Bear Cave 2 (Bull Allowed)

Over the Top I Think........

Sunday, 28 November 2010
If you think I'm a bear, read THIS...

"Their call: Markets will crash within two to six months (can happen at any time). First drop, in seven days, 3,000 points on the DOW. Then over six months, DOW will tank to about 1,000 points. Then a unionizing recovery will occur to the upside. Allow a decade or better for total recovery."
I would tell you the truth but - YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!

Famous words from a very good movie.


29 November 2010 by TPC

Back in October the economic buzzwords had become “money printing” and “debt monetization”. Of course, at the time, the Fed was initiating their policy of QE2 and you’d have been hard pressed to find someone in this country (and around the world for that matter) who wasn’t entirely convinced that the USA was about to send the dollar into some sort of death spiral. QE2 was about to set off a round of inflation that would make Zimbabwe look like a cakewalk. And then something odd happened – the dollar rallied as QE2 set sail and hasn’t looked back since.
Another Big housing Bubble getting read to POP......S&P 1000 and below coming in 2011....Stay Tuned!

I know you think it just can't happen....The Fed has our back – right, we have QE2, so I’m not worried.

Wait just a minute here - are you telling me that other Countries also have a housing Bubble?
Yeah - and it's much, much, bigger than ours was before that bubble popped....
Coming to you in 2011 - another housing bubble that may be getting ready to pop in several countries, but much bigger than the one in the US.

"Parents of [Chinese origin] lend to their children to buy their condo with the understanding it will be repaid or they will come to live in their old age under that roof.
Almost no one has the 20% to 30% down to buy a place.

The down payment is typically borrowed at terrible interest or comes from a "marriage gift" which had its origin in borrowed funds, not from savings.
It's like fractional reserve lending on steroids.

Everyone works their ass off to pay the loan, pay the vig, and save their face so they can borrow more if needed.

A collapse of the bubble could cost lots of folks their life savings.
This makes the financial aspect of Chinese society much more fragile than it appears on the surface.

There is a lot of interconnected personal debt below radar."

--Bill Hopen, as quoted by Mike Shedlock, "Ponzi Shark Loans Fuel China's Housing Market Bubble That's Going Bust",, July 21, 2010.

This is Funny, but Sad!

Don't worry about Europe and the EURO folks...


"Those who pave the way for the "easy" path of housing bubbles will pay for it many times over in the end."

- Steven Jon Kaplan
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shoot, the Chinese are accustomed to multiple-generations under the same roof-still like that in the small villages. If they have to go back to that, they will. It's happening here too and we'll learn what our parents already knew already.

My Great Depression-era great grandmother, great aunt and grandparents all lived under the same roof for decades, it was great-grandma's house he built pre-Depression, other family members moved in after great-grandpa died.

They all lived there together til they passed on one by one. wasn't perfect, but they managed-house was big enough they could get away from each other when they wanted or needed to. big yard with victory garden outside too for when the house got too small. house still in the family.
oh yeah, small house big garden in the country,

for those times you just need to get away and do it.

that's how they kept those successive generations coming you know.

who says we all can't get along?
Over the Top I Think........

Sunday, 28 November 2010
If you think I'm a bear, read THIS...

"Their call: Markets will crash within two to six months (can happen at any time). First drop, in seven days, 3,000 points on the DOW. Then over six months, DOW will tank to about 1,000 points. Then a unionizing recovery will occur to the upside. Allow a decade or better for total recovery."

oh my, do you think the 'G' fund will be worth something in that scenario?

where is safety?

i'm torn. wait, scratch that, i'm taking a tsp loan for half my juice and buying anything physical that will hold value.

come and get it.
Abbott and Costello "Whos on first" all over again but with a more Euro flair. Sad but true and I'm LMFAO anyway!
Bulls Staring Down the Barrel of Gravestone Doji
November 30th, 2010 If the bulls can’t rally the market up today, they will be stuck with a bearish Gravestone Doji candlestick on the monthly chart (black arrow). The last one in April (purple arrow) was a bad omen indeed:
Key Intraday Range Levels for ES Futures and SP500

Nov 29, 2010: 11:03 AM CST
I’ve been making note lately about the “range” between the 1,200 level in the S&P 500 as short-term resistance and 1,175 as the short-term support.

Let’s now step into the futures market – including overnight levels – to see the current structure of the compressed range and what it means for intraday traders right now.
Nov 30, 2010 Official Resources Wouldn't Be Enough To Cover The Financing Needs Of Spain

"After bailout of Greece, Ireland and Portugal, official resources wouldn't be enough to cover the financing needs of the Spanish sovereign and its banks."
By Jeff Clark
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Best No-Brainer Idea in the Market Today

It's all fun and games until somebody loses an IRA.

Last week, Ireland's government announced it would use (confiscate, seize, steal) $30 billion from the country's public pension program to purchase Irish government bonds. Hungarian officials announced a similar program using $15 billion of public pension assets. French officials also surrendered to the idea and are putting $45 billion of pension assets into France's sovereign debt.
David Rosenberg

On this week’s Consuelo Mack WealthTrack, a Financial Thought Leader who called the credit and housing bubbles way ahead of the pack. Gluskin Sheff’s prescient Chief Economist, David Rosenberg shares his economic and market outlook, plus advice on how to invest in it.
David Rosenberg

On this week’s Consuelo Mack WealthTrack, a Financial Thought Leader who called the credit and housing bubbles way ahead of the pack. Gluskin Sheff’s prescient Chief Economist, David Rosenberg shares his economic and market outlook, plus advice on how to invest in it.

Sounds like the F fund to me