2moryrs Account Talk

Well, my IFT was supposed to process on 12/03 but TSP did not get it done.:confused:
So . . .

as of COB today
40 G
10 C
40 S
10 I

Making a little progress toward a six figure account. Still don't understand much of this financial stuff but I keep reading and learning.

:) This is the 'earnings' season?
Your odds at making big gains is best right now?
I guess, you are afraid of losing money before retirement and then never able to get it back? But you will never know How much you could have made?
If things start looking unacceptable (bad), make a quick jump into the G. Wait for the markets to change. Just keep checking the markets and stay with this site for the best advice on the way to go.
Now I'm counting on you to over take amoeba - just don't step on him as you move up. I don't think he has found the coveted bottom yet.
Pulling back mostly to G 90% leaving S 10%. Don't want to sit by this computer with the holidays arriving and i don't have my cookies baked yet!

Well, we are thru the first week of the new year. It appears the market is still fluttering like a heart in fibrilation mode. I agree that what this country needs is more jobs to get the heart beating again.

100% S:)
Back in February, I took some profits and went 100% G. Now I am watching to get back into equities, as they have done some gaining. Just don't have a clue as to how to jump back in. I am pretty dumb when it comes to this market watching race.

One thing that I don't understand is why on the charts that Tom displays on his market comments, some of the boxes are filled and some are not filled. Is this the "gap filling thing" that folkes have been talking about?

Thank you, Mr. N! I like to keep learning, so I will take a stroll around your link.

Today, moved a wee bit back into equities=90 G, 5 C, 5 S.

Now the charts should drop like a rock. Always seem to when I did my toe back into the pool. :confused:

One thing that I don't understand is why on the charts that Tom displays on his market comments, some of the boxes are filled and some are not filled. Is this the "gap filling thing" that folkes have been talking about?

Hi 2moryrs! Which boxes - the "candles? The white candles are up days, the dark candles are down days. Is that what you meant?
Hi Tom!

I think the candles are what I meant. So, if I understand you, the white candles are up days and the dark candles are the down days?
It is a grand day today. Our 3rd grandson arrives ~ 2:00 pm PST.
In celebration I am going to increase my C and S funds.

80 G
10 C
10 S

2moryrs (not)
2moryrs, congratulations. We are still waiting for our first grandchild but we do watch the granddogs once in awhile.