alevin's account talk

I hope there will be some beauty to be found in this situation somehow.

Sorry, I'm a romantic at heart...

so in my mind a man 'who enjoys nature' was out doing his job, making the world a better place when out of the blue ...

If they ever catch the growers, I got to thinking the charges could tie the death as consequence of illegal activity maybe. I'm hoping we won't learn the tree fell due to being rigged as a booby trap, and that it was truly an act of Nature.

The 'real world' is so much colder than what I like to believe.

Didn't even consider how he was forced into the scene because of illegal activity... and how it could have been rigged as a booby trap

Ya know it's amazing how often I'm the one who instantly thinks so critically and suspeciously about so many events and such a wide variety of things ~~ and that why having a woman's perspective is so important because it seems so much more in touch ... helps me see things a lot better..

You're right Alevie - it is a sad situation and the 'beauty' I saw was a distant fantasy because I'm so removed from the situation it's way easier for me to kind of pretend ... sorry
You're right Alevie - it is a sad situation and the 'beauty' I saw was a distant fantasy because I'm so removed from the situation it's way easier for me to kind of pretend ... sorry

It's ok. I live in a world where unfortunately we get to watch out for both natural hazards and human misery acting out. Fortunately the natural hazards are a lot more common, but the human element is always there too, I've known that since my first agency job at the impressionable age of 18-night poaching, shooting into a tent in a campground at night, things like that. It's sad, and I hope I don't go to a funeral this coming week, but it could be.

You helped me (and others) understand recently why you go off into rainbow land as often as you do, so don't worry, be happy. It's my world, and I love it. Its still the best job in the world-that's why we all work here to begin with. :cool:
Well, today I learned our loss was a 30-year fire employee, doing air ops-related work similar to what he'd probably done many times in his career, other than the reason he was doing the work this time. I'm amazed I didn't know him, but I do know people who were close to him. He'll be sorely missed. The natural hazard was there, may not have been fully understood beforehand during site prep for the removal operation. Small comfort for the family after 30 years of high-risk career, considering he wouldn't have been there at all yesterday but for the criminal aspect.
The funeral for our firefighter was held in a small community in our part of the state a couple days ago, attended by 500 people including agency high-ups and an agency honorguard from a neighboring state. Investigations continue. Little media coverage.

On a brighter note, attended a cellulosic biofuel startup demonstration today, totally different concept than others out there. Portable, mobile, diverse feedstock possibilities, carbon sequestration benefits as well as syngas, biodiesel and/or biogasoline production. University research and economic cost estimates re feasibility for different applications. Pretty cool stuff. Heard about a similar startup in neighboring state from a visitor from that area who also attended today's program. The concept is out there, others are working on it as well.

a unique machine that may hold one of the solutions to big environmental problems like energy, food production and even global climate change.
Biochar's high carbon content and porous nature can help soil retain water, nutrients, protect soil microbes.


"This machine right here is our baby," said UGA research engineer Brian Bibens, who is one of a handful of researchers around the world working on alternative ways to recycle carbon.
Bibens' specialty is "biochar," a highly porous charcoal made from organic waste. The raw material can be any forest, agricultural or animal waste. Some examples are woodchips, corn husks, peanut shells, even chicken manure.
Bibens feeds the waste -- called "biomass" -- into an octagonally shaped metal barrel where it is cooked under intense heat, sometimes above 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit, the organic matter is cooked through a thermochemical process called "pyrolysis".
In a few hours, organic trash is transformed into charcoal-like pellets farmers can turn into fertilizer. Gasses given off during the process can be harnesed to fuel vehicles of power electric generators.
Worked with charts most of last night using DeMark Indicators I'm learning how to apply, from book on subject bought recently. thought I had SPX figured out, but need to validate tonight before I post results. The book (bought from Bloomberg Press) says I can't use the actual names of the various indicators w/o permission as they are trademarked, so will have to talk around them when I do post what I'm seeing. DeMark Indicators are trend-predicting indicators as opposed to all the trend-following indicators I've been using since I started learning charts.

