2moryrs Account Talk

Thank you Guchi and Ebbnflow,

My mom died on June 6, 2013. Her choice. She wanted to stop dialysis, which was keeping her alive. She just could not see any benefit to her, other that keeping her alive. She had no quality of life. These last months since 12/11/12 have been tough but I will get through this. Now I will have time to read, study and post here on a regular basis. So pleased to be growing my TSP a little at a time. I won't need it for another 10 yrs as I am CSRS.

Currently 90 G fund and 10 2020 fund. When it looks good to buy back in I will do so. I do have to be careful and not lose my gains.

2moryrs -NOT
Sorry for your loss... I still have both my mother and father, and I truly am blessed. Think I will call them again tonight. Be blessed.
My condolences, I'm grateful for you that she was able to make the choice herself, they don't make moms like that anymore, what a tough women.
2 m sorry to here about your mom but she knew when her time had come to an end. My dad was the same way when he was terminal cancer and needed pt, but he told me son I want to go home. And he did literally and physically. He passed several days later at home. ,may peace be in your heart now that you know your mom is at peace.
2moryrs, dialysis is such a life-saver, that sometimes we tend to forget the payments made on the person on the receiving end. Stay at peace, and carry on as she would have you to do...
2moryrs, Sorry for your loss. It sounds like your mother was a strong women and at peace with her decision.
2moryrs, it's all good. Good that Mom was able to state her wishes, good that you abided by them. There comes a point where keeping someone alive becomes your own selfish motivation and not the someone's desires.

Been there and it is not easy. My best to you and yours.

Thank you all for the kindness of your thoughts and words. Yes, Mom was very strong. I'm glad I learned that we were so alike as it made our time together better. Learned when to push ahead and when to back off!

Staying at 90% G and 10% 2020 for now.

Sorry about your Mom my friend, I lost a brother last month and am still trying to get over it. The love is still here.
Thank you! Sorry for your loss. It will take time to ease the loss, but she will be with me in spirit forever until I join her in heaven at my appointed time.

Today, reallocated to: 10 % L2020, 45 % G, 45 % C.
Well, I am finally posting my last move:
as of 10/16/13
43 = G
45 = C
12 = 2020

I am probably a little too cautious, but this is my nest egg when I am 70 1/2 so I need to protect it.

Will end the year having made a substantial increase with no additions, just by trading funds.

Yes, I am! It was a blessing to be able to retire and be available for the needs of my Parents as they aged. My mom died in June and my dad is living in assisted living.

Tomorrow I will make a slight percentage adjustment as we go into the Christmas season. We will be traveling and I want to spend time with family and not at the computer. Happy Jesus' Birthday to one and all! "See" you all next year!

2 moryrs NOT
Well, 2013 was a good year for my TSP account but not so good for my personal life. My Mom died and in December I found myself in the hospital with my Dad. He is now in a Rehab Center aka a nursing home and he hates it.

Starting out 2014 with the following:

G - 43%
C - 45%
2020 - 12%

May 2014 be a better year all around!

2moryrs - NOT
Sorry to hear that, been through same thing with my folks. Try to stay Positive for him and visit all you can, seems to help some. No easy job any which way!
2Moryrs, Sorry to hear about your Mom and Dad. It is very difficult even with the best facilities and good care. Spend as much time as you can visiting and talking to the actual caregivers who take care of your Dad. Try to make it as "homey" as you can. Lots of family pictures, leather lift chair, etc. With the loss of your Mom it would be very easy for your Dad to be depressed even in the best of circumstances. Will be praying for you and your Dad!
Hi 2Moryrs, Sorry about your mom and your dad. It must be hard for him and you, and those facilities can be wearing. Hang in there! Rehab is hard...my mom has been very sick for past 6 months ...to hospital 5 times and in and out of rehab. She hates those rehab facilities just like your dad...who can blame them. It must be hard especially with passing of your mom. I will pray for you both. Take care..DBA