For those of you who might be thinking of moving somewhere (and for those of you who are looking for a reason to stay in G) here are the figures. My, but G Fund looks comfortable!
If you've read today's other posts on this thread, you know that I took a stupid risk on a one day flyer in C fund today that paid off. The epilogue to the story is an email I got from a friend of mine in the know. He told me that the rescue plan that boosted the market today will take months to put into place even if it works. And he closed with:
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!" :laugh:
Good advice. Even though today turned out well, it could easily have been ugly. I'm finished with one day flyers and am going to go back to watching the trends! As of COB today I'm 90% G and 10% F and will probably stay that way for a bit.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,G Fund,,,F Fund,,,C Fund,,,S Fund,,,I Fund
10 day SMA: ,,,+0.0%,,,-0.4%,,,,,-1.7%,,,-0.3%,,,,,-1.7%
20 day SMA: ,,,+0.1%,,,-0.2%,,,,,-3.3%,,,-2.0%,,,,,,-4.7%
50 day SMA: ,,,+0.4%,,,+0.8%,,,-4.4%,,,-2.8%,,,,,,-9.5%
100 day SMA: ,+0.8%,,+1.0%,,,-7.2%,,,-5.2%,,,,-15.5%
150 day SMA: ,+1.1%,,+0.9%,,,-8.0%,,,-4.7%,,,,-17.1%
200 day SMA: ,+1.5%,,+1.1%,,,-9.0%,,,-4.9%,,,,-18.0%
The above numbers are the simple moving averages (SMAs) for each fund, based
on Thrift Fund share prices and simplified by being recorded only once a week. Because I'm
trying to look at trends I've highlighted any changes < or > 0.5%. Follow the column
down in order to see how a TSP Fund is trending long-term.