amoeba's Account Talk

Re: IFTs to G must reduce ALL equity funds or IFT will be rejected

I wonder if fractional allocations are the reason after gains / losses?

If S is actually 38.4% for instance, C is 2.6%, and G is 59% and you move to 35% S and G to 62%, then C actually goes up from 2.6% to 3.0%.

Just speculating.
Re: IFTs to G must reduce ALL equity funds or IFT will be rejected

I wonder if fractional allocations are the reason after gains / losses?

If S is actually 38.4% for instance, C is 2.6%, and G is 59% and you move to 35% S and G to 62%, then C actually goes up from 2.6% to 3.0%.

Just speculating.

Per my post #4449, that was my speculation too, however, I could not prove it sufficiently to TSP to investigate...but now I have printed screenshots with the rejection and subsequent acceptance, so they'll hear from me again. Stay tuned.
Re: IFTs to G must reduce ALL equity funds or IFT will be rejected


IFT screwups continue. After 2 IFT's, TSP does NOT allow you to make a third to just G if you have more than one equity fund (i.e., C and S). You have to reduce BOTH C and S allocations or it will be rejected. This happened twice now. This time, I made a printout of the warning screen rejecting the IFT, the next attempt (in which both C and S are reduced) was accepted.

Example: if S is 38% and C is 3% (G 59%); you may NOT reduce S only to 35% and leave C at 3%, increasing G to 62%. It will be rejected. If you reduce to 36% S and 2% C, increasing G to 62%, it will be accepted.

I liked this post for the information, but not the message. They need to work out the links on that ASAP, unless they planned it that way. Nuts!!

Scott Harrison
Senatobia, MS
Re: New TSP interfund transfer glitch warning!

It looks like it is thinking you are making the <1% IFT we used to get away with. Honestly it shouldn't matter what whole number you put in any of your funds regardless of a percentage point as long as it adds up to 100%. An IFT is an IFT as long as it's your first or second for the month. Do you still see the percentage point in your fund allocation? Someone needs to fix some code somewhere.
Re: New TSP interfund transfer glitch warning!

It looks like it is thinking you are making the <1% IFT we used to get away with. Honestly it shouldn't matter what whole number you put in any of your funds regardless of a percentage point as long as it adds up to 100%. An IFT is an IFT as long as it's your first or second for the month. Do you still see the percentage point in your fund allocation? Someone needs to fix some code somewhere.

If you mean does it show decimal fractions, nahhh, they stopped doing that awhile back when they re-wrote the code. You were able to round up for awhile there. That stopped, and so did the fractions. Just round numbers now.
Re: New TSP interfund transfer glitch warning!

If you mean does it show decimal fractions, nahhh, they stopped doing that awhile back when they re-wrote the code. You were able to round up for awhile there. That stopped, and so did the fractions. Just round numbers now.

Thanks. They really did screw it up. Maybe 2.0 will make it better.

So a big spike at 12:45pm today (2/15/2024), maybe peeling off just a bit. What happened? Some number just come out (GDP/other)?
Been awhile for me in the Public account talk: but I'm lagging in the middle of the tracker, although in the top 30 for this quarter's returns, so maybe I'm doing something right. Been a day off here and there with my IFT's that would have made a big difference; timing this year hasn't been perfect, but better than the last two, where you will find me at the bottom of returns - leading only in the # of annual IFTs. I don't generally have the stomach for holding into a market peak, except I don't believe this is one, yet. The historically best of the rest of this election year May month is ahead (next two weeks), as is NVDA's ER next week, and farther out - the election itself (forum rules may preclude much discussion, suffice it to say there could be a market reaction to polls showing either candidate pulling decisively away; first debate in June). CPI exactly matching forecast this morning, for once, didn't hurt.
Been awhile for me in the Public account talk: but I'm lagging in the middle of the tracker, although in the top 30 for this quarter's returns, so maybe I'm doing something right. Been a day off here and there with my IFT's that would have made a big difference; timing this year hasn't been perfect, but better than the last two, where you will find me at the bottom of returns - leading only in the # of annual IFTs. I don't generally have the stomach for holding into a market peak, except I don't believe this is one, yet. The historically best of the rest of this election year May month is ahead (next two weeks), as is NVDA's ER next week, and farther out - the election itself (forum rules may preclude much discussion, suffice it to say there could be a market reaction to polls showing either candidate pulling decisively away; first debate in June). CPI exactly matching forecast this morning, for once, didn't hurt.
Welcome back and we value your input. I am not sure why I left the market upon seeing severe decease but I did. We look forward to your continued input to this site. The more the merrier?
I'm lightening up ahead of the NVDA ER, and end of May, because no one else is. I will sell more into any further strength this week.

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Debate matters, is in bad for Trump is bad for stocks. Not much expected from either candidate, but you never know until you do.

Sent from my moto g 5G (2022) using Tapatalk
Debate matters, as in bad for Trump is bad for stocks. Not much expected from either candidate, but you never know until you do.

Sent from my moto g 5G (2022) using Tapatalk

After watching that performance, I kinda feel like the election is over; and fondly remember stock dollars raining all over the place after Trump's first victory. If this thought exceeds forum rules - delete - but the issue did come up in the weekly poll.
After watching that performance, I kinda feel like the election is over; and fondly remember stock dollars raining all over the place after Trump's first victory. If this thought exceeds forum rules - delete - but the issue did come up in the weekly poll.

Interesting outcomes to be had. Today might show us an asset shift into whatever it is the market makers think the Presidential winner will support. I myself will be taking note of today's outcomes amongst the sectors & individual holdings.
The difference now vs 2016 is that stimulatory tax cut extensions, import tariffs and such will be highly inflationary, likely resulting in higher for longer. Absent retirement, JP remains for a couple more years, and then what? A Donald yes man? Lower interest will drive wages, home prices to beyond the moon. Many uncertainties loom.

Sent from my moto g 5G (2022) using Tapatalk
endless 3 fist pump salutation aside, thx to DJT:

The latest dovish commentary by JP leaves my money in DPST, up something like 35% in the last 10 days; going way back before Covid, this can go much, much higher. Closest correlate for the TSP is S-fund.
Bloodbath today and continuing from the looks of it. I personally got faked out by the prior ^VIX peak a few days ago. Now this higher one. I suspect this won't be over until indices approach the 100 EMA in both the QQQ and SPY, as occurred previously (April). I figure on another 2-5% more down from here. Minimum. Could be more.