amoeba's Account Talk

I see sudden weakness ahead...staying away....selling what I had. See ya at SPY 2600, or lower.

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Did I say something yesterday? Oh yes I did. So begins the pig slaughter...anyone wanting to catch a sharp knife on their jugular with a big fat juicy buy today?

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No groundhogs visible, only ostrich behinds...I do expect some mid-day buying....and then continued selling through at least Tuesday of next week. This ain't over till it's over. Expect the unexpected.
:DMYTH: Ostriches bury their heads in the sand when they're scared or threatened.
HOW IT STARTED: It's an optical illusion! Ostriches are the largest living birds, but their heads are pretty small. "If you see them picking at the ground from a distance, it may look like their heads are buried in the ground," says Glinda Cunningham of the American Ostrich Association.

WHY IT'S NOT TRUE: Ostriches don't bury their heads in the sand—they wouldn't be able to breathe! But they do dig holes in the dirt to use as nests for their eggs. Several times a day, a bird puts her head in the hole and turns the eggs. So it really does look like the birds are burying their heads in the sand!
Squealing continues. What about that ATH, you say? Uh huh....that was January. This is now. In equities? Wave bubbye to your value ("they" say it's not money, not a loss until it's sold).
Dangerous territory; hidden potholes; land mines; muggings; shooting one's self in the foot - that's the metaphors I think associate with current market levels. Nothing in the aaii or the volumes or the VIX trend or the EMAs across indices (see Tom's comments today) to convince that an interim bottom has been put in.
This dead cat is made of lead...bounce unlikely...I expect an L shaped plateau in the 2,500 neighborhood. That's right, another 4% without reprieve....from there, nobody knows the direction (yet).

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Went all in on 3X leveraged ETFs yesterday on a max bet to recoup losses...I am still down 15%+ in my Roth this year on one bad XIV trade mostly, and have increased risk to get back to even or better.

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Man, you got guts, Amoeba. I cound never do anything like that. My risk tolerance just doesn't stretch that far.
Man, you got guts, Amoeba. I cound never do anything like that. My risk tolerance just doesn't stretch that far.
Mine wasn't either, or so I thought with a 15K bet on XIV on 2/5. The next morning, I sold it for 640. 96% gap down, with CS announcing liquidation based on AH prices, when the prospectus says "intraday". Of course, CS owned 30% of outstanding shares, which they hedged 30 minutes after the prior close. Lawsuits are pending. TQQQ, SOXL (which rose 9.6% today) are tame by comparison. I'm still 11K off my 1/27 risk, no gain....gotta do it. And, its Roth, so those losses are amplified. Must get it back.

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Since someone PMd me, yes, there are several class actions pending (against CS, others) that you can provide info to on your losses for this XIV debacle. Many are on line. I've had good response from

There's also allegedly SEC investigations open, but they don’t comment.

Will see how this goes...can take some time.

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thought the casino wasn't rigged when you voluntarily placed your bet on the line? think gains were guaranteed? and now sue for redress? crazy stuff, the only way to preserve value is silver and gold.
Well, since 2/6 and my loss of 22%, I made up 21% of that back.....and up for the year about 3% on my Roth, which is better than being down 19%....but I'm running into this mental issue of protecting gains; not risking enough, selling too early....I've been making good moves, just not taking full advantage of them.

I wiped away 11% of gains last year, going to 0% return in August, also making it all back and ending the year up 17%...I said never again....then I did it again anyways.

Now it's never again for sure (XIV doesn't exist, won't touch TVIX); only safe stuff like TQQQ, SOXL, CURE, UPRO...etc. And no bee ess individual small caps. Getting too old for this.
Made up all my colossal February losses, and now up 6% for the year in my Roth...28% in 2 months. I can do better. I can do worse. I did do worse. I think S fund is the place to be right now....avoid currency risk with I....oil/construction risk with C.

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