relevance and irrelevance (tracey ray)
pick your favorite bad sign for stocks in the next 6-9 months
a) gold inflows
b) housing market and results therefin (to those that own homes)
c) oil
d) unemployment
pretty much anything tracey ray ever said (see earlier posts from TSP interfund transfer limits, some black humor, I guess)
a) like most people can't do better than the S&P
b) those people who keep going in and out "will be sorry" later this year
as Dr. Evil said........"yeahhhhh, riiiigggghhhhttt"
pick your favorite bad sign for stocks in the next 6-9 months
a) gold inflows
b) housing market and results therefin (to those that own homes)
c) oil
d) unemployment
pretty much anything tracey ray ever said (see earlier posts from TSP interfund transfer limits, some black humor, I guess)
a) like most people can't do better than the S&P
b) those people who keep going in and out "will be sorry" later this year
as Dr. Evil said........"yeahhhhh, riiiigggghhhhttt"