burrocrat's Account Talk

I've been ready to 'buy the dip'...
I keep looking out the window, out in the street...
Haven't seen that dip out there. Then I passed by the mirror
And, the dip is me:rolleyes:

Market timing at position 1011!!!
Burro, fantastic composition! Its quite moving, really, and reminded me of another with similar motivations (you're in good company):

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. - Theodore Roosevelt

Lol "race." Obviously, your descriptions, etc. have long been doctored with your personal rantings towards people that make you wittle mad. Stop it! My gut can't take it :laugh:

...it seems the good lord gave me a nose for bullsheet and common sense, which probably explains both why i can spot it and am so good at it.
<empahsis added>

If you say so. :eek:
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good stuff there whipsaw, 'the man in the arena'. i have read that speech before, thanks for the reminder. i hope to read it again, off miley's forearm, pinned to the wall. no tellin where one might find inspiration.

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out here we consider teddy one of our own, the man from the badlands, elkhorn. oh he knows all about dust and sweat and blood. u.s. agriculture secures our nation and feeds the world. woot woot. be a doer.
mmm, toast. i like toast. i like toast like i like my women: burnt, gritty and dark, and slathered in butter, eggs over easy on the side. mmm.
yuk, i should've mentioned i can't stand the smell of coconut oil, it leaves a greasy taste in my mouth.[/QUOTE]
"mmm, toast. i like toast. i like toast like i like my women: burnt, gritty and dark, and slathered in butter, . mmm.

Yeah yeah, who said that was coconut oil, eat your toast and enjoy it and don't forget to brush.
burros-ark 160327

burros-ark update: it’s been kind of a rough week that went a little backwards. there’s always new things to discover in the world, unfortunately about half of them can be unpleasant, but it’s always good to live to fight another day. a few arkers are hopping around, some in and some out, like bunnies in a garden looking for snacks. that reminds me of one of my favorite childhood stories, the tale of peter rabbit. i think the moral of the story is to not get caught, and try not to lose your clothes, and probably also listen to your mom. i wonder what she would say about this market?

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burros-ark signal: hold (confirm previous previous previous sell). the markets seem to have cooled off, sure there was lots of hope that we would break through and finally start climbing into the positive side of the returns picture, but the follow through was not there. many are still timid about getting stung earlier, the good news is not all being believed, and the first hint of bad news turns things on a dime. el vira and exposure are flashing caution. hold. on the bright side, all arkers are beating the s- and i-funds, but less than half are beating g- and c-funds, and nobody is winning the f-fund performance. interestingly, the i-fund has been rangebound between the c- and s- all year, but finally broke out to the downside. this is negative in that it shows how all the equity funds, including the arker average which always has someone holding at least some equities, are now stratified. the further you get from a ‘safe’ equity position, whether that be a mixed allocation with some exposure - through large caps - to small caps - and then finally internationally, the heavier the basket of crap seems to get. i think too many folks got ahead of the market and ate too many jelly beans and now we are in for a tummy ache. poor little peter rabbit, running home naked and afraid. hold.

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burros-ark stuff: holiday edition: this is not a good weekend around my house if you for whatever reason do not like pork. yesterday for a late breakfast i made my favorite dish, biscuits and gravy, it is pretty good but nothing special like you can get in a homestyle café. my routine goes something like this: packet of gravy with several pinches of flour, salt, pepper, mrs. dash, garlic and onion powder, milk, and butter, and water, get that to simmering and let it ride. country pork sausage fried up and all of it plus the drippings go into the gravy. more milk and flour to get it to thicken a bit and then let it stew. cook up a pound of good thick local meat shop cut smoked and peppered bacon, and put the bulk of the drippings into the gravy also. i love bacon. pilsbury pop and flop biscuits go into the oven. then fry the eggs over easy in the bacon greased pan. mmm, mmmm. full belly food coma sweat pants stuff, mmmm. and today we are having an easter ham. brown sugar and pineapple glazed, cut and scored with a whole clove stuck in the intersections for a bit of bite, let it cook low and slow. and the usual potatoes and gravy, stuffing, asparagus, rolls and real butter, with pumpkin pie and whipped cream for desert. i like to get the whip cream in the can and suck all the nitrous oxide out of it when nobody’s looking while i cook. Also, tomorrow is one of my favorite shopping days of the year, because all the leftover peeps are on sale for pennies a box. i get a dozen or so packages and let them sit stacked in the cupboard over the fridge for a few months. they don’t go bad, just get hard and crunchy, like beef jerky except made out of sugar and air. we live in a great, free country. free to pursue whatever family or religious traditions we may enjoy, but if you are at my place, this weekend we eat pork. happy easter all.
even eggs have their day. This egg is thankful that despite underperforming at the moment, still doing better than arker average. not saying much for any of us at the moment, other than at least as a group we're not doing worse than we are, the arker model is successfully playing off the volatility prevalent in this market's topping behavior. kudoes to the ark as a model.
Being out as of Thursday and the rest of this week, I'm back in alignment with the Ark, which also aligns with the next round of IFTs for April. I want to hear that flushing sound this week, though it doesn't look likely at this point.
burros-ark update: well shoot, who saw that coming? ding dang ole fed doled out more free market herion. it is bad out there, very bad, so we are going to keep making it good with more paper. it is tough to pop a balloon that big, maybe one day it will run out of gas. a couple of arkers have been stirring, in and out of the pot, and getting some gains. the patient ones are healing up nicely too, sure beats the heck out of -10% or worse. just 3 months - 1 quarter - into a new year and some folks have gone for quite a ride only to end up back at the same station we departed from. are you ready for round two? let’s do it again!

