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August is never a good time to be bouncing around trying to 'play the market'. We will end a little up, or a little down. Just not worth the aggravation. I have 17% to invest if the market corrects, and can move another 17% into G/F without much concern about giving way on an upswing. One day plays are not the TSP thang anymore.
Where I am at I am concerned about is that if I don’t grab all I can while the grabbing is good I will lose to inflation, taxes, or to a massive pull back. If August is a bit up I am happy. If a bit down, who cares?
Regardless, my time in the market it short. Who wants to be in an unstable market in the months of September and October?
Anyone at all…
So, if one completely missed mid-March through August 30 boom (or boomlette) then apparently one is hoping for change in September and October. Good Luck…
I have 17% to invest …
It's interesting to read other peoples view of the economy. It had been a struggle for many people especially in my home state of Michigan. Are we seeing the end of the recession? Or just a lull in the storm?
It's interesting to read other peoples view of the economy. It had been a struggle for many people especially in my home state of Michigan. Are we seeing the end of the recession? Or just a lull in the storm?
OK - I'll bite - since this is my account talk thread:
California is deep into recession. House prices have dropped 60-70%, and nothing sells unless it is a foreclosure or short sale. Lots of rental signs, tumbleweeds asunder everywhere. Malls closing. Anchor stores closing, big box stores closing. Remember Circuit City, Gottschalk's, Mervyn's? All gone...and still empty. I'd say in the last 2 years, at least 1/2 of small businesses have gone under. Coffee shops? I used to take pride in the local variety. Now - all the privates are gone, and even the chains (like Starbucks) are closing locations. Autos? Nobody is buying anything except during the clunker rebate period. 1/4 of the local dealerships have closed.
Lots and Lots and Lots of empty, commercial, real estate. Not only retail, but businesses as well. And, locally, my city is spending $1 billion (or, more likely, charging fees to air travelers to make an additional billion), on a new airport terminal, when traffic has declined 20%. State workers are taking home 15% less pay this next fiscal year (just like they did the last 6 months).
Tens of thousands of empty homes, many not on the market - - - just being held by banks, I can only imagine - - -
Freeway traffic has been noticeably lighter during biz hours.
No recovery to be seen here.
OK - I'll bite - since this is my account talk thread.
Steady, the 17% figure is the allocation I have in G/F - which I consider to be potential investment money..
rank 173, submarined below the g-fund, and dropping, fast. quote]
At least your on the positive side of the tracker. I just fell to the negative side of the force and ranked 185.Keep your head up.
Big drop at the open, buying at 10 am just above the 50 dma, then more buying when it crossed the opening price at 1 pm. Me suspects technicians and programs are at work.
All of this is short term stuff - - - - over time - - - - the world economy cannot survive on new printed money alone (i.e., stimuli, government rebate checks for clunkers, new homes, and other things we wouldn't buy and can't afford normally).
Even this month's employment and consumptive numbers are muddled by the extra money. November, and especially December, will provide a more truthful picture of what is really going on (recession, recovery, propped up economy that will fall like a house of cards when gov retreats).
I don't know what that is....and I'm frustrated with my track record.....