After today’s action a little commentary is probably in due order. I’m getting to this kind of late, because happy hour rose to the first order of business, following today’s closing bell. Five martinis later, the edge is off and I probably couldn’t cut butter right now.
Despite the strength presented in the closing hours it would be foolish to discount the magnitude of what happened today and chalk today’s low up to some market aberration. I agree with Rev that today was a win for the bulls, but at a cost. The channel of the past three years was broken to the upside over the past three months, and now it has been broken to the downside. Take it seriously, I believe this is strong evidence of what is to come for a good portion of the summer and probably well into the fall. We are looking at a change of behavior within the market once again. The technical analysis of the near future is going to be tricky as the market redefines it’s critical levels. To me, this means a low aggressive approach, one that will likely lead to backing out of the market at the first signs of weakness and buying based on early indicators of strength rather then expected support levels. This is not going to generate any whopping returns, but pigs get slaughtered.
I want to briefly mention the F-Fund, traditionally in a bull market, it serves as an alternate tool for capital preservation, but my view on it may change following the next FOMC meeting. I expect a .50% rate hike followed by a pause that turns into the cease fire similar to that of the Korean War (i.e. this will be the last rate hike for awhile). A significant rate hike will due it some damage, and coupling that with the pain of the past 6 months, I am throwing it on my radar screen as a potential return generating tool along with the stock funds. I’m not ready to label this a bear market yet but I do not see a full recovery occurring in the near future. The F-Fund has a history of respectable returns during weak stock market seasons, I’m prepared to get bullish on the F-fund.
The next couple of months will be touchy and the benefits of multiple viewpoints will serve us all well.