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the good thing about having a butt is, it gives the market something to kick.
Burro, at least your not 'in' in... you may be internalizing the Ark system too much :nuts:
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the good thing about having a butt is, it gives the market something to kick.
Burro, at least your not 'in' in... you may be internalizing the Ark system too much :nuts:
Burro, at least your not 'in' in... you may be internalizing the Ark system too much :nuts:
I guess the system worked this week burro and barring some catastrophe tomorrow, some nice gains are going to be had this week.
it hasn't worked yet... remember the ark system trades over the weekend and gets monday's cob price as a buyin so it missed those gains just in time to eat tuesday's loss. it is just above zero on the trade so far and at minimum has to survive tomorrow and if it issues a sell signal this weekend also survive until this coming monday's close before being out. so let's not count any chickens before they hatch. but this is for dang sure better today than where i expected to end up a couple of days ago.
it is always nice when one sees something and goes out and gets it, but i am just as ok with dumb luck.
I rode the Bull one day too long.
Ez come ez go, it was still a good month for FAB1.
Burro! The Ark is killing it! #3 at 7%. Will it be in next week?
burros-ark 160306
burros-ark update: this market is a sneaky one. judging by the tsptalk autotracker, not many folks saw a -15% drop coming to start the year, and then when there was nothing to hope for on the horizon just continued pain and doom and gloom, the market makes up 10% or so to the good. this is good of course for those folks who stayed in as their losses have been cut to something managable that allows for a better night’s sleep, but the prior drop pushed many out of the market and they missed the gains. i suspect that anybody on the positive side, no matter how little, has to be feeling pretty good about themselves, i know the paltry 0.43% my personal burrocrat account is doing gives me comfort that at least i avoided the big drop. i think the burros-ark system is proving its value as it is bound by trading frequency rules and also must consider many other factors besides just my whim and/or fear, this has kept it in when i would have chosen to be out and it has scored some good gains. i think this market is going to continue to be a difficult one to time and trade, there is just so much national and global uncertainty to consider that it is hard to predict what may move the market any given day. on a positive note, we are well into the month of march and things are warming up and the snow is melting and the days are brighter and longer, i even heard the birds chirping the other morning so that is good, the world keeps on turning.
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burros-ark signal: sell. things seem to be normalizing with elvira and exposure creeping into more average ranges after three weeks of market gains, but this has me worried as the market recently has done just the opposite of what and when most people have thought it would do. a couple of arkers moved some or all into equities this week, and i think more are close to doing so as well now that the market is comfortably performing and we can be more certain of its direction. danger, warning sign, contrarian sell. s-fund and i-fund are practically tied, and so is the c-fund and arker-average. things seem to be consolidating and waiting for a big move in some direction. i have more fear that will be down again than optimisim that it will be up. part of the system’s (and my personal effort too) overall strategy is to ladder up gains, then lock them in and reduce risk and exposure during uncertainty, so the system is getting out. so far it has had a great performance in a tough market, but it still needs to get to monday’s market close to exit the trade so we could still eat a loss and i hope it isn’t a big one tomorrow, +7.47% has a nice ring to it. sell.
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burros-ark stuff: not much stuff to talk about this week so i will post some other data that goes into making the system tick. on the whole, arkers are holding their own against the funds and at least not seriously underperforming. also, everybody seems to be well off the lows they had or could’ve had given how the year has gone so that is good. f-fund has been a solid performer in a risky market but cannot keep up with well-timed exposure to equity gains, and i-fund is now under-performing the s-fund. there is lots to think about and consider in these conditions, happy trading and good luck out there.
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Just noticed the IFT isn't all-up-in-dare. Maybe Tom will help a brutha out?
Good stuff this week. To be honest, I was hoping for another 'hold' since I'm getting close to break-even. Not willing to eat a small loss. Waiting until the market shoves a 20 lb burrito down my throat...
Man, for better or worse, I'm feeling like a buy-and-holder right now. Can't seem to pull the trigger yet.