alevin's account talk

Oh you guys :laugh:. Last night I figure out the code for Joe Friday, tonight I learn about blue zones. And am jealous I don't know where to find the GOOD smilies.

Speaking of blue zones-I made a big batch of caponata last night from all my fresh veggies from grocery (celery only), garden (parsley only), and CSA (community-supported agriculture basket mixture). WAs a hair bland so I spiced it up with a trace of Tabasco-just right-ummmmmm. Might toss in some cooked chicken for variety for a couple meals, but tonight its lean burger to go with. And I didn't sell any BP-yet. :worried: crossing my fingers for that last desperate reach for the top before the big wave. did somebody mention hope is not a strategy?
Where oh where has my SB gone, oh where oh where can he be? You doin ok over there, friend?

My temp promo finally went into effect starting this pp (only been doing the job the past month-HRM-don't go there-too much back history on org changes). To CELebrate, I calculated potential tax increase for official duration of promo (don't worry I'll get paid for the time I actually do/did the job), and bumped my TSP contribs up to 7% for that period-that way there'll be no bump in taxes owed (if I calculated correctly). And the little bump in pay is now coming out of 2010 budget instead of 09 budget which ain't all bad. :)
Well, just a note for those who disbelieve non-law enforceent fed employees couldn't possibly be strung up just for being a fed performing everyday duties in rural areas, oh like federal wildlands in Kentucky or eastern Oregon, or wherever, we just had 2 unarmed employees talk their way out of a confrontation with an armed individual this week, in process of doing everyday civilian employee work. They survived to tell the tale, but the individual did not survive subsequent interactions with county sherifff's department. I know nothing more on that story, but my contact on the other recent story confirmed to me that it was not a self-induced fatality there either. Get over it. It's reality in my world.
Poo, who can worry about the markets? Last night my oldest nephew (late 20s) called me from long distance-first time ever. He trained as a mechanic with my parents help a few years ago, but ended up working for big box store-couldn't give up the benefits. They've been gradually cutting back on hours and bennies to cut costs the last 2 years, and he's finally reached his breaking point.

My parents told me months ago the reason he wasn't looking for a mechanic job was inability to afford tools. I told them to tell him not to let that stop him, I'd help him get started if he would just try. Echo on the other end of the line since then til last night.

His life is improving-recently combined finance and living arrangements with first serious girl friend, talking of getting married. He has a job interview Monday, asked me if the tool investment offer still stands. I told him yes. Just one more reason to keep the 6-month emergency cash stash handy. I'm crossing my fingers for the interview on Monday.
His life is improving-recently combined finance and living arrangements with first serious girl friend, talking of getting married. He has a job interview Monday, asked me if the tool investment offer still stands. I told him yes. Just one more reason to keep the 6-month emergency cash stash handy. I'm crossing my fingers for the interview on Monday.

Very nice, will pray from this side of the country for him to do well in his interview....
I'm glad you are in a position to help...I know tools are expensive, but craigslist is a great way to go for those "speical" needs.

Very nice, will pray from this side of the country for him to do well in his interview....
I'm glad you are in a position to help...I know tools are expensive, but craigslist is a great way to go for those "speical" needs.


Thanks Frixxxie, where two or more are gathered....he will be the one buying, I'll just be wiring the funds. He's supposed to call me tonight to give me ballpark figure of what he thinks he'd need. I'll pass on the Craigslist idea, if he lands the job and has sufficient notice of start date, he'll be able to spend funds wisely and well. I'll talk to him about really making sure the funds have cleared before he spends-banks play too many manipulative games these days and charge punitive fees whenever possible.
I was fortunate to come from a family of carpenters, mechanics and engineers. To replace the tools of the trade that have been handed down to me over the years would be well over my annual salary.
Good luck to your nephew. He is lucky to have you.
I was fortunate to come from a family of carpenters, mechanics and engineers. To replace the tools of the trade that have been handed down to me over the years would be well over my annual salary.
Good luck to your nephew. He is lucky to have you.

My brother became a diesel mechanic second career post-Navy. My grandfather became a mechanic/small business owner post-Depression-my memories of him (some of many) are of grease-ingrained fingers-his first move when he came home from work was to head for the basement and scrub his hands with Lava soap, yet they were never entirely free of the stains until shortly before he passed on.

My nephew will be able to buy enough to get started and hold an entry-level job. That is my committment to him. The rest he'll acquire over his lifetime as he gains skills, experience, responsibility and cash flow-God willing.
My nephew will be able to buy enough to get started and hold an entry-level job. That is my committment to him. The rest he'll acquire over his lifetime as he gains skills, experience, responsibility and cash flow-God willing.

Entry-level is right, my brother built his tool kits from scratch. Spent years accumulating. He laughs at me because he accumulated tools while I accumulated stock. :nuts:

I was shocked to find that he uses craigslist at first. But he basically uses it for the "special" tools (he does heating/air conditioning). He has pretty much everything and a replacement schedule in his budget year to year.:cool:
LAVA Soap.

When we butchered pigs we made soap. Talk about old days.
My grandfather was a carpenter. I can remember separating and straightening nails to be reused on his next job. He built alot of homes in the state of PA. and I don't ever remember him having a helper except in the summer time when we were out of school.

My other grandfather was a mechanic on aircraft. You know how the military is, they make you sign for everything. He was there 30 years and if they did not have the hand reciept to give to him that tool went home with him.
... I can remember separating and straightening nails to be reused on his next job....
Aw man, my forearms start to hurt just thinking about that....we would hold the nail in a vice and pound it straight~oh, tightening and loosening that vice was SOOOOOOO painful.:blink:
Hmm, sounds like recycle, reuse is not a new concept! :cool: Took a year for our house in PA to be completed back in early 60's. Maybe it was you and your grandfather that got it done. We've had it so good the past few decades-whenever I get a nail that gets too bent to use (I don't have a vice)-it goes to the scrap metal bin at the transfer station.
Poo, who can worry about the markets? Last night my oldest nephew (late 20s) called me from long distance-first time ever. He trained as a mechanic with my parents help a few years ago, but ended up working for big box store-couldn't give up the benefits. They've been gradually cutting back on hours and bennies to cut costs the last 2 years, and he's finally reached his breaking point.

My parents told me months ago the reason he wasn't looking for a mechanic job was inability to afford tools. I told them to tell him not to let that stop him, I'd help him get started if he would just try. Echo on the other end of the line since then til last night.

His life is improving-recently combined finance and living arrangements with first serious girl friend, talking of getting married. He has a job interview Monday, asked me if the tool investment offer still stands. I told him yes. Just one more reason to keep the 6-month emergency cash stash handy. I'm crossing my fingers for the interview on Monday.

You're an INSPIRATION to all of us Alevie !!

Will pray for him -- especially on Monday and ask others as well

Thanks for sharing this.
Hmm, sounds like recycle, reuse is not a new concept! :cool: Took a year for our house in PA to be completed back in early 60's. Maybe it was you and your grandfather that got it done. We've had it so good the past few decades-whenever I get a nail that gets too bent to use (I don't have a vice)-it goes to the scrap metal bin at the transfer station.

You're a good aunt! Good luck to your nephew with his interview! Brings back memories. When my dad came back from WWII he and my grandfather built an entire house from sawmill scraps with the exception of the beams and floor joists (they came from an old house which was torn down) there were no boards longer than 4 ft in the whole house. Built the whole house for less than $ 2,000 (mostly nails). Didn't have to worry about it blowing away:D Lasted over 60 years. They really knew how to build back then.