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burros-ark signal: buy. yep, got to get in is what it says. there’s been some moves lately and folks are scoring, there doesn’t seem to be any downward pressure that can stick in the face of heavy desire from the financial and political powers to keep things chugging along, and folks mainly just are stubborn and have hope so that has got to be worth something. buy. elvira is ok and trending positive, exposure is a little on the light side but that has become the new normal with this year’s market fear, and it is just flat out spring with summer around the corner which buoys folks’ spirits. even better for us U.S. equity investors, the rest of the world has big problems. but not us, nope, not us, we are sailing along just fine, no icebergs or rocks in sight. The burros-ark system will execute a buy to be effective at close of business monday 04/04/16. buy.

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burros-ark stuff: nothing much to report here except i caught the golf bug, or more like it caught me, and i’ve already reported that ad infinitum elswhere. i like my balls, i like to take them out and roll them around and look at them, they are so geometrically enticing, so round and such dimples and symmetry, they are hypnotizing and beautiful. Also I like my club, i take it out and turn it around in the light and swing it and polish it. when I was a kid a basketball coach told me to ‘visualize’ so I would go to sleep shooting perfect freethrows, again and again, swish! rip! now I go to sleep hitting smooth iron shots off a par 3 tee and sticking the green. it makes a clear sound in my dreams but i can’t find a word for it, sort of like a bell ringing once but there’s more to it than that, maybe after i hit one in waking life i will be able to tell you that sound. carry on.
totally. not. cool. yeah, just take -1.0% off the top please.

dang, it looks like the ark was late to the party. but on the bright side, you know as they say in boston, that's better than being late to the potty.
burros-ark 160410

burros-ark update: dang, the ark went a little backwards last week, but less than a percent at this point so not too bad, those things happen sometimes. a few folks are still shuffling around positions trying to grab some gains so maybe the ark traders are starting to wake up again after the big fear drop-and-hold paralysis earlier in the year. eventually folks will realize the only way to tread water and not lose the value of their money is to be in the market, so in the long term things are looking up. in the short- and mid-term people will still act irrational and chase tasty morsels or flee fear willy nilly like lemmings always do, but that’s what cliffs are for.

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burros-ark signal: hold. (confirm previous buy). the ark is going to stay in, sort of a mix of guarded optimism with a dash of contrarianism. there is lots of unease and low expectations, lots of worry about the other shoe dropping, and that is usually a good time to stay in and buck the tide. hold. elvira is still resilient in the face of uncertainty, it seems some folks just can’t fold, and exposure is still on the light side so that money has to come back in the market at some point to a more realistic average level that provides some opportunity to profit. holding cash or even bonds in what must at some point become a rising rate environment is not going to cut the mustard for the golden years. The burros-ark system will hold its current buy until next weekend when a new signal may be generated. hold.

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burros-ark stuff: our annual pay-the-man tax ritual day is coming up this week, on friday no less. everybody who is due a refund has already filed (and spent it). only those who owe are holding out still, but the tax man always catches up to you, always. so i expect some of those folks will be looking to dump or transfer some cash into the market as tax-favorable ira or other investments as small protest way to poke the tax beast in the eye. also corporate earnings expectations have been lowered so much that almost anything is going to look like a win, kind of like the unemployment numbers, magic feel good math. the way i prefer to look at risk is that at the most it could only drop 100%, but the potential upside is unlimited. so here we go, we’re staying on this ride, hammer down and hold on tight.