In the meantime, go Steady go! (politics thread).

And I finally get my new stormdoor hung this morning (handyman retired on me this summer right after I bought it, before he got it hung), been waiting for someone else to get it worked into their schedule. AND I get to give the old one to my disabled neighbor who lacks a storm/screen door on his apartment. Win-win all around. :) We think we can get that one hung soon too.
In the meantime, go Steady go! (politics thread).

I feel like a child taking to a bunch of 'grow ups'

Honestly - my thoughts are probably so out of touch with what everyone thinks and for some reason I'm all the more determined to stay with innocense and what I perceive as purity.

Yet part of me knows I must sound crazy.

And I finally get my new stormdoor hung this morning (handyman retired on me this summer right after I bought it, before he got it hung), been waiting for someone else to get it worked into their schedule. AND I get to give the old one to my disabled neighbor who lacks a storm/screen door on his apartment. Win-win all around. :) We think we can get that one hung soon too.

Do unto others ... and enjoy both the treasures you give and all that comes back (Spiritually, emotionally, physically...)
Haven't been very chatty lately, swamped with critical deadlines and new shortterm job responsibilities (added onto the usual), working late into eves some nights just to make sure things get done on time. (not unheard of for me, just infrequent, reserved for special projects). Decided long ago I must have a version of ADD, it's remarkable how my mind focuses in quiet evenings with no distractions when working on a deadline.:rolleyes:

The cold frames progress. Started cutting some boards the other afternoon after temps cooled a little (back up in 90s on the weekend), nextdoor buddy came over to coach on the skilsaw, he discovered the blade that came with the secondhand saw had been warped by previous owner. Off we went to the ag supply store for new blade. Discovered storewide sale, closeout 50% off price on the sawblade I needed (bought the last 2 :D), as well as targetted sale on misc. handtools, including several I'd wanted for years. SCORE!!!! :D:D

by the time we got home, working hours were over, worked late at office last night, heatpum contractor coming after work tonight to discuss the revised bid, annual town celebration this week-going out with widowed neighbor to wander the streets tomorrow night awhile. I'll get back to cold frames later this week looks like. As for market-still tinkering with DeMark indicators, looks like we're a little more than halfway to a sell setup on monthly indicators (spx, djia), close to end of sell countdown on sell indicators (same), daily-I have more work to do.

Back to the frostfree (so far) pumpkin patch, "sickies" and "squales" allowed to come and sit aspell, others feel free to drop in if inclined.
Interesting analysis from John Hussman on Probabilities: any point in time, we can observe directly where the S&P 500 Index is in relation to its 6-month moving average. Using this variable to measure the recency of a market weakness or strength, we find that Jim is still right, but he's right in an interesting way. Specifically, if you look at the set of periods where, at the end of August, the S&P 500 was more than 10% below its 6-month average, it turns out that the S&P 500 has indeed advanced by an average of about +2.5% during the subsequent September-October period.
On the other hand, if you look at the set of periods where the S&P 500 was more than 10% above its 6-month average (as it was at the end of August this year), we find that the September-October returns have been clearly negative, averaging a -5.6% decline for the S&P 500. ...

The implications of September-October seasonality are largely dependent on the position of the market at the end of August. So knowing only that September-October has arrived is not particularly helpful information taken by itself. ...
today we got serious trend change signal in the DeMark system (forward indicators, not trend-following). Daily charts on SPX (C) and EMW (S). $USD daily chart got a similar serious trend change signal today as well. I'm studying and learning the system, lots of elements, these are basics. I'll be pulling back my tidbits in C and S at least halfway tomorrow. and will likely go long $USD in one or both brokerage accounts to some degree as well (since there was a trend change flip up there as well).

