TSP Elite
I hope there will be some beauty to be found in this situation somehow.
Sorry, I'm a romantic at heart...
so in my mind a man 'who enjoys nature' was out doing his job, making the world a better place when out of the blue ...
If they ever catch the growers, I got to thinking the charges could tie the death as consequence of illegal activity maybe. I'm hoping we won't learn the tree fell due to being rigged as a booby trap, and that it was truly an act of Nature.
The 'real world' is so much colder than what I like to believe.
Didn't even consider how he was forced into the scene because of illegal activity... and how it could have been rigged as a booby trap
Ya know it's amazing how often I'm the one who instantly thinks so critically and suspeciously about so many events and such a wide variety of things ~~ and that why having a woman's perspective is so important because it seems so much more in touch ... helps me see things a lot better..
You're right Alevie - it is a sad situation and the 'beauty' I saw was a distant fantasy because I'm so removed from the situation it's way easier for me to kind of pretend ... sorry