TSP Elite
Another profile change also. This past week we moved with our Iraqi soldiers from Diyala back to Fallujah. This really kind a stinks. Not because its Iraq; that's no big deal. It stinks because I've got about 21 months between two deployments in the place we just relocated to. I was really enjoying the change of scenery close to Iran on this tour. Oh well, at least I still have my TSPTalk access ... woooooo!
Gosh does this ever put things in perspective ....

Here I was kind of bumming about this and that .... but my stuff is just totally meaningless in comparison.
Let's hope the memories of the scenery can linger on for awhile. But then again consider the Honor -- you're serving the Greatest Nation on Earth and when it comes down to it ~~ it's pretty hard to have a higher calling.
I'd never had 'Iraqi Soldiers' ~~ or anything like that ~~ but that's a beautiful transition and I really hope they stack up.
Thanks for all you do my friend --- and all those with you.