Trend change signals are 2-day price flips-first day higher/lower than 4 days previous, second day lower/higher than 4 days previous. support line drawn at base of last upward flip and start of new trend-which was awhile ago. Marked on attached chart here.

View attachment 6837
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today we got serious trend change signal in the DeMark system (forward indicators, not trend-following). Daily charts on SPX (C) and EMW (S). $USD daily chart got a similar serious trend change signal today as well. I'm studying and learning the system, lots of elements, these are basics. I'll be pulling back my tidbits in C and S at least halfway tomorrow. and will likely go long $USD in one or both brokerage accounts to some degree as well (since there was a trend change flip up there as well).

Trend change signals are 2-day price flips-first day higher/lower than 4 days previous, second day lower/higher than 4 days previous. support line drawn at base of last upward flip and start of new trend-which was awhile ago. Marked on attached chart here.

View attachment 6837
Any other time..I'd say the signals are worthy of watching and abiding by..But I have a feeling since this is an unusual contrariety trend..that S will POP 600 before too long..
Any other time..I'd say the signals are worthy of watching and abiding by..But I have a feeling since this is an unusual contrariety trend..that S will POP 600 before too long..

Hear you, the weeklies are close on probability of a flip but not quite there yet-this week/next week maybe? People I've been watching (only 2 I can find) who even talk DeMark indicators say they trust daily/monthly/quarterly more than weekly. On monthly, we're a little over halfway to potential price flip, quarterly the same, so this may be a short-term trend as in only a couple weeks (8-9 days), maybe.

Also, Just because the flip showed up doesn't mean it starts immediately, may take a few days for the serious steady drive down. thats why I'm not going to do a full unload tomorrow, and will probably start going with the <1% play at long last.

BP prices also showed the flip today, but I got in at a much lower price so risk is lower sort of-a fair amount to lose if I go B&H and it nosedives, then again, I don't think the UUP will last long either-not this round anyway.

OK Buster, what a 714? :confused::)
Also, Just because the flip showed up doesn't mean it starts immediately, may take a few days for the serious steady drive down. thats why I'm not going to do a full unload tomorrow

I will more than likely wait on the side lines to see how this week and next pan out..I'm kinda hoping for a short term dip for an entry point.

BP prices also showed the flip today, but I got in at a much lower price so risk is lower

Doesn't matter, I still want you..

:laugh: Golddigger! OK, I KNOW its a setup, but I wannna be your 714, can I can I, huh? :toung:

On second thought, 714 really isn't good for you, and I'd hate to be responsible, so I'll pass on the opportunity.:sick: Chill Buster, valium works just as well ;)
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I've been studying a little regarding the 'Blue Zones' lately and pretty much feel it's too late for me ... as I'm already mid 50s.

But the lastest place - the poplulation is very active and healthy and even having sex up to (or into their) 90s. I'm not bringing 'sex' up to dwell on that; but to emphasize how incrediably 'young' they have remained over the years.

I'm writting you because you're presently the only one I know of that seems like 'an expect' on Herbs and Natural Treatments which will undoubtedly become the WAVE of THE FUTURE.

Turns out this population goes out and grabs a handful of herbs on basically a daily basis and make 'tea' with it - and they think that is a huge part of why they stay so healthy.

Well - the Herbs are native to that area - so I can't grow them but would like to grow something similar. OK - the key is they function as Diuretics (make ya pee). Apparently helps to get rid of 'waste' and keeps blood pressure under sustained better control. Have barely started researching this and am reflecting on an article I read within the past week.

So as I'm getting ready to head out ~~ do you know of any Herbs I could start growing with Diuretic qualities??

If this is brain taxing or anything -- please don't feel obligated to tell me anything --- but somehow I felt you'd be a good one to ask.

Thank You so much !!!!

It's perfect and exactly what I was hoping to find.

Only glanced through the first link (as I just finished 10 charts) and need to get back and finish everything.

Much appreciated --- have a great night

you too SB and I'm so glad you're still around and doing well !!!