amoeba's Account Talk

Bought AMD on the dip at the close today, I know, I'll never learn. Fingers crossed.

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Ah yes - Mr. Smarty Pants here again: a 4% mid-day gain in AMD, etc, turns into a slight loss, which is better than I will say about my TSP, which could have been worse; and lord knows what the rest of the week will bring. And, I was at least partly off on predicting the ADP - so what about the jobs report? Anyone's guess, probably similar. That and the FED minutes means more, sooner interest rate hikes, which should have helped banks - but they got creamed as well. Maybe everyone else can hold their noses longer than me, but I've always had a very short leash on this type of thing (i.e., riding losses down to a bottom). Will see where this goes.
Unfortunately, this isn't looking particularly good, and this dip could continue at least until jobs Friday. Dam it!

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Thank you master, I doubled down, may I have another?

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As in walking the walk. Goldman Sachs and their market-manipulating bogus coverage can kiss me. I bought more AMD. Other than this bonehead move, the market is settling on a gain, even with increased volatility....this may be turning faster than I thought.
As in walking the walk. Goldman Sachs and their market-manipulating bogus coverage can kiss me. I bought more AMD. Other than this bonehead move, the market is settling on a gain, even with increased volatility....this may be turning faster than I thought.

Got creamed on AMD, bailed, and even with today - I am farther ahead (less behind) than buying and holding. Need to try something else.
Got creamed on AMD, bailed, and even with today - I am farther ahead (less behind) than buying and holding. Need to try something else.
That was 4/17, down another 25% today. Bought some GNW 2 days ago, ahead of today's after hours earnings. Cha ching!

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Buy everything. Now. There's nothing of significance on Donald. It will pass in 3 days, or less.

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Gee I still own that AMD, don't I. Looks like FANG is out of favor. Are we headed towards another flash crash? Weakest part of June is next week. Be careful.

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Still own AMD, had ALB which I sold at the 118+ peak last week, and I'm not feeling frisky at the moment. I sense a 10%+ correction sometime soon, with the markets ending the year much lower than today. Too much complacency.

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Time to resurrect my account talk. Nervous....sitting in cash....not buying anything right now...

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Well I put tiny bits into the market a few days back 20%, and its bleeding significantly. Why stay out? VIX north of 50 EMA and not trending down. A triple bottom ahead? Late March is red, seasonally, go look at Tom's commentary chart.

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Not excited at all...staying away until VIX recaptures its 20 EMA and then some. Any plays risky. Might wade next Monday depending on how deep the next crater is.

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I see sudden weakness ahead...staying away....selling what I had. See ya at SPY 2600, or lower.

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