And one more thing:
You will have time to reinvest because, historically on these deep dip corrections (if that's what this is); just to clarify the signal on the 20 DMA, it not only inflexes, but does so after it crosses below the 200 DMA; it did this 3X in 2005-2007; during that bull.
In this case, the 200 DMA is roughly coincident with the calender year low back in late Jan-Feb, whenever that was; I'm thinking - if this remains a bull, it will be a relatively clear, bottoming signal on the order of a week or so flopping under the 200 DMA before moving up.
If it doesn't, and you are 100% G like me, then its either a market collapse that you will be thankful to avoid, or such a sharp V the likes of which hasn't happened historically - that there would be no way to catch it other than sheer luck -- - - - which most of this market timing is anyway...