burrocrat's Account Talk

uh oh, i forgot to read the news and assimilate all the ether clues before turning the crank on the ark macheen. it looks like porto rico is going to default this week. maybe that will be a good thing and give the too big to fail creditors implicit authorization from the fed to backstop the whole menagerie as we are just not ready for another credit crisis, yet.

oh well, the call remains the same, the system makes the sausage it makes based on the meat and spice dumped into the hopper at the time it fires up. so we stay in. wheee!
Kinda looks like a slow upswing to me...
Too bad I didn't catch all of the initial growth...
Waited too long, much too long - been my bane a while...
uh oh, those are some pretty dark clouds on the horizon, storm a'comin. ooohh i got a great idea, let's sail straight into it and see how big the waves get!
I'm tempted to jump in and say just go with it...don't fight the trend...You can jump in this insane market and make money or pay the banks to hold your money...sheesh.... I think if the SPX gets to 2060 the bulls are back in control. But this is OPEX week so it could be just a quick in and out...or tomorrows earnings reports could bring it all crashing down. Right now oil is the new QE4 so I'm paying close attention to it. Looks like Russia and the Saudi's are getting tired of pumping oil at margin so we'll see how that plays out. Right now my gut say we stay up through April given the PPT's involvement in making sure things keep floating higher. I'm simply disgusted with the CBs...We shouldn't be anywhere near where we are unless it's all CB manipulation or the EW guys have it completely wrong and we are beginning a P5 wave up...now..what do I do with all this mindless chatter

what do I do with all this mindless chatter


you put it to the test is what you do. make it show you its teeth. all in. come seven, yo eleven. on the hop. hit me one time honey.

that is the only way i have figured out how to win.

ps. it helps to have nothing to lose. or else develop a taste for roots and berries. there are worse things to end up with than that.
It makes me feel good that I'm not the only "regular guy" out there scatching his head...This was posted by a TA I follow. I think he sums it all up well...

"The bottom line is what is the catalyst for the SM to go up? Alcoa was lousy–no problem. GDP near zero? No problem. Earnings estimates lowered? No problem. IMF lowers global growth? No problem. So what WOULD be a problem?
Zika virus? Come summertime could Zika do a repeat of ebola and cause people to stay inside–especially south of Illinois? With no vaccine and new possible illnesses being attributed to the virus (like a neuro disease in adults)…is THAT a problem?
Japan or China going off script in currencies? Is THAT a problem?
It would have to be something unexpected to overwhelm the “nowhere else to put your money” theory. Divergences aren t even working. Something is going on that “they” aren't telling us. Obama was briefed yesterday. We have to keep guessing."

oh i think i will step off this gravy train today and try to book a positive gain on this short trade. this is only the 2nd round trip trade burrocrat account has made this year and the 1st one netted a plus 0.06% so maybe i will make a little coin this week too.

ift to 100g effective cob today.
burros-ark 160417

burros-ark update: whew, the ark got the losses back and eeked out a small gain this week, but this thing is looking damn rickety, not much confidence at all. roo headed for safety after finally peeling off those sticky pants, great fortitude there let me tell you what, that must have been a not very pleasant long ride. and hawk taking a jump in, ballsy. cougar hangin in tough after a quick out-and-in a few weeks back, now top predator and struttin through the investing jungle bush with chin up and perks out, that’s something to be proud of. donkey finally was able to grab some noticable gains and separate from the g-fund trend line, you can barely see me the light purple above g- and below c-, it feels good to book a positive trade, only the second round trip turn of the year and the first one went essentially even. it is getting to be pretty crowded out here on the plateau with the herd and indices all bunched up together in the tight zone between +/-2. i wonder if it is a launch pad or a cliff in our future, not sure but something is about to break for it i think.

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burros-ark signal: sell. by the numbers it is a sell, el vira (risk appetite) is low and exposure (allocation) is weak, but not enough to trigger a contrarian read. the numbers say get out. by the sentiment it is also a sell, there is no stability in the news cycle and too many unpredictable land mines out there in the world today. not only that but i think god is pissed off too because he is rumblin and tumblin all across that pacific rim, first japan then ecuador, he gonna shake things up a bit it seems, maybe he wants us to start paying better attention. sell. in 7[SUP]th[/SUP] grade i had a girlfriend from ecuador, well what passed as a girlfriend back in those days – she was cute and nice to me and i liked her and we would have lunch together and talk but no hanky panky like the kids today – anyways despite all that i should’ve just ran, there was an uncontrollable fire in her for some reason and it reminds me of today’s market. so run. please lord let me get out of this one safe, another 1% to the good would be nice but i understand if you need to take -3%, i swear i’m gonna be good next time, thanks. sell.

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burros-ark stuff: almost all the indices are positive on the year now, except the i-fund as the rest of the world is in a big pile of crap storm, which is not quite as good as our medium sized pile of crap storm here stateside. a rose is a rose by anyother name, just that some have a few more thorns. At least half of all arkers are beating the c-, s-, and i-funds. and finally somebody topped the f-fund, first all year i think, way to go cougar, chin up and keep running. i like the simple raw data spreadsheet with the color indicators because it is how my mind thinks. it says the same things as the line chart but is instantly and clearly readable with more info. basically at a glance it tells you several things: risk is off, big losers especially the further you get from core assets; safety rarely pays any bonus except for short periods of extreme fear; and burros-ark rocks! now you’re singin my tune miss market, pay up buttercup, just one more day to the good and let us off this ride.

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so burrocrat account got out at cob last friday and missed today's gains, but i am still very happy about that. i am at 1.83% to the good this year now, safe in g-fund, and out of trades for april so i should walk out the month at about 1.90%. the reason i am happy about this is because i have spent a total of 4 days (96 hours) in the market. yep, a one day turn back in february where i almost immediately pee'd my pants when the market went nutso within 2 hours of the open and i pulled the ripcord almost before clearing the wing, and a 3-day round turn this last week. in this volatile unpredictable market (range this year so far: +3 to -14) i have exposed myself to risk (other than inflation) for a total of 4 days over 4 months and got 2% out of the deal. my goal is 1% a month so i am a little behind, but that is better than being a big behind. winning!
so burros-ark system account got out safe today with a decent 2/3% uptick, thank you lord for listening, i promise not to pray for those kind of things very often without doing some more good works first, and i always have faith. burros-ark is also done for trades this month and should walk the next two weeks out in g-fund to finish about 9.80%. way cool. winning!

i am still amazed that the ark system with its one week trade-and-hold always-execute-at-cob-monday limitation is doing so well. it is very difficult for me to not pull the trigger some days, especially with all the market/media noise and commodities going boom and central bank bullsnickery and stuff, not to mention earthquakes and wars and political jerkward emotion. but the ark system actually seems to do better not listening to me and taking into account other (?more rational?) beings and some secret sauce stuff i don't control. hmmmm.

anyways. the ark system has been in the market for a total of 4 weeks out of 4 months and is pulling almost 10% to the good, also a good return for length-of-exposure risk. the chart in my weekly updates does not exactly track because the system only gets in on a monday (so that week's chart progress includes a non-trade day at the start) and it also only gets out on a monday after the friday close has printed (so the next week's chart progress on a weekend sell signal includes a one day lag artifact on the exit). strange stuff, i thought about trying to figure out the implications of all of that but the system seems to be working so no way in hell am i going to try to fix it.

yeah buddy.

it would be nice to just quit trading for a while and sit on the system's laurels, but then it wouldn't be a system anymore and would act instead on my whim which we have already established is doing about only 1/4 as good as the system without my interference. so i am just going to drink beer until may in my personal account. and the ark system will continue to give whatever signal it cranks out even though it won't be able to act on it if it is a buy until may (i also am not going to try to figure out the logic of that for two reasons because it is out of my control and seems to be working).

happy trading.
oh, and i almost forgot: hey market, suck it!

a part of the schadenfreude me wants to see a massive 2 week -10% crash so i can step back in conveniently around the 1st of may and score again, but i actually do not care now that i am safe and also would not mind seeing anybody long equities ride a good climb for mo money either.

donkey out.
sweet, on a side note, i need more time to file my taxes. so i logged on and filed my federal extension in about 5 minutes. and both the states i need to file in also give an automatic extension too. so golden. of course i always pay beforehand more than is due and get some trinkets as a refund to go buy underwears or socks or something so should be no penalties. thanks uncle sam. see you in october.
oh man, crazy market action. coming up on stoner day, 04/20, the market must be high and starting the party already.

c- and f- funds are tied? s- and i-fund and burrocrat tied too, all hitting the same marks? 3.5 months into the year and after all the shuffling of the decks this is what we get? all bunched up and nowhere to go?

crazy stuff. run. run like you can feel hell's hot breath on the back of your neck and the demon's claws scratchin your heels. run.

this is a bad pattern and it almost never ends well. run.
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ps. it helps to have nothing to lose. or else develop a taste for roots and berries. there are worse things to end up with than that.

Nothing wrong with roots and berries. :D

Roots and berries used for making liqueurs at home:Allspice berries
Angelica root
Gentian root
Juniper berries
Tumeric root

Of course you can use all kinds of berries you've heard of as well. Happy Hunting.