pissed off too because he is rumblin and tumblin all across that pacific rim, first japan then ecuador, he gonna shake things up a bit it seems, maybe he wants us to start paying better attention.
sell. in 7[SUP]
th[/SUP] grade i had a girlfriend from ecuador, well what passed as a girlfriend back in those days – she was cute and nice to me and i liked her and we would have lunch together and talk but no hanky panky like the kids today – anyways despite all that i should’ve just ran, there was an uncontrollable fire in her for some reason and it reminds me of today’s market. so run. please lord let me get out of this one safe, another 1% to the good would be nice but i understand if you need to take -3%, i swear i’m gonna be good next time, thanks.
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burros-ark stuff: almost all the indices are positive on the year now, except the i-fund as the rest of the world is in a big pile of crap storm, which is not quite as good as our medium sized pile of crap storm here stateside. a rose is a rose by anyother name, just that some have a few more thorns. At least half of all arkers are beating the c-, s-, and i-funds. and finally somebody topped the f-fund, first all year i think, way to go cougar, chin up and keep running. i like the simple raw data spreadsheet with the color indicators because it is how my mind thinks. it says the same things as the line chart but is instantly and clearly readable with more info. basically at a glance it tells you several things: risk is off, big losers especially the further you get from core assets; safety rarely pays any bonus except for short periods of extreme fear; and burros-ark rocks! now you’re singin my tune miss market, pay up buttercup, just one more day to the good and let us off this ride